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Posts posted by vizskywalker

  1. Minimum: Pentium-class
    Fedora Core 3 is optimized for Pentium 4 CPUs, but also supports earlier CPUs (such as Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III, and including AMD and VIA variants). This approach has been taken because Pentium-class optimizations actually result in reduced performance for non-Pentium-class processors, and Pentium 4 scheduling is sufficiently different (while making up the bulk of today's processors) to warrant this change.

    That comes from the Fedora Core 3 Documentation: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I'm interested in putting Fedora on my computer, will it run as well on the Celeron as on the PII, or should I look into a different version of Linux, or what?

  2. I don't know yet, I'm still in the developement stage. But yeah, constantly moving files will damage the disk over a long period of time, but the time period is so long that it won't cause noticeable problems for anyone who uses the disk. Basically what it is a mini defrag, except the only thing being moved is empty space, not chunks of files, so it takes much less time because a search doesn't need to be done for the file chunks. Another advantage is you leave no traces of the file that originally existed. And my OS is actually going to have several deletes, one removes the file from the file tree, the second overwrites it with 0s, and the third does the mini-defrag. The user can pick a default, or pick one to use at any specific delete.

  3. So far m^e has made us aware of two variables for custom BBcodes: {option} and {content}. But what if you want to have multiple options for a tag, like, maybe foreground color and background color?

    To do this all it takes is a simple php script.

    If you remember parameters from DOS, it is jsut one list of words or symbols separated by spaces. Contrary to popular belief, this parameter list is one large variable in a program that gets parsed into smaller variables. That is exactly what we do for multiple options.

    As an example, I'm going to use a simple highlight command (I don't know if this is the one m^e uses, but it is close enough for our purposes).

    The TAG looks like this (angle brackets replace square brackets): <HIGHLIGHT = color>stuff you want highlighted</HIGHLIGHT>

    The code for this looks like so:
    <span style="background-color: {option}">{content}</span>

    But if what if we want to edit the foreground color as well?

    First create your single string of parameters separated by a space for the tag:
    <HIGHLIGHT = backcolor forecolor>content</HIGHLIGHT>

    Now for the code, simply use a php script and split the parameter list:

    <?php$param = {option}; //place the options in paramlist($fore, $back) = split(" ", $param); //split the parametersecho "<span style="color: $back; background-color: $fore;">{content}</span>?>"; //send the style to the browser

    It's that simple! If you want to allow the second parameter to have a default value then insert this code before echoing the span
    if (!$back) { $back = "black";}

  4. Okay, to review my current situation:I have both a Pentium II 450 MHz and a Celeron 633M Hz.I am not going to buy a new processor.I want to know two things.1) What is the difference between Celeron and Pentium processors in general?2) In my specific case, should I stick with the Pentium II 450 MHz or switch to the Celeron 633 MHz?Please keep in mind that all though a Celeron is not as good a processor as a Pentium, a Celeron 2.2 GHz beats out a Pentium I any day, so is a Celeron 633 MHz better than a Pentium II 450 MHz?If we could stick to answering the proposed questions and not go off onto tangents recommending I buy AMDs or Pentium 4s I would appreciate it.

  5. Okay, I was trying to write a chat script for perl with tk for the GUI on active perl 5.8. But whenever I use the $socket->listen() function to connect to the client, the script always hangs on me. Any ideas as to how to avoid this problem (I've tried numerous codes including the one from webmonkey).

  6. I think I came up with a fix for the expanding/collapsing every single note on the page.
    Here's the code:

    <?php$param = {option};list($name, $id) = split(" ", $param);print <<<END<script>function toggle(toggleId, e){if (!e) {e = window.event;}if (!document.getElementById) {return false;}var body = document.getElementById(toggleId.id);if (!body) {return false;}var im = toggleId + "_toggle";if (body.style.display == 'none') {body.style.display = 'block';if (document.images[im]) {document.images[im].src = "close.png";}} else {body.style.display = 'none';if (document.images[im]) {document.images[im].src = "open.png";}}if (e) {// Stop the event from propagating, which// would cause the regular HREF link to// be followed, ruining our hard work.e.cancelBubble = true;if (e.stopPropagation) {e.stopPropagation();}}}</script><div class="notice" style="width: 505px; border: solid 2px #FF0000; background-color: #FFFFCE;"><div class="header" style="width: 505px; color: #FFFFCE;"><div class="rightbox" onClick="toggle($id, event)" style="width: 15px; height: 15px; border: solid 2px #FFFFCE; background-image: url(http://Xisto.com/misc/bbcode/closebutton.jpg); color: #FFFFCE; float: right; cursor: pointer; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 9px; font-weight:bold;"></div><div class="leftbox" style="width: 20px; height: 15px; border: solid 2px #FFFFCE; background-image: url(http://Xisto.com/misc/bbcode/topleft.jpg); color: #FFFFCE; float: left; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;"></div><div class="middlebar" style="padding-left: 5px; width: 475px; height: 16px; border: solid 2px #FFFFCE; background-image: url(http://Xisto.com/misc/bbcode/notetitle.jpg); color: #FFFFCE; float: center; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;"><b><center>Notice from $name:</center></b></div></div><div class="notemsg" id="$id" style="width: 475px; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; background-color: #FFFFCE; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 12px;">{content}</div></div>END;?>

    There are three major changes form what you had (well four, but the fourth is obvious).
    1) It is now all enclosed in PHP
    2) {option} is really two parameters that are split in the beginning of the code
    3) the ids have been changed to classes
    4) The document.getElementById() now takes an ID like it is supposed to instead of an object

    What I did was have the moderator give there not a unique ID as the second parameter, this ID becomes the ID for the message box that will be toggled. Whe document.getElementById() is called, it takes the unique ID and searches for it, and toggles only that one. Oh, and the "class=blah" can probably be removed from the div tag, the whole purpose of class=blah (and almost the whole purpose of id=blah) is to provide style from a style sheet. Since you provide the style in the tag, the sheet is overridden and thus useless.

    For an example of this, goto http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    This page is also the new location for my [bLINK] Code, and I will be deleting the old html location of that shortly.

  7. The truth is, it doesn't matter. If you are serious about programming, you will probably wind up learning many different languages. The choice is entirley up to you and what you want to do with your programming. If you want to easily create simpler programs, use a BASIC language, otherwise, you may want to consider c++ or, if you want to do programming for the web, java.As far as BASIC goes, it would be better to learn VB than QB, although it is easier to get a free copy of a QB compiler/interpreter.For java or c++, it is very easy to get free compilers. For java go to the sun microsystems main site, and for c++ try dev c++.

  8. Many topics here tell you to edit the registry to activate special functions and warn you not to mess with anything else or you may crash your computer. From this you have gathered an idea that the registry is important, but do you really understand it?


    Unless you work for Microsoft, the answer is probably no, but even without a full understanding of the registry, you can still work your way around it without worrying too much.


    The first thing to know about the registry is what it is. The registry is a huge list of machine keys, little pieces of information used by Windows and programs to run properly on your computer.


    To edit the registry Windows provides us with a little tool called regedit. There are freeware tools out there as well, but regedit works just fine. To get to regedit, click Start->Run, type in regedit, and click OK. You can also create a shortcut to regedit by ricght clicking on the desktop, going to New->Shortcut, type in regedir for the program and regedit for the name.


    Now to actually use regedit, open it up, and you will see a screen like this:

    Posted Image


    The left part of the screen is a list of the different folders that keys are stored in, this relates to how it affects the computer. The prefix HKEY means it is a folder storing keys. CLASSES_ROOT stores all of the base information that Windows requires to run such as the different file types and other such things. CURRENT_USER stores all of the information about the user currently logged on. LOCAL_MACHINE stores information mostly about the hardware on the computer as well as all of the software installed. USERS stores information on all of the users set up on the computer. CURRENT_CONFIG stores information on the current configuration of the computer.


    The right part of the screen contains the data about particular keys. It contains the name of a piece in the first column, the type of variable it is in the second column, and the value of the piece in the third column.


    The different variable types are:

    REG_SZ - a string

    REG_BINARY - a binary value

    REG_DWORD - a 32bit integer

    REG_MULTI_SZ - a multi-string

    REG_EXPAND_SZ - an expandable string


    The most common three tpes are REG_SZ, REG_BINARY, and REG_DWORD.


    To add a new key, click the plus sign next to one of the main keys (those preceeded by HKEY_) to expand the key. Then right click on the subkey you want to add a key to and highlight new, then click key. To add values to a key, select the key by clicking on it. Then right click in the right part of the window and goto new and pick the type of variable you want the value to be. To change a value, double click on its name and enter a new name and value.


    To delete a key or value, right click on that key or value and select delete. Be forwarned, deleting a key deletes all of it's values.


    The most common reason to edit the registry is to remove the last trace of uninstalled programs. Sometimes traces remain of programs that have been uninstaleed because they were placed in an unorthodox location. To remove these last traces, of course search the hard diskd for any files or folders containing the name of the program or an abbreviation or shortened form of the program and remove them. But also search the registry.


    To search the registry, hit ctrl+F. Type in the search parameters, and to find everything, make sure Keys, Values, and Data are all checked. Then click Find Next. To find the next instance of the previous search term, press F3. When the search has made a complete sweep of every key, it will display a popup saying "Ginished searching through the registry."


    Because the registry affects almost every function on your computer, and it is very cryptic, it is important to backit up before doing anything. To backup the registry, open the backup utility provided by Windows, by going Start->All Programs->Accesories->System Tools->Backup. If the wizard pops up, click next, make sure backup files is selected then click next. Click let me choose what to backup and click next. On the tree in the left part of the window, expand my computer, then check System State and click next. Choose where to save the backup and click next. The Backup utility will back up your registry file.


    To restore the registy, select restore from the beginning of the wizard, select the backup file and click next.

  9. The difference between "GET" and "POST" is that the former means "form data is to be encoded (by a browser) into a URL" while the latter means that the form data will be put in the message body.

    I thought it was the other way around, thanks for letting me know (I just tested it to make sure you were right, no wonder I've always used POST for logins).

  10. Nope, it's down, once I accidentally found out that it didn't record every character recorded if you hold down a key, I looked at my count, pressed a key, looked at my count, hadn't changed, let go of the key, looked at my count, +1. So definitely keyups.Oh and, I know my above post is confusing, because at first I said it was keydown, but it is 100% keyup as I said at the end. And I'm not going to use assembly to cheat, I'd have to leave the program running and it would interfere with my regular typing. Plus, cheating would become obvious because I'm in IRC where the !wp command is used so frequently.

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