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Posts posted by thebluekirby

  1. That's why kids have a "friends only" option so strangers don't go off and read their blogs. Jeez, it's just a journal. They can't ban kids from using stuff like that. It's like my site taking away the website I've been working on for 3 years...just because it shares a little personal information 0-o grrr...people these days...

  2. y'know, there are more sakura's then just naruto and ccs. There's an anime called sakura XDDDanyways, dispite the fact that I hate Haruno sakura so much because she's annoying and doesn't do anything to help the plot what so ever, I have kinomoto sakura even more XD. And plus, Sakura can fight and she fought Sasori so I guess that makes her awesome. And Kinomoto Sakura is just...annoying. I don't know why, maybe because she's too popular. I usually hate the main characters anyways =P

  3. ...Why are you worried? It's not like the earth is going to blow up tomorrow. If it did, SCIENTISTS would know and warn everyone. They would be able to come up with plans to evacuate the world. And that won't be for another millions of years. You won't be around to care, or be able to do anything. Neither will the rest of us. So we're lucky the earth isn't going to blow up tomorrow.

  4. Ah...good ol pokemon xDi used to be obsessed with this anime and game but I grew out of it rather quickly. Around the 2nd grade I belive xDthe show was getting nowhere really. And theres too many movies. They just keep on adding and adding more pokemon that it got really really annoying T_T but my favorite pokemon are pichuu and plusle. They're so cute~I was into yugioh too, but the anime was dubbed really bad so I didn't watch it. I know the orignal version was better after reading the manga. Even so, I grew out of it when I went to middle school. No one seemed to like it there.

  5. All the people at my school>> if they have chinese names, they're too embaressed with it and change it to english names anywaysthose topics were just for fun, nothing serious =/ of coruse, you DO think the person is stupid for having a name like that, and that they are an insult on chinese names...but...don't be so biased, it doesn't happen with just chinese names ^_~

  6. People do that "lol" and "u" "u r" stuff because (1 they think it's cool (2 they're too lazy 3) it becomes a habbiti use to chat like that until later, I realized how annoying it was for other people XD and then i realized how it was annoying it was for me too so I just stoped. It's only three letters anyways for "you". Just need to learn to type fater XDbtw- some people use lol, lmao, or rotfl because it's a better way to express laughter then "HAHAHAHA!" ...yeah...

  7. Geocites is good for beginners, but not good for buisness or large website hosting. People will look down on you if you use geocites as a host XDfirst off: Space and bandwidth. The bandwidth you get would be good for like...less then 50 people a day to visit...then your site goes down for an hour X_X jeez,,,,ads: ARGH! I hate those ads! They are definatly NOT the best ones if you have iframes, really small iframes. scripts: doesn't support PHP or mysql. That's another reason why people look down on your site, even if you're really graphics experianced. So, Geocites isn't the best host ever.

  8. Yes, I like xanga. But it's for people who are still learning with HTML and stuff. If you're a really graphic experianced person and uses xanga...people might look down on your knowledge of HTML =/The controls are easy and quite flexable, but if you want to have skins you have to get a paid version of xanga?! you can do stuff like that on livejournal.com for free! (even though you DO get to edit your headers and footers). I used xanga, but I never really updated it =/ i switched to livejournal.com because you have communities and stuff like that. My old xanga is dead so you can't view it. Sorry.

  9. i SO love zelda! they have such awesome plots and characters, I love it sooo much~the games i have arewindwakerorcarina of time4 swordsi want the new game thats comming out, the twightlight princess. It's going to be SO awesome!

  10. I want to ask a question

    who can tell me how can i get credits as much as possible?

    just by post reply?o my god!


    no, that counts as spam ^_^



    anyways, YES! sonic heros was really good =D

    but i kinda got through the game really really fast =/ yes, the plot was kind of cheesy because there were three plots. I liked sonic adventure 2 better, when you switch characters instead of playing a whole new plot X_X

    the characters and art and music are still really really good ^_~

  11. Mine was weird but interesting somewhatIt was back in like...the 4th grade or something, I don't remember. My teacher was reading a story, and all of us were gathered in front of her to listen to it. Then someone tapped my shoulder, I turned around and bam. He kissed me. It was for like...2 seconds and the teacher didn't notice because she was staring at the pages in the book. But I kinda liked that guy. Now, we rarely talk to each other because we have no classes together. I didn't like him that much back then anyways. It was not the first kiss I had expected and I never saw it comming @_@

  12. I think that's how Michael jackson...you know...


    And also, ^_^ Cybering is *happy*...come on. Last time I was on an airplane, this guy was from USA, he was flying to Italy to get married to the girl...I asked him how they met, guess what he said???? Internet...They haven't really even met, and they're getting married. Pointless to me...


    That's crazy 0_o i'd think that person was stupid if he met that girl online... jeez...


    yeah, it's true that you can send videos through webcam to talk to them, or do live video chat. But it's still no fun =/ you can hug, or kiss, or touch that person through video. You can call them, but that's no fun either. I will always hate online dating...

  13. I have a "boyfriend" who i contact over the internet. I've never met him, he lives in texas. He admited that he liked him and I told him I liked him back. Problem: That was a lie. Every guy I've talked to told me they liked me and I said that I liked them back. And they all asked me to be their girlfriend and I agreed to each and every one of them. Aren't I cruel? You never know if someone online is bf/gf with someone else and you'll never know about it...And you can't really "love" that person if all you do is chat and pretend to date and get married. Jeez...

  14. The bright colours nearly burned my retinas. How can you handle looking at a bright screen like that, especially if it's very late at night and your dark (none bright) game has just CTD. Still looks cool though.


    oh...well, my computer screen light has been lessened so all bright colors look less bright then they should look on my computer XD sorry about that;;;;



    and thanks for the complements everyone =D


    ah, Nani Cheri, I made this wallpaper using layers. If you put one image on top of another image on PSP, as two seperate layers then go to layers >> properties and select a blend mode, you can get a cool abstract looking image XD (depending on what the image looks like). But doing that, I blended together lots of images and ended up with this =D

  15. Yeah, but it's fun listening to ring tones even though their annoying XDit's fun to customize your cell phone, like add backgrounds and give it a cool skin to show off. After a while...you're just like..."why do i even have a cell phone? it's a waste of 20 bucks per month X_X"

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