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Everything posted by burgen

  1. yes you have to input those information, but it can be done in batch, like all the pictures in the same trip, or all the pics having the same people, or all the pics at the same place, or give same keywords to a lot of pics at the same time, kind of like dealing with mp3 tag.
  2. for the normal amount pics sort by name and directory will be fine, but imagine for a image server with tons of pictures, or think about google image, do you have the same feeling as me that every time you search a image in google many times you can't find the exact one you want. a new picture format will do the trick and make searching pics as easy as searching texts.
  3. for the purpose of searching, for example, each time you go our for vacation you take you digital camera and take hundreds of pictures, then you will just upload them all in you computer, again and again you have thousands of them and then one day you want to find one specific pic in which you are with some one and at some certain places, it will take you some time to find it, but if you can add such information in the pic then it will take you 1 sec to find it by search the name of person and place.
  4. here is a list of free softwares, and most of them are very good ones. here you go. http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/119821-freeware-alternative-list/
  5. try this,still in the file types window, select html, click "Change", select a program other than IE, like word or firefox, then selent the option "Always use the program to open this kind of file" at the bottom of the window, click OK. see if your icon changes,then do it again, except this time changes it back to IE, see if the icon changes back to IE icon.
  6. l like adidas more, its design is simple and elegant while nike's design is not what I prefer, although they are good also.Nike is for girls, adidas is for boys and men. but Nike's ACG shoes (All Condition Gear) are really good. and both of them are made in China.
  7. i thought Dell is better than emachines, emachines is the cheapest crap in the market and now bought by another crap company. and win98 runs better than winxp? i guess microsoft should really stop making softwares.
  8. I used to use mcafee 6, 7 and 8, all free from university, they are working quite nice, but they are bloating up as the version grows. now I don't use any. I keep my windows updated and running windows' firewall (used to use sygate, which is also very good), regularly scanning for spyware and adware, so far so good. no problem what so ever.
  9. I like MSN desktop search better, it support PDF files and use less resources, and not in a browser (google made a bad move on this, just my opinion)! Yahoo also made one recently but I have not yet tried. MSN desktop search still has a lot of room to improve though. I posted some of my suggestion in another post.
  10. yes, like adobe photoshop album, it can add taqs to each pic, but the information is stored in the software, not the pic, so if you move the pics to another computer, you have to install the software again and input the information all over again.
  11. how do you feel when you want to find a picture out of >1000 pictures from your computer. well if you are organized enough you may have a specific name for every pic and/or sort different pics in different directories, even so, when you have more than 200 pics in a folder, it is still pain in the *bottom* to find 1.so we need a new picture format, one that like mp3. with any search tool you can search mp3 by tag informatin like author, album, et al because these information are in the mp3 file. now we need a picture format that can store additional information like place, time, people, camera, key word et al, so that these information can be indexed and searched like mp3 or pdf file.
  12. while when there were discussions about the cost of gmail, it was estimated it cost 1 dollor per gigabites for google. sure web hosting will use more space quicker than email, but think about the user amount, there will be much less user actually using web hosting services than email. So there is no doubt google can afford to do it, the question is will they? it is a good point that google survives on ads, but then again blogger don't have ads at all.maybe google may not provide hosting in the traditional way but in some other ways, like a blog (blogger), personal online photo album (which I really like to see), or a private social network (orkut, or like wallop, which you can publish text and pictures without space limit).
  13. open a folder, click Tools-->Folder options, click "File Types" Tab, scroll down to find Html, select it, there should be a "Restore" button around the bottom, click it and it should be fine now. Hope it can help.
  14. "15 January 2005 This composite was produced from images returned yesterday, 14 January 2005, by ESA's Huygens probe during its successful descent to land on Titan. It shows a full 360-degree view around Huygens. The left-hand side, behind Huygens, shows a boundary between light and dark areas. The white streaks seen near this boundary could be ground 'fog' of methane or ethane vapour, as they were not immediately visible from higher altitudes. As the probe descended, it drifted over a plateau (centre of image) and was heading towards its landing site in a dark area (right). This dark area is possibly a drainage channel which might still contain liquid material. From the drift of the probe, the wind speed has been estimated at around 6-7 metres per second. " from ESA website. The picture: http://esamultimedia.esa.int/esamultimedia-esa-int-404.html other pictures: http://www.esa.int/ESA/ESA_old/New_images_from_Titan2
  15. I mean free hosting today is not a factor, because there are simply not many free services with good enough features (space, bandwidth, uptime, ads) and garanteed long-lasting time, well maybe except Xisto, (i will know when I tried it)but when google provides free hosting services, it will be a factor.
  16. if google can provide free services with great features, with google's server and reputation, i would think many if not all the people using paid webhosting will turn to google hosting, thus google will destroy >90% of the paid web hosting service and take over the business. about free hosting services, it is never a factor in the business, almost no serious website will use any free hosting services.
  17. this is a bad idea from the begining, gmail is a email service, this thing must have violated the gmail terms and conditions agreement and eventually you could get your gmail account canceled.
  18. if google can offer 1gb gmail service, it can also offer web hosting service, with great feature, for free. unlike email services, now the market of webhosting is so divided and nobody really dominates, there are so many small hosting business. imagine google provide a free hosting service, say 1gt space, how long will it take before google takes over this business? and it makes sense for google to provide such services, indeed google will be able to gain ultamate access to numerous web servers.
  19. I am not worried about technology's advance, well, except nuclear weapon. I am worried about the advance of biology and life science. now people has sequenced human's genome (it is from one human), theoratically people can sequence everybody's genome in the future. now many people are studying increasing life span, image everybody live twice as long, it is not a good thing! think about the population, the food and the job market.
  20. I am looking for a free host with sql and php and came all the way to here, now I am trying to get a chance to try this. I am just wondering, how this hosting thing works on Xisto? I haven't been able to figure it out yet, when you get 10 posts you get a message or something? anyway, hoplefully I can know very soon.
  21. ad-aware spybot spywareblaster Microsofte antispyware (GIANT antispyware)
  22. Finally somebody mentioned Filezilla! WS_Ftp is quite nice too but now the free version is crap.
  23. I always have problems with network printers when using zonealarm, besides, lately zonealarm seems to be bloated up, .I use sygate personal firewall for quite some time and it is realy a good one, easy to use and no problem what so ever. now I only use windows built-in firewall because it is good enough for me.
  24. Now that both MSN and google have made public their desktop search tool, although beta, let take a look at them.Google is the first one to make the idea become true, hands down to google. It is simple, fast, just as google web search. However, I don't like the idea that intergrating the desktop search in the web browser. Also GDS takes too much memories, probably one of the reasons is the intergration to browser. No pdf file searching. No customizing of folder. There are a lot of room for google to improve.MSN's destop search is as fast, the indexing is the fastest among varous desktop search tools. also you can customize which folders you want it to index. It taks far less memories. It also index and search pdf files when you install an addional abobe filter. But I don't like the intergration of desktop search with toolbar. I never used MSN toolbar and I have to desable it in IE add-on management. I don't like that MSNDS don't give preview of the search results, only the firts several lines of the file. I am an extensive pdf and word searcher, without a preview on the terms I search, it is very hard to find the exact file I want quickly. MSN also need to introduce the "search as type" feature and the search history.Emails, I don't use outlook, and both only deal with outlook/OE. They need to add support to other programs like firefox, lotus notes (which I use), et al. None of them support MSN messenger history, which I found surprising.They need to establish file open history, many times I was searching the same file not long ago I searched.
  25. I use lotus notes for work because the university mail is one notes server, pernally I use gmail and like it a lot. I tried thunderbird and outlook 2003, both are great. however outlook 2003 doesn't work very well with Gmail pop service. I realy want a IMAP service from Gmail. I know, I am so spoiled by google.
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