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Posts posted by vizskywalker

  1. I think that would be good. And the more different kinds of banners, the better a selection OpaQue will have. Because the real reason to enter ths contest is not for the credits, they can be gained easily enough. It's to keep enough money flowing into Xisto - Web Hosting that Xisto can afford to keep Xisto and Xisto running. Plus, if we get lucky, Opaque may select one of each kind to add more variety accross the web. I know if every site I went to had the same add for a company, I would think less of that company than if they varied the adds.

  2. Much better szupie, the words being subtle was pointless if they were unreadable. Now they are still subtle, but readable.l337 Nurse Pedestrian- The banner is noce, although a might simplistic. I would keep working on it.To everyone else, I'm offering out helpful suggestions, so if you want to know how something looks, I'd love to take a look and offer constructive criticism. I'd appreciate it if when I get my first banner ideas up, someone would be willing to do the same. And if you have submitted a design, don't forget to keep track of the designs at Xisto. Look at all designs being submitted, learn from them, and then change your old one or make a new one. But always keep every version you make, just in case OpaQue likes an older version better.

  3. NilsC, because gif is supported by more browsers without plugins than flash, I've been working on animated gifs for you. However, this is taking to long, so I'm going to do them in flash so I can them post them here(If I can ever get flash to do what I want, arrrgghhhh, fill can never works). I'm then going to finish the gifs, and since Spring Break is next week, I will have the gifs done by contest deadline as well, you may use whichever you want. Also, szupie, I still think you should make the gray text in the vertical banner a litlle lighter so it is readable.

  4. Right I meant for one iteration. A two minute long iteration just wouldn't make sense.Nice logos Szupie, but I think I mislead you. The fourth banner, I think, is still supposed to advertise Xisto - Web Hosting.com, but be designed to be placed on Xisto and Xisto. NilsC, if you could clarify this it would be helpful. I also recommend making the gray text a little lighter, it's too hard to read.I ought to download the Flash because making the animated gifs is taking too darn long :). So right now, you have the title in the bag.

  5. For an easy way to upgrade from Firefox < 1.0.2 to Friefox 1.0.2, run Firefox. In the upper right (right next to the wheel of dots, under the restor or maximize icon) wll be a red arrow pointing up. Double click this arrow; Firefox will search for updates. Install Firefox version 1.0.2 when prompted. After starting version 1.0.2, the red arrow will again appear. Double click it; Firefox should find no updates. If it does, just install them.

  6. NilsC will defintiely have to tell you how to write the batch file (I'm to lazy to take care of it right now). But what a batch file is, is a mini-script that tells the computer what programs to run in what order with what parameters and arguments, and may display a little output to the user or do minor other things. The use of a batch file is so that if multiple programs need to be run for a common task, only one file needs to be run to do it.

  7. I agree that using a ready made number isn't any fun. I rewrite every single module I use in scripting languages because using premade things isn't any fun. However, when it comes right down to it, Pi and e are included in the FPU's constants, so recreating them in a prgoram is a waste of space, and for any program designed to be distributed should simply not be done.

  8. Szupie-
    First, find your path to Perl. This can be found on the cpanel main page in the left vertical box under general server info. Then substitute that into the following code.

    #!/usr/bin/perl  #this should take the format of "#!yourpathtoperl" without the quotesprint "Content-type: text/html\n\n";  #needed to indicate the start of page outputprint "Hello!";  #print output on the page

    Also, the default permissions of a file are 644, (User: Read and Write, Group: Read, World: Read). Be sure to change this to 755 (User: Read, Write, and Execute, Group: Read and Execute, World: Read and Execute).

  9. Yup, everything you did looks right, sorry, I guess I didn't think that hard when I read your post. We also just started infinite series in calculus, and although I have dabbled in it on my own, I still never did integrals of one. But I would still recommend the Pi book I mentioned if you are interested in Pi. It covers how Pi was calculated from the beginning of its recorded history to the modern era ending in the 1970s. I think it even had some more accurate and/or faster routines in it than the one we listed, but I haven't really read it yet, just skimmed. Plus, it has the first 10000 digits of Pi (excluding the 3) listed, which means as far as practically anything other than finding the next digit in Pi goes, you can use that as a lookup instead of calculating.

  10. To purchase a domain (not a subdomain), you need to register it with a registering company. Usually it costs around $10.00 per year, but right now Yahoo! has a half of deal and it is only $4.98. To set up a domain, you need to point your nameservers to the right place. For astathost, the first nameserver should point to ns1.astahost.com and the second should point to ns2.astahost.com.

  11. As far as computers go, a computer can calculate exponents very quickly, so I think the definition of e would probably be a better and faster way to calculate it. And the Maclaurin series is 2 + 1/2 + 1/6 + 1/24 + ..., not 1 + 1/2 + 1/6 + 1/24... It comes from the Maclaurin series for e^x which is the sum from 0 to infinite of 1/n! * x^n. When we want e, x is 1, and the sum becomes 1/0!*1^0 + 1/1!*1^1 + 1/2! * 1^2 + ... which is 1 + 1 + 1/2 + .... However, using the Maclaurin series is an easier way if you only need e to a certain amount of decimal places. For example, let's say we want three decimal places. Since 1/6! is .003888 with repeating 8s, and 1/7! is .001984126984126 with 984126 repeating. We do not have to take the Maclaurin series out past 7. However, this kind of situation is a lot harder to figure out using the definition.

    Pi can also be calculated very precisely, although slowly, by a Maclaurin sum and other steps. The first we need is the sum for arctan(x) which is the sum of as n goes from 0 to infinity of 1/(2n+1)*x^(2n+1). Pi/4 is the sum of arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/5) + arctan(1/8). Simply multiply Pi/4 by 4 to get Pi. This method was used byStrassnisky to calculate the first 205 digits of Pi, and all but the last five were correct. The pattern of the arctangents may or may not continue, I do not know.


    (The information on Pi was pulled from page 107 of A History of Pi by Petr Beckmann (yes, it is Petr not Peter))

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