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Everything posted by quiksilver

  1. You used to work for him? what did you do? And why does he owe you money?
  2. Yeh. Exactly. I learned my lesson........................the hardway.
  3. Thanks. Roly I can't go to LUE but my brother can. I'm starting to dislike LUE2 though. You go to LUElinks?
  4. quiksilver

    My Brother

    I'm sorry to hear that. I would be worried/scared too if I were you. I guess now all you can do is hope or pray(if you do that) that he does come home on Sunday, and gets the help he needs from whatever hospital your parents take him to.
  5. Hello, My name is Mark. I am 14 years old. I live in a small town in Wisconsin next to the Mississippi River. As of now it is pretty cold outside. But it will be Spring soon. I am in 8th grade. I got to a Catholic school. There are about one hundred students there. I spend almost all of my free time online. I also enjoy playing video games some of my favorite games are the Splinter Cell series, Resident Evil 4, The Suffering, and I am waiting until I have enough money to afford Gran Tourismo 4. I am currently reading The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I am also awaiting the movie of it. I visit many message boards like Omega Gateway, gamefaqs, and LUE2. I hope I am able to have my own site hosted by Xisto. And that is all I can think of for now.
  6. Yes it is exactly what they said. I also have 50 invites incase anyone would like one. It is a very helpful thing to have. It can probably hold more space than you will ever need, it is fast, and it is always helpful to have another e-mail just incase.
  7. Hmm that doesn't make sense. I think you sould go to your proffesor and tell her that it is a group assignment and you don't think that just because you were absent one day you should have to do the GROUP assignment on your own. Tell her that you had a headache and you told a classmate to tell the teacher that and it is not your fault that they said something different.
  8. I'm a 14 year old male. I don't think there are any girls at my school that know how to do anything but sign in to MSN and chat. I may be wrong but I doubt it. I go to a Catholic middle school with about 100 students.
  9. There is a couple of things that i would like to see a change in though to make my gaming a little easier. The merchant should sell bullets for the guns he sells, only a limited supply but some to buy off of him just in case something was to happen. Exactly what I was thinking. I recently came very close to having no ammo what so ever and the merchant doesn't sell any. That is all I can think of as being a problem.
  10. Good no one totally hates either one of them. The more I like this place.
  11. bump. I still can't get rid of this kid. the thing I really hate is giving him a ride home EVERYDAY! And when I walk home he says "Why didn't we get a ride??" um because my dad is tired of giving us rides home everyday.Heres what I wanna say "I dont have a ride" then I would wait for him to say "your dad" so I could respond " He gives me and YOU a ride home everyday and I'm not getting rides home from you." >_>
  12. I have an ipod mini and I like it alot. So ipod gets my vote.
  13. cool. I don't know if I want it to come out anytime soon.
  14. I am not exactly sure but definitely under the age of ten.
  15. I have three The Frod Mustang, A corvette, and a Viper.
  16. For one thing that was the dumbest load of bull and spam I have ever heard. And the second thing,(Since we can cuss here) Shut the hell up cuz im in 7th grade and I ant no idiot. (Sorry I had to get that out.) was this directed toward me? Thanks for the advice gunbound. I can assure you there is no girl involved in this. I think he is just trying to annoy me just for amusement. I will start thinking of what I will to next time something happens. But I have another question. What should have been done in this situation: Today as we were leaving school to listen to a speaker everyone was packed up and standing in line waiting to leave. the kid was behind me and he decides to unzip my bookbag. I had four mints in that compartment of my bookbag. He took two of them and one other boy and one girl took the other two. I took the two from the boy and girl back easily they had no intentions of keeping them. But of course the kid tries denying the fact that he has both of them in his pocket. SO after about 5 minutes of standing there saying "Give me the mints now." I decided to get this other kid to help me. So I said to him if you get them back you can have one. I didn't really care about these mints hell I might have given him one if he asked. but he didn't so I was determined to get them back. So the other kid goes over and he asks for them and he gives him one. Which blew my whole plan out of the water. So as we get on the bus the other kid gets it back by trickery. he says he will trade since the one the kid I dont like had was broken. luckily he grabed it out of his hand and gave it to me. Now, What should I have done?
  17. Just read that the ps2 version of the game is delayed cause the ps2 can't deal with all the graphic power of the game People who have a Gamecube can enjoy 24-bit textures, while the ps2 can only handle 8 or maybe even 4-bit textures I didn't know that. Do you know when it is coming out for PS2? I already have it for Gamecube I am just curious.
  18. I have all of The Offspring's cd's and have most of Green Day's. I am just wondering if anyone else here enjoys either one or both of these bands.
  19. I like a couple of their songs. I agree they are played on the radio a bit too much though.
  20. awesome. hmm wonder what mine is. I will check with this post. I bet it has a 7 in it.
  21. It would suck to be in that position. Face this kids annoying parents or be this annoying gay kids friend. If this gay kid liked hanging around you.........isn't that a compliment?
  22. My brother has a paintball gun. It is a tippmann 98 Custom. He has been to a couple wars. I have only shot it a couple times.
  23. A couple years ago my parents bought me those snap and pop things. They are these cool little thingers. when you throw them on the ground and stuff they sparked and popped. Hence the name. Anyway after words they went to fill up the car with gas. I was a lot younger then and didn't understand the whole gas station+sparks=NOT GOOD!'so as my dad filled up I rolled down the window and threw one against the ground. You should have seen the looks I got. At the time I thought oh he will think it it funny. Only now do I realize what kind of damage my actions could have caused. Thank God.
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