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Everything posted by Caped_Crusaider

  1. Opera worked in Cooperation with Nintendo, Nintendo released the RAM expansion for it with the cartridge, so its more of a joint operation. Also I doubt calculators actually have screens that are larger than the DS's and also that are able to process colours like the DS is. I'm not sure if you understood my comment about money not growing on trees, what i meant was that if Nintendo had of included all these features in the handheld then the handheld would not be as affordable as all of Nintendo's Consoles, Handhelds. Also its the reason Nintendo tries so hard to develop new ideas of gameplay is the reason that Nintendo is so popular. Also in response to Nero's post, The DS may have limited games compared to the PSP, ill have to take your word for that, but atleast the DS's games are actually good. The reviews ive read from the PSP games out are not even worth buying except for some, around 2.
  2. Is the fan properly in place? Is it plugged into the motherboard properly, or is it an old fan? Did it ever used to be quiet? I'm sorry its just that you weren't very informative. You did not provide much details at all. Next time please at least give some information to help us. Besides your problem, for example what used to be like, what happens now, what you last did to it.
  3. I received another Blue Screen last night whilst trying to install drivers for my scanner, unfortunately there is barely any sites that will host the XP drivers, not even the official site. So after finding a great site that had thousands of drivers and after an extremely hard time registering without receiving ads or any other form of spam, i made it to the drivers section. I downloaded the driver for Windows XP and importantly for my scanner. I unzipped them, and installed them and then after the installation I got another Blue Screen. It made me so angry and i thought about trying to install the drivers again. Everything went fine until i checked the option to restart my computer and i got the Blue Screen again. Anyone know why this happened?
  4. Very nice tutorial, Nemanja, It was simple, precise and easy to follow and most of all, it produced results unlike many other tutorials ive tried where the end picture looks nothing like what i had, even with the picture they used. My only disappointment is there was no colour, anyone know how to do this with colour? Still this was a great tutorial and produced the results that i was expecting.
  5. I didn't mind playing those games, they were great fun and very entertaining, I remember in Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 i think i would build roller coasters and i made them huge, although at the time i didn't know that you could kill people from having it really steep and then builds speed from going down and then into a straight and fly off. Now i was only 9 or so but that was great fun for me, so i made it my goal to see how many carts i could crash before all my guests left the park. Then i learnt of the water rides and how people would keep paddling after you demolish the ride or block off the exit. But my real enjoyment was building mazes that would go for a whole theme park, and then jack up the price once it was really popular.
  6. Sure you can pretty much do the same things on both consoles and PC's, whether it be browsing the net on your XBOX, playing games, chatting to friends, the list goes on. But there is a huge difference between the two, PC's you can have many many different speeds, whether it be an old 800 MHz, 1 GHz and now they have brought out Dual Core PC's and are planing Quad Cores. But with Consoles you don't need to upgrade your Video Cards every month ( i was exaggerating, not many people actually go out and do that ) you just buy a game, and put it in and you can play it straight away, theres no need for you to worry about your computer specs. The controllers they make for PC's are normally copies of old console controllers with hardly any buttons. I don't think a PC could beat a gaming console in affordability as many people opt for buying the brand new more expensive things. I prefer consoles to computers any day. Also alot of the games are cheaper on consoles then computers. Sure you don't have to pay to play online every month with some PC games but with most of the newer games you do, World of Warcraft comes to mind. So no matter how much money you spend updating you computer you will always save money buying a gaming console.
  7. Um actually the DS can do all those things as well, Nintendo have released a web browser, and a media player that are both officially branded, so yes the DS can play movies on SD cards, and browse the web. Does the PSP allow you to type in the URL with a stylus? I think not. The only reason that they did not include all these things is because Nintendo targets all ages, and lets face it, money doesn't grow on trees. Have you actually taken a look at the cartridges? They are different sure they could have used the same sort of cartridge style to allow that but who wants to do that? Another thing, the Gamecube uses CD's for a reason so the games that are over 1 GB can load faster than a cartridge. You ask why the NES can't play other games, its because it was Nintendo's first console.
  8. I'm sorry but i do not know what you mean by bridge, although while reading one of the excellent tutorials that Albus Dumbledore has written about the Control Panel here at Trap 17. There was one that really interested me and made me think about this topic. Maybe what you need is a Project Management for your site, it has a forum like what you wanted to be built in. I'm sorry if i wasn't much help, i do not understand what you mean and i don't understand much about Joomla.
  9. I am using the same as you, Joomla, and PHPBB forums, and have yet to find any bugs so far. Maybe its your installation of PHPBB that has an error. Have you tried any of the other CMS scripts that Fantastico offers? Mambo is quite similar so if you understand Joomla you might want to try that. You should try a Google search for some CMS that are easy to use if you don't like any of the ones in Fantastico.
  10. I have been using Firefox 2 for a while now, and they have improved a lot. Since the beta version was released I thought that it was amazing and there is no way that Internet Explorer could beat it, then i saw IE7 and was impressed at the job they did, but a couple of days ago they released 2.0 and I have to say, its way better. I am still annoyed that it does not download as fast as Internet Explorer does but oh well you cant have everything the way you want it. It is still a great browser and if you are one of the unfortunate few who are yet to try this then you should definitely go and download this! It is great and best of all, I have yet to come across any pop ups or advertisements of any sort.
  11. I like the website, Only thing that i would change would be in the games page, you listed all the games as a hyper link but you still copied out the entire URL, when all you could have done was hyper link it but with Snake as the link, that way it would seem neater to me. I like the design, i don't really like the ad's position, maybe move it to the bottom if you can, if not its ok. Maybe have a picture of the game as well so people know what it looks like and whether or not they want to play that version. Good job for your first website!
  12. Yeah you are correct, I just checked the gaming show that had the preview or review and it did actually turn out to be Dawn of War, but i could have sworn that they mentioned WarHammer.
  13. I thought this game was out already as i heard of an expansion pack, or what i thought was an expansion pack could be the game that your both talking about. Did you try a google search, some results might even tell you the release date, or did you try IGN, Gamespot or sometimes gamefaqs will have details on games that are either out or due to be released. You should try those if you haven't tried them i reccomend them. IGN seems to have more downloadable content for you to see previews, but so does gamespot. I have seen a preview for this game, it looks really good and stays true to Warhammer toys allowing you to customize the units that you have by painting them different colours I hope that i have helped you by providing at least some information. You may be right about the release date wassie. Oh and I only just released you provided a website of the actual official site.
  14. Even though i have never actually played Halo 2, from what i have seen on IGN, Gamespot and watching the other members of my family play, it looks pretty good. I had managed to play Halo on the XBOX but i didnt really like the storyline, some parts really bored me, i supose i like games with abit more action such as Ninja Gaiden, its an awesome game. The controls work well and the graphics are great. The gameplay and storyline is fantastic, the special moves that you learn are really cool. The only thing that I didnt like was a certain times when you die you have to start all over again at the begining, but if you managed to make it to the boss you still have to fight them again to continue on. The first boss was alittle difficult i found as he always grabbed me and threw me to the ground.Back to Halo 2, as i said i have not played this even though we have the game, from what i have read it is an excellent game and worth a try, the graphics look improved from the first one and the gameplay seems better so that is why i have decided to vote for that instead of Halo.
  15. My vote is probably going to be for MSN, as it is extremely popular, sure alot of people use Yahoo, ICQ and many others that i can't be bothered listing, It has continued to stay popular even when Windows Live Messenger was invite only many, many people still used it either legitametly or they had found other means of logging in on with their email addresses, i haven't heard of anyone bothering to do that for any other messaging clients. MSN has continued to use newer and greater options, also there have been addon packs for MSN such as the widely popular Messenger Plus. With Messenger Plus you can add new features such as sounds and download new sounds from other users who uploaded them to the server. The only think i dont like is the tabs, they really make it look stupid, but i heard from a friend that you can get rid of them with some program.
  16. I agree with changeyourmind, Norton is a very good Antivirus and Firewall combination. Many people think that Norton is a system memory hog, but i do not agree with this, sure the past versions did eat up alot of memory but the latest versions have run faster than ever on my PC. Now you might read this and think that Norton is rubbish but thats your opinion. I have had thousands of different Antivirus suites, and so far none of them have been able to beat Norton in finding and removing viruses, trojan horses, spyware without error. I had Avast and sure it was a pretty good program but i could not find an option to update virus protection, and scan my computer when i choose to. That really annoyed me and stopeped me from using it. Another program i had was Panda Antivirus, i think i chose the one with a firewall but it always stopped my programs accesing the internet and vice versa. Also when i could easily tell that i have a virus, and wanted to remove it, i searched and searched in Panda and it would not locate it! I installed Norton Antivirus 2006 and updated Virus definitions and instantly it found 14 virus. Now im not saying the other Antivirus programs arent good, this is just my experiences with them, you may actually support Avast as it found a virus that Norton did not. Anyway I suggest Norton Antivirus 2007 for anyone looking for a good virus program. And as changeyourmind said, the update downloads are a great option, especially since you can configure it to update them at a certain time or scan for virus at any time you want.
  17. Sounds like a good idea But there are a few things you will have to consider to get the best taste, are you going to have the ice cream inside the brownie, on top of the brownie or beneathe or between two brownies, also you probably should look at the different ice cream flavours, as you have chocolate brownies and they might not taste good with some flavours. Also back onto the cookies, have you given up on them or are still trying to make them? I had an idea to stop the ice cream melting, i havent tried it so im not sure if it works. OK heres what i thought, get some good quality cooking chocolate, as normal or cheap wouldnt taste nice, melt it and either dip the two cookies (with ice cream in them) into the melted chocolate, or alternatively you could place the chocolate around the area where the cookies join. I thought that this would add to the flavour and also it will stop the ice cream from melting out (if your quick enough). Good luck with your brownies and cookies.
  18. My vote is for Opera, IE has far too many ads, but Firefox has a far too low download speed, it downloads lower than what IE would. Sure I like its no pop ups but I cant handle the slow speeds. Opera has no pop ups ive found and most importantly my download speeds are the same as IE.
  19. Your sigs are really good, they must have taken ages, maybe even days. I wouldnt know as i have yet to create a sig, can you suggest some tips on where to get good resolution images or maybe some tips for use with photoshop? I agree your site template seems abit too purple for my liking, but i like the design it looks really good.
  20. Very good poems! You should be proud of your poem writing skills, I especially liked the 3rd poem. Not quite sure what made me like it so much. Have you ever written many Haikus before? If you dont know what they are you could try a google search. They are of Japanese origin where each line has a certain amount of syllables. I am interested to see how they would turn out, if you wrote one.EDIT: I forgot to give you a rating, lol. I would have to say you deserve an 8.5/10 good job.
  21. LOL, yeah it reminded me of a maxibon aswell, i didnt particularily like those. Maybe because i have semi or full sensitive teeth, they always hurt my teeth. I think it was the whole biting into ice cream thats cold, but the cookie with icecream may make it warm and easier to eat. Good luck with this Tractor. Post if you have any advancements in the field of Ice cream cookies.
  22. The last time i got a BSOD was probably about 5 months or so ago. May have been less may have been more, well it was when i decided i would install Windows Vista again. So after searching my CD wallet for a while i finally find it, put in the DVD and i had chosen the option to wipe my HDD not dual boot, so i get to the install screen. After about 5 minutes it starts progressing along the bar, it gets to the near end around 98% and then stops for 5 minutes. I was thinking this might be normal as i didnt exactly remember the last install. It finally finishes and im all happy, it reboots as normal and then WHAM i got a BSOD. I was so annoyed and dont know why i got it but tried a re-install and thankfully that was the last BSOD i have got.
  23. I have lower specs than what is suggested on many sites, and my vista ran fine as i found it basically a slight upgrade to XP, it ran fine and i do not have a Vista ready graphics card, infact i have half the required ram and Cpu speed. I would seem like the last person to run Vista but then again it has a fairly good design, some good features. OK, a slight exaggeration. It loaded faster than my XP!I would only reccomend getting vista when it is released, any time sooner wouldnt be a good idea as the drivers for current and past components dont exist so you will find yourself needing to upgrade just to run it anyway. There are however, sites that can tell you if you are capable of running Vista and what you will need to upgrade. I hope we have been able to help you gursimran2006.
  24. While reading Tractor and Brandice's posts it came to me, you need ice cream in the middle of the cookie right? Ofcourse, Making the cookie hollow isn't easy right? Wrong, well this isn't what you should use but you should use something along the same lines. Well, first you need to find something that is edible and hard so it wont callapse along with the dough, something like cake icing well you need it to be hollow, and also hard thats important, but maybe not too hard. While making the dough get your hollow hard edible thingy and put the cookie dough around it, it would probably be a good idea to put the ice cream in first, now all you need to do is bake it and then it will be what you want once its frozen.This may not be what you want to use but it is along the same guidelines that may actually work. I immagine that this will work as the dough will stay hollow and wont collapse, also the ice cream can be injected into it and not be difficult. I am sorry if this isn't very helpfull, but i hope it has given you an idea on what to do.
  25. I dont quite know what you mean by Download Manager, do you mean like Firefox's Download Manager? If so, then no it does not increase connection or download speed, what i have found it reduces my download speed, but what it does is keeps all the files and things you have downloaded in a list allowing you to see them.But you may mean something similar to Download Accellerator Plus or DAP as it is more commonly know as, then yes it does increase download speed, but not connection speed. It too, like Firefox's download manager has all the files you downladed in a list that tells you if they are paused, downloading or stopped and the percentage and how many MB or KB downloaded.To increase connection speed you would have to have a program such as modem booster, i think you need dial up for it to work, I cant really help you there but try your good friend Google. I hope i may have provided the answers you were seeking.
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