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Posts posted by vizskywalker

  1. None of you are stupid. I'm going to demonstrate with one example.Microsoft Power Toys lets you have 4 desktops at a time and switch between them. That is fact one.Video Cards allow for multiple pages - different sets of images to be displayed on monitor. Only one page is displayed at a time. To reduce flicker, an unused page is changed, then switched to, so the screen is not updating while being redrawn. Fact two.Some Video Cards allow for multiple outputs and allow different pages to be sent to different outputs. Fact Three.Some software utilizes facts one, two, and three to place two of the four desktops on different pages and send each page to a different monitor. the software then usually allows moving th emouse to the edge of one of the desktops to switch control to the other desktop.You can have different things displayed at the same time, and changed at the same time. But unless you are weird, only one display will receive input at a time.~viz

  2. First of all, I just checked all of my scripts, you had the correct format for an array, it is not necessarily $FORM['blah]. What do you mean by end with <br>. If you mean place the text "<br>" at the end of each line, simply place it in the end of each of your printed lines. That ought to work. If you tell us exactly what isn't working right we can provide better solutions.~Viz

  3. tcave, on all 8 of my computers and three of my monitors I have spent a total of $5. Ask around for people who are getting rid of computers. Frequently you can get stuff from them for free.Dmaster4, with the right utilities (and if you video card(s) can handle it) you can use the TweakUI feature to view two of four desktops at once (don't ask me for details, I don't know the details yet). Then you can simply move your mouse to the edge of one monitor to switch desktops. Or you can use larger screen resolutions, like 2048 x 768 instead of 1024 x 768 to have a larger viewing window.~Viz

  4. You left a large on off the list, and my personal favorite. Microsoft Works. That takes the case, I use and prefer Windows and MS software to many alternatives, but it does have numerous bugs. And works is so much worse than Office. Thus, the oxymoron.And you left stupid idiot off the redundancies list.~Viz

  5. As far as has been made clear, Xisto does not have an official link back. Simply create your own image and link it to Xisto.com. If you are going to link to Xisto, please also link to coputinghost.com, as it provides income for Xisto so they can keep Xisto running. Also be sure to vote for Xisto on the top 100 list of free web providers.~Viz

  6. It is always important to know any language that you use a program to create. Programs are very inefficient, and sometimes generate code that needs modification for security reasons or because it doesn't do exactly what you want.Question: If I am echoing some html as such: echo "<img src = '$string'>"; then is the $string interpolated or not, and would it be better to use \" instead of '?~Viz

  7. Couple things. One, sorry my tutorials haven't come out in a while. I got hosting at Xisto, then made a mod there, so things for me have been hectic. But I'm going to start the tuts again. I'm making the tuts there to gain credits, so a new one for you won't be around for a little bit, I'll let you know. Two, I know what a partial tangent is. Intel uses a taylor series for arctan which only works for the interval (a-1, a+1). Thus, it is only part of the arctan function. But by changing a, Intel can provide the arctan of any real number.

  8. The switch is made :rolleyes:. (No threat of breaking the legs, I just put the motherboard with the celeron into the case I wanted.) The only question now is how many times do I have to install windows XP with my corrupted disk before It actually works, and what bugs am I going to find in fedora core 4 test release 1.Thanks everyone.~VizP.S. As far as my particular question goes, this thread is closed. I'm leaving it open as a further discussion of the differences between Celeron and Pentium.

  9. I'm not looking in reality for a partiular search feature. I'm looking for the XP restart icon, which for spme reason does not appear to be in shell32.dll. I had figured that maybe each icon in a dll wuld have a name, so I could use some utility to search all dlls in a folder for *restart*.* or something to find the icon.~Viz

  10. Just remember with the dual boot, read the instructions for your version of Linux carefully before doing anything. Make sure it is designed to have Windows installed first (since you already have Windows installed). I know Fedora requires(? It may only prefer) that Windows is installed first. Also, make sure you create a partition with VFAT formatting if you want to share files between Windows and Linux, (make this a separate partition from the one on which you install Linux).

  11. I agree that compiled high level languages are never as efficient as pure assembly. I don't know enough about the various includes to comment on that, unless by includes you mean inline assembly. I love inline assembly and find it is an ever increasingly useful tool.

  12. A class is used mainly when you need to define a whole bunch of different types of data for repeated times. Like in a game, the army system at Xisto. Each member of that game has several variables, money, rank, troops, etc. There are several functions that each player can perform, attack, buy troops, buy weapons, etc. So if we make a class for a player, it may look something like this:

    class player{ var $rank; var $troops; var $money; function buytroops($number) {  $this->$troops += $number;  $this->$money -= ($number * 2500); } function displaystats() {  echo "rank: $this->$rank";  echo "troops: $this->$troopd";  echo "money: $this->$money"; }}

    Now, imagine if we had 300+ of those classes, one for each player, that is only 300 variables to keep track of. However, if we didn't use classes, then we have three variables repeated for >300 players for a total of 3 * 300+ = 900+ variables to keep track of. Classes simplify things greatly. BBy placing the functions in the classes. we allow that player to change the data without haveing to make the data accessible to any player, thus preventing many accidental changes.


  13. I'm not 100% sure, but if php operates as much like c++, java, and other programming languages of that style, then the issue is variable locality. Variables, unless declared otherwise, are local to the function they are declared in. This allows you to use common variables, such as $count fir counting, in many different functions without worrying about overwriting the value in another function. Now, to look at your code:

    <?php$joke="hahahaha"; class smilie {   function make_smile () {  echo "$joke"; }}$funny = new smilie;$funny->make_smile();echo "$funny";?>
    You have two separated functions here. The first is the main function which begins executing when the script executes. The second is make_smile(). Because $joke was declared in the main function, it is local to the main function. This means that make_smile() does not have access to it.
    The reason why the problem persists when you place $joke in the class is the special way of accessing class variables. You must use the -> to access the variable. So to access the variable in this example you would use $funny->$joke (keep in mind that this paragraph assumes we have moved $joke inside the class). To make the function general to any instance of the class, we use the "$this" identifier. "$this" refers to the object the function belongs to, so "$this->$joke" accesses the $joke variable for a the specific instance of the class that has called the function.
    You were also looking at the wrong section in the PHP manual for information on classes. You were looking at the explanation as a type (a type is a group of variables and/or functions that can be used as a special variable). What you needed to be looking at is the explanation of classes here: https://www.cica.es/comu/php3Doc/oop.html/

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