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Everything posted by Caped_Crusaider

  1. I have got the Vista BETA 2 DVD, i dont think its still up on the Microsoft website, although i may be wrong. I didn't think it was that good to be honest, i found it more of a suped up XP. Sure it had new features such as IE7, Windows Media Center XP, thats right XP they couldn't even be bother updating it. It had a spyware protection built in, and many new games.The bad thing about Vista is that even though Microsoft states its for everyone, with the 7 or so different versions and requirements, there is little to no drivers for Vista as of now. And Vista is due out January or July 2007. I cannot tell you the price as it is still a while for it to be released. It is pretty good but there are some major bugs and flaws. An example of this is, when opening Media Center the whole operating system crashed. If you are willing to look past the bugs and look at the positives then you would agree that this is the best Operating System that Microsof has produced. I hope that by the time it is released the bugs that many users have experienced have been reported, sure that may be what the beta testing is for but lets face it some people can be really lasy and not bother to report any flaws.I hope that I have answered some or all of the questions that you have, from reading your post it seems you have many questions.
  2. darran, im pretty sure it has all the features enabled until the end of the trial period. I recommend you try it and the microsoft powertoys, to see which is better for you. I didnt really like the Tweak XP, and decided to go with the PowerToy. Mainly because it was made by Microsoft so i got support for problems that i encountered. I also found a way to speed up the Start menu, this is pretty helpfull. If anyone wants to know please feel free to ask.
  3. Thank you for such a prompt post. I am planning on have a site with some flash animations on it, sure some people will say they arent that big, but they havent seen mine, LOL. I once was so bored I made a 180, 000 frame animation of random changing colours, that may have added to the boredom but the end result gave my friend a headache , sure thats not really a good thing but it got him out of Japanese class.I have read the rules, but i have forgotten some things so i will do what i do with every forum, read them again! I'm not that big on PC gaming myself, as my PC is very, very slow. Seriously sometimes a snail could beat it in a race to process data. But all that will change when i set up my Dual Core AM2 PC. All that is needed is a Graphics card, but 7600 GT's don't grow on trees so ill have to save up a bit first. The local computer shop claims to be the cheapest and it is, but still the prices arent as cheap as you Americans get everything...damn GST.Hopefully soon i will be hosted, although i read there is a problem or something, is this fixed or should i still worry and wait?
  4. Ah thank you so much, i often design things in Flash and have these ideas that I wasn't too sure how to create with actionscript, but then I read this topic and i'm extremely happy! Thank you so much. It will make animating with flash alot simplier and easier.
  5. I personally don't see the point in signing up for Windows Live Mail BETA, mainly because GMail offers around the same size or twice as much I don't really know. Also the style is alot like the new Yahoo Mail BETA. Also for people with Yahoo email addresses and others they can't get this. The only reason I would get this is if it has great features such as spam filtering or something like that. So can anyone tell me if this is worth me creating a new email address?
  6. I could have sworn that Microsoft has made something similar, the software is called Powertoys or something, you can find them on the microsoft website, there are various ones that are all around 2 MB mainly less. Theres one that gives you more desktops like linux and one that tweaks XP from what i remember. People could try these as they are free and were made by Microsoft for XP, to enhance the XP experience. Not sure if you have heard about them. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. Ah thanks alot Saint Michael, your a real saint LOL thats a lame joke. But anyway thanks for all the information and help!I am in the process of building my own computer, I have bought a new CPU, 512 MB Ram, a brand new Motherboard and a case, all I need is a a graphics card which i am about to go out and buy soon so i can start building the PC. So I am not worrying about the current computer just yet. I am just glad that there is nothing wrong with the router or my straight through cables.Thanks alot, Mods can lock this topic or people with the same sort of problems can use this to post instead of posting everywhere else.
  8. Hello all, im new to these forums. I think your forums are great! Over the past 3 months i have been looking for a web host that is free and most of all has no forced ads, and then i stumbled apon your site, while searching on google. I have posted a couple of times on this forum since joining but i couldnt find an introduction topic until now. Well, I suppose I should introduce myself, well i like playing games on gaming consoles, handhelds and PC games. I dont get to play all that new games just yet as my current computer is pretty old, but i have purchases computer parts a while back and were supprisingly cheap for a dual core CPU and the rest. All around $500, but i hope that if i run into any problems i will be able to post here and ask for help. Well i dont hope i run into problems with my PC but, well you get what i mean. I have an XBOX, unfortunatly not an XBOX 360, my favorite game so far is Ninja Gaiden.
  9. Whilst reading this i was thinking of the process you would have to go through and about the cookies themselves. My thoughts on this are, you would need melted icecream not frozen so that it will inject properly. You would need something like what people use to put icing on cakes, and you would have to inject it into the cookie whilist warm, just cooked. I think it should be done whilst warm is the cookie isnt hard yet and still quite soft so it should be able to be injected. But you could also try it while cold.My advice would be to make several batches of the cookies as you can try thousands of different ways to make them and inject them. Also once you have worked out the best way to inject and keep the cookies intact, you should definatly write it down and not rely on your memory to remember how it was made.Good luck on your icecream cookies, and i hope they turn out well.
  10. This reminds me of other sites/programs search feature, where you enter a word that your sure will come up with the results you want and then are faced with an error. I know how frustrated you must get especially if you cant change the keywords as you will not get what you were looking for.
  11. This is a great advancement in the field of science, but as fellow members have said there are many disadvantages and dangers of this technology leaking into the public, or put in the wrong hands. Terrorists could finally hide Osama for real if hes not dead, North Korea could hide their atomic bombs and completly destroy America. However if Americans developed this then they had better only make one, as even more in the millitary could have problems. People may find a way around this and then can destroy what ever the cloak is hiding. But when i first read this topic i immedietly thought of Harry Potter and the amount of trouble he got into with his invisibility cloak! But still this is a great idea, pity i never heard about it sooner.
  12. Hello, im not sure if this should go in this topic and sorry if it shouldn't. As my topic says, WLM or Windows Live Messenger continually disconnects me whenever i am connected and using it. When ever i go to chat with a friend there will be a little error message saying im not connected. I didn't choose to sign out, it seems to do this by itself.Could there be a problem with my computer? Sure my motherboard is dying but there are many other things that come to my mind. Could it be a virus? I do keep getting pop ups when using IE6. It cannot be the fact that im not actually connected to the internet, as i am connected to a modem router which stays active, also the bit torrent client i am using is downloading when WLM disconnects, so that means its not a problem with the router right? Could it be the software?I would love to stay connected and chat to my friends but this is making it hard for me to do. Any help would be awesome. Thanks in advance.
  13. Hello all, i am newto this great forum. I could not see a thread for introducing myself but anyway, back on topic. I used to use CuteFTP but kept getting annoyed as i was constantly disconnected, then a friend told me about SmartFTP and as many have said it is amazing! I have never been disconnected since. If only i had of been smart enough to use it first. Alas, i have forgotten to update versions so could someone please post a link to get the latest version? when i tried a site that offered it the download wouldnt start. Any help is greatly appreciated!
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