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Posts posted by thebluekirby

  1. Meh, yeahBut it's better then all the other hosts which force you to post like...40 times a week X___Xonce you get into the habbit of keeping track of your credits, then everything will go fine =) It just takes a little adjusting @_@and try to save up like...20 credits every visit so it lasts and stuff

  2. omg, I love roller coaster tycoon 0_0I have the first game and I go over my friend's house sometimes to play the second game. The thrid game HAS to be awesome! A chance for me to be creative with theme parks! OH YEA!!!!It's fun to see all the people screaming too XD It's such an addicting game~

  3. Legend of Zelda : Twillight PrincessKingdom Hearts 2Omfg, that game is comming out on my birthday 0_o I WANTS IT!!!!! That new kirby game that's comming out. I am SO getting it. And I am TOTALLY getting shadow the hedgehog. SHADOW!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH SHADOW!!!Heh, I'm in my obsessing mode.

  4. Online dating is weird. Especially on IM. I mean, you can chat with a person about nothing for one or two days and they suddenly fall in love with you 0_o. That happens to me a lot. Or maybe it's the way i chat with them....Anyways, you can't do much online. You don't even know if that person is the gender you think he/she is. He could be 32 and you're 15 or something. That's crazy. My friend met a guy online that she really liked and ended up cybering with him. The next day when she chatted with him and asked "did you like the cyber?" he was like "huh?" Because my friend was actually cybering with his sister and she had no clue. LOL. That's embarresing. Not only that, but you can get over online relationships really fast. At least with me. I liked this guy for two seconds. When he admited he liked me, I was like....whatever. and hated him. But I still talk to him and pretend i like him because I'm not mean like that =PYou can always role play dates XD those are fun...but sometimes it's not fun role playing as your own self. And it's no fun when you live in maryland and the person you like lives in Canada. How will that work out? how do you even know if that person likes you but already has a girlfriend in real life? From my friend's experiances, I've never really wanted an online relationship. So...buu for online relationships.

  5. Hmm...I've been attrached to people and had crushes on them at first sight. But when they don't approach me or I'm too scared to approach them, then maybe I wouldn't be fit for that person =/you would fall in love, but you don't really know the person so it's really more of a lust. Sometimes a crush is overwith in a week when you discover the person's true personality. Others don't care, they just think the person is cute and they want to be with them. That's what makes me mad. And sometimes crushes aren't good. You can't have a crush on someone, then tell that person you like them. There are lots of things that could happen when doing this:1) The person will probably make fun of you, depending on his/her personality2) They aren't who you think you wanted them to be3) Someone else could like that person and get mad at you for admitting itI know theres more XDBut in the end, it's always better to start off as friends. Because when you admit it, you won't feel embarresed because the person knows you. And if you know them well enough, you'd probably know their reaction.Wow, I probably didn't make any sense at all X_X

  6. that is soo biased 0_oi'ma girl...but you know, there are LOTS of girls who act like guys. Such as myself, a tom boy. Seriously, not ALL guys are like that. Just hang around the cool guys who are sensitive and apperciate women! XD and not all men think they rule the world =/ jeez...that's how it was back in the 1800's.... now i think theres nothing wrong with men. I'm trying my hardest to make as many guy-friends to make me feel more social and less homosexual looking when I hang around girls =D.

  7. Another one of tbk's random questions XDsince halloween is comming up, what are you guys going to be? or are you guys too old to be trick or treating? (people should be offering money, not candy. at least a quarter for every house...then i'd be happy halloween came!)I'm not going trick or treating this year. I'm giving out candy but I'll be dressed in a costume ^_^ I'll be the same thing I was for the past 2 years... a female dragon ninja. I wonder if my costume still fits me....

  8. Do you guys use cheat codes, walk throughs, or stratgy guides? Just really curious to see all those pro game players XD I use cheats in most of the games i play if i really like it. If the game is boring, then I wouldn't bother =P what about you guys?

  9. Yes that's true, you can always turn off your cell phone. And your friends calling you isn't your cell phone's fault XD if you didn't have a cell phone, your friends would probably still call you over the wire phone ^_~and cell phones cost minutes that's what's annoying. So i only use cell phones in emergancies. I never give my cell phone number to anyone so i don't waste my minutes. (but i rarely carry around my cell phone anyways =P)

  10. I like RPG, adventure games and fighting games =DDDmostly RPG such as harvest moon. I like puzzle games too, and games like mario party because you don't have to fight scary monsters 0_o or go through hard stages and keep on dying. Then give up. In harvest moon, that rarely happens XDas long as the game has a cool plot then I'm satisfied XD and as long as i have the perfect guide...then i'll be cool xD

  11. 4 computers in my house2 are in my room, which i share with my sister. So one computer is for my sister and one computer is for me. Theres a computer in my brother's room, which has internet access. It's microsoft XP like ours, but not dell...meh...i forgot the brand of his computer XDmy sister and my computer has 80 gigs, while my brother has about 40. he's only 7 anyways. My dad and mom share a lap top of ...40 gigs I belive. It's a dell with windows XP. Quite a few computers, don't you think? (at least i have one all to myself XD hahaha~)

  12. Ha~ Everyone's sites are so interesting XDOh, I forgot to leave out a little weird story about my site...the only program I had back then was Paint. so all my graphics were done with paint but i have to admit, they didn't look that bad for such a program...Anyways, the story of the name "Anime Sendai" wasn't very clearly explained. I changed it to that because I expected my site to be an anime information site. But...buu...too much work. I kept the name anime sendai for a while, but seigikan sounded more cool. Seigi by itself means justice. I wanted my site to be called seigi, but someone already took the domain in all extentions =/ so i went for seigikan which means sense of justice. Close enough XD why is justice my favorite word? Eh...long story...

  13. I SO agree!You don't need to solve puzzles in order to get to the next area or something like that. In fighting games, it takes strategey. But if that's one of your weak spots, then you are allowed to push random buttons. AWESOME!you can also do multiplayer. it's hard to do multiplayer in an adventure game...And for some reason, I always manage to beat everyone I play agents because I love fighting games so much. Especially Super Smash Brothers. That game is old, but it's still supper cool XD go fighitng games!

  14. I don't know. It just seemed interesting to know how everyone's site started and ended up. And if you have more then one website, and they all connect to each other, feel free to share!!

    My first website was called "Orange Ocean" I had 2000 hits in 4 weeks, but my site went down. Since my host was my internet provider, and my dad wanted to switch internet comapnies, my could-have-been-sucessful-ish site had to go down ;__; It was a pointless site anyways xD a shrine to Shaman King, Kirby and Yuyu Hakusho. Geez, I was so creative XD The layout was Kirby with meta knight, and the backround was orange, obviously. The name "Orange Ocean" came from the name of a level in kirby. I think it was the sixth level in nightmare in dreamland or something like that XD

    My second website was going to be a link directory. At the time, the only program I had was paint. I wanted to affiliate with some super experianced website ddirectory....but they rejected me and I was mad. The site was called "Lost for Ever" because...it was a link directory and that pretty much suited the type of site. In the rejection email, it said I had crummy graphics. Crummy graphics, eh? So that's how my graphics site started!

    It ties into my third website, a graphics site called Lost for ever. I kept the name cuz i thought it sounded nice. It became a really popluar graphics site, and I kept changing it's url!!! Here are all the URL's Lost for Ever has been:
    I doubt most of those links work (besides the last one XD)
    The name changed from "Lost for ever" to "Anime Sendai" because I thought it sounded too dull. Then anime sendai seemed to anime-much and I wasn't THAT much into anime, so I changed it to "Seigikan" which means justice. I love justice!!!

    And that is the story of how my website ended up the way it is now XD How about you?

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