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Posts posted by thebluekirby

  1. i don't think there?s a move like that...maybe it's just a fake, who knows? (unless you saw him playing it in a game shop @_@) Try game sites like nintendo.com or any obvious ones and if those don't help, look in game guides if you're really that desperate. Or maybe if you see him again, you can ask him XD and yeah, maybe it's only in the Japanese version. That?d be really mean :rolleyes:

  2. XP, i always expect a video game for every animei really like full metal alchemist, but i've never really tried the game. I don't know why, even if i buy a game to the anime of my biggest obsession, i won't play it cuz i'm stuck on my computer :rolleyes:but full metal alchemist seems interesting, i might buy it if i become any more richer

  3. uhhh....i speak...-english -japanese-french-some cahmir-some lao-some thai and i've attempted to learn a wittle chinese but i just can't budge anymore in my head *hits head*but i only speak fluent english, i have to think english if i want to speak french or japanese XP but eventually i'll get it (eventually!!!)speaking other languages gives me headaches for some reason...thats why i don't like to learn that many

  4. uhhhh..i found this site on a link in a site called thefanlistings.orgwell...i found this site earlier...but i always find web hosting...then sign up...then think its stupid...but when i came to this site....i regestered with my usual name "thebluekirby" and it said the name was already regestered. so i sent a password reterval and it sent it to my email address.XD who knew, i signed up a long time ago and didn't even know lol

  5. uhhh...i listen to japanese music, like Asian Kung fu generation, orange range, ayumi hamazaki and stuff. If i listened to engliish songs, that means i must really like it. I only listen to rock and trance. I am in love with hoobastank and offspring, linkin park and you get the point.but most of the songs i listen to are opening and ending theme songs to japanese anime shows

  6. it won't show, this message comes up saying "bleach-ex.tk" is still availbe!!maybe you can give us the real URL cuz my site doesn't show .tk, .cjb.net, .co.nr and all that other redirecting urlsoh, btw, you watch bleach!?!? omigosh, you are so awesome!!! i love bleach, strawberry is sooo awesome!!!!! (i only own the manga-never seen the anime....STILL!!!!!)

  7. the layout looks ok, but the only thing i'd like to comment it the background. It looks a little shiny, maybe if you had paint shop pro 7 and did the weave effect as the background, maybe it would look a little better :rolleyes:also try to add more color. i don't mean like...red and then blue. Maybe try to make some parts of your site dark blue (like the background) and the content area light blue!!!but other then the colors, your layout looks awesome

  8. ok, i'm not dirctly linking to my site, but here are a few avatars I've made: http://thebluekirby.weird.name/ i've been working on a few signatures but none of them are good. theres no way im posting them and humilating myself *goes to corner and hides* but if you want to see a few layouts i've done, i've made a bunch of fanlistings and the layouts are o.k. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ /legacy http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and those are the only good fanlistings with good layouts i can think of XP yeah....my graphics site also has a wot of blogs for neopets and other blog sites...if you want the url here it is: http://www.thebluekirby.weird.name/ the URL suits me, doesn't it :rolleyes:

  9. i am in luff with shaman king and i am SO gonna get that gamebut the game is based on the dub...and i hate the dub...so badly...i can't belive they changed Hao's name to ZEKE!!! how could they!?!?! *kills dubbing company* (yeah...move away from crazy person...)oh well, dub or no dub, shaman king rules and i'm gettin that game (I hope I have enought money!!!! *counts money...5 dollars....i hope that's enough :rolleyes:)

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