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Everything posted by burgen

  1. of course not, read the about first.at first I thought this will be something similar to yahoo video search and altavista video search. but it is about TV programs and no actual video to watch. However this thing is very interesting and has the potential to be very useful. If someday the bandwidth of internet is wide enough that internet TV is available then google could make a Tivo-like program based on its database. User can subscribe TV in a program-wise manner. For example, you arrange first through the Tivo-like program what channels and what programs you want to watch in a daily-base, then you only pay for the prgrams in the list at a daily-base. As of right now we pay whole 70 (or more) channels for 24X7, and 99% of our paid time we will and could not watch.
  2. I do have a very small blog myself, but nobody but me look at it. anyway, I am not interested in such stuffs, but maybe we can bulid a Xisto blog in which we publish the mosting interesting post of the Xisto forums and send it to the competition.
  3. Mozilla Firefox leading engineer Ben Goodger joins google, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Good move for Ben, Good move for Google, bad for mozilla. It is hard to see what effect will this move cause, Ben will still work on Firefox until 2.0. But I think this is a indication of demise of mozilla, think about it, what is mozilla about? Browser, after Mozilla launched 1.0, 1.x, and became very stable, basically user and developer lost interests in it, then came Firefox, a exciting project, now it is 1.0, basically done, without further big and exciting projects, Mozilla is done. Future? Mozilla joins google, officially becomes Netscape II.
  4. This is a site which they vote and select best blogs in 2004 world-wide, but that is what I saw this morning, "Bandwidth Limit ExceededThe server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later."LOL, how could people believe your results if you can't even afford a server with little bit more bandwidth?
  5. I bought a radio (Sony) today, as I looked through the warranty terms I noticed such a sentence: "The warranty will not cover cosmetic damage, or the acts of God, misuse, ....", Now I only have one question: How will they define it is damaged by the acts of god?
  6. I don't know if anybody has already posted this, here you go: http://www.broom.org/epic/ols-master.html This is a personal perspective of what will goolge do in the future, it is a interesting idea though, think about google intergrating all its services together, gmail, googlegroups, blogger, keyhole, web hosting (suppose they do), what will that change the internet?
  7. I would choose google if it is free, because it will have more space, and I don't have to post to extend my hosting credits. And I thing google has a little more reputation and will probably last a little longer.Face it, we don't know when will Xisto be closed, or bought, or become collecting fees, it could happen any day.
  8. plane selling is now strongly associated with politics, at least to China, China has bought a lot of airbus planes not because they good but because they are not produced in USA. boeing planes are a little too old and they definitly need to make new models.
  9. linux is good, for almost everything, except home PC. The problem is that you need to have certain knowledge of Unix comands, which most normal users don't. and linux, especially X-windows is very easy to break down when you play with it. For servers, workstations that is OK, once setup you don't need to touch it again, you don't even need a moniter.
  10. again, this is assuming that technology also advanced enough that bandwidth may not be a problem.and that is just a concept, in today's world there are too many concepts, it is a matter of which do you invest time and money in, whatever concept you believe in, with enough time and money throwing in it will happen. And thus the trend of technology is not based one the minds of genius but on the minds of the CEOs of big companies. like the story of RDRam, great idea, great product, no success.
  11. I hardly found anyone to dislike Gmail, not to mention hate. You and your friends must work for microsoft or Yahoo or some email services. seriously Gmail can still use some improvement, but even so it is already one of the best, if not THE best.
  12. was introduced several days ago, http://www.airbus.com/ The question is, will larger planes bust or profit. Larger planes do have higher running costs and have to have certain numbers of customer to balance the cost, together with its size, only a few airport can afford to run such planes. most likely such planes will be used in international routes, will there be enough customers to fill in?
  13. Well, there were numerous email services including free and paid services around and people thought there were few can be done in terms of improving email services.Then gmail came, showing there are still a lot can be done and everybody now benifits from the much larger email storage, whether directly from gmail or from hotmail or Yahoo, thanks to gmail. so I am sure although there are a lot of IM around, it can still be improved and if there is one company can do this, that is google.
  14. the google messenger idea has been floating around for a while, the idea is that it should be able to check gmail, to post in blogger (like hello), to manager google groups, to be a client of google desktop search. but you are right, google should first make gmail public, although there is no indication it will happen any time soon.
  15. while 20 years ago i don't know what is PC, 10 years ago I though it is impossible for every family to buy a PC, how much will that cost? so, you never know, the cost thing will not be concern at all. specializtion is very possible, different OS, or same OS with different building blocks may be developed for different users. one trend of technology is that technolgy becomes more complex itself while simper for users to use. like blogger, you don't need to know anything about html, web hosting, php or sql and yet you can make a blog. so in the future it may happen that every pc is a server, indeed it expanded the internet infinitly and make publishing, file transfering and sharing much easier.
  16. security might be concern, but it is a concept, so let's not think about those things for a second, techniquely it can be solved.
  17. it is my perception on future OS, just some random thoughtsInternet already is a indispensible part of computer and future OS will be focus on better using and serving Internet.nowadays most PC are clients of the whole network, in the future, one important feature of OS will be making every PC a client as well as server.for example, by default /my documents will be home directory of servers like web server, ftp server or mail server, but by default everything is kept private but you can make anything public by simply right-click the item. you can also encrpyt you public items by assigning passwords or IP restrictions. Thus web publishing and file sharing will be as easy as a few clicks.
  18. I don't see it being ruined.after Gmail, hotmail and yahoo both increase their mail storage room from pathetic 2m and 4m to 250m, and numerous email providers follows. Yet free email service is not ruined, instead email users are the ultimate winners.
  19. wow, talking about post numbers.
  20. just send me a message burgenatgmail com
  21. burgen

    Picasa 2!

    Now google has updated picasa to version 2. Many new features like collage, (a little slow on my P4 2.66 computer, guess I need a new one). You can order prints from walmart from within the software (hope they have included samsclub, that is where I order my prints).also you can edit pic, interestingly there is a "I am feeling lucky" button.
  22. firefox don't have activeX either, but I can check Gmail just fine. I use Firefox for most purpose, for some pages not working well in firefox, I use IE.
  23. burgen

    Free Software List

    I can't post the link, every time I post it is automatically changed to something like"/Xisto-file-no-......", somebody help me here. are there some trick i don't know of? http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/119821-freeware-alternative-list/
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