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Posts posted by vizskywalker

  1. I can try trekkie, but I'm a graphics genius except for pbp (pixel by pixel), and that takes too long. Also, are black usernames the people who you don't know if they are male or female?

    Oh, and is that a new avatar m^e, I like it a lot.

    Sorry, meant to say I'm NOT a graphics genius, because I most definitely am not (unless we are talking about pbp).

    m^e, do they have to be exactly 80x56, or is smaller okay?
    And trekkie, here are the mods of your avatar:
    straight resize: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    resize kept square: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    resize kept square semi-color matched border: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Notice from wwheeler:
    Merged at Vizskywalker's request...

  2. Being paranoid is a good thing, as long as it doesn't cause you to act too paranoid. And they are out to get you, they have been since you've been born. Xisto will help slow them down. Welcome to the ranks of the hosted. (The preceeding stuff is my crazy way of welcoming you to hosted status while functioning on very little sleep, if it offends you or worries you, please disregard it, otherwise laugh if you want.)

  3. I've been using a Pentium II 450MHz processor and recently acquired a Celeron 633MHz processor. I was wondering what the difference is between a Celeron and a Pentium processor and which processor would be faster/would you recommend. Thanks.I have heard Pentium processors are better than Celeron. Please give your opinion about Pentium V. Celeron :-)

  4. At 0 hosting credits your account is suspended. All of your data and files are stored on the Xisto server, but you cannot get to it through cpanel (or ftp?) and your website cannot be viewed. At -30 hosting credits your account iis deleted and the files and data are lost. If your account goes back above 4 hosting credits after being suspended it is automatically unsuspended. (By automatically I mean relatively. I think the hosting credit script runs once an hour, so you may have to wait at most that long).

  5. I always cheat, I'm going to tape the keys on my keyboard down. Just kidding, I type enough as is not to do that. And five credits isn't really worth it. On a side, note, I wonder if whatpulse would count a lot for that. Or if it only measures keydowns or keyups. May I have your permission to test it? Is there a way to delete the key presses recorded before they are pulsed? (If you give me permission to try it, and it does count not just keydowns or keyups, I promise to keep my test under 50, less if possible). (And this post wasn't spammy, so hah!)

    EDIT (as requested by vizskywalker 3/30/05): I found a version for MAC, I think it is beta though. http://whatpulse.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2312 scroll all the way to the bottom for the latest release.

  6. I've been playing trumpet for 7 years and the piano for 3 or four. I'm starting my own band in which in I play the synthesizer. The problme is we are short either a bass player or a drummer (the reason I say either is because our drummer can play bass as well, so if I find a new drummer he will play bass and if I find another bassist he will remain on drums).

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