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Everything posted by bjrn

  1. First: Java is not JavaScript. You use Java for programming, you will need to compile Java code. JavaScript is a scripting language, most used for clients-ide scripting in webpages. If you want to password-protect things on your website, you really have to use something server-side, either PHP (or similar) or HTTP authentication. JavaScript won't help you protect things. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you want to learn, but if you bought a book about JavaScript, you won't learn any Java, or anything to password protect your site. Edit: Please note that JavaScript can be very useful when building websites.
  2. 1. Almost none of those were about programming at all, let alone PHP programming.2. Read the rules. No cracks/serials talk.
  3. According to Gamspot the release date is 06/07/2005. I'm fairly confident that info comes from Rockstar Games (I doubt they would post it otherwise). Note that because Gamespot is American they use the illogical mm/dd/yyyy format. So the release date is in June, not July.
  4. So what you're saying is that she has no one but herself to blame, because she is to lazy, or too stupid, to get a job and support herself?
  5. It's not written anywhere that I know of. It happened to me, and since you noticed that you had 2.98 days worth after you upgraded (which might have been because you checked after about 30 minutes after processing, 30 minutes ~ 0.02 days). So I thought: Hey I got my credits reduced to 3 days after upgrading, same happened to you. Perhaps it happens for everyone. I hope this is just a bug that can be fixed without too much trouble
  6. Because if you would have a company, I'm sure you would like to read and write the same documents that your subcontractors/clients/etc use. Last I used OpenOffice it was far from perfect in dealing with MS formats, and if you have a business you can't send a customer a document with strange formatting. So you use MS Office, because all the other companies and clients are using it. It does suck that MS doesn't release their document specs, but it's just the way it is.
  7. I'd go so far as to try: sqlstring="UPDATE `users` SET car=\"".$carid."\", money=".($money - $price)." WHERE uname=\"".$uname."\"";or sqlstring="UPDATE `users` SET car=".$carid.", money=".($money - $price)." WHERE uname=\"".$uname."\"";followed by mysql_query(sqlstring);Depending on if carid is a varchar or int. I assume that the money field is an int type. Anyway, you could always try to echo the sqlstring and commenting out the querying. That way you can see exactly what your code is trying to execute. And you might want to check that uname='{$uname}'" shouldn't be uname='$uname'".
  8. Perhaps you mean the 'alt' attribute for image tags? If that's the case: You should not use 'alt' attributes as some sort of title/description/etc, it is a fault in IE that pops up the alt attribute in a small box, it's not meant to work like that (and it only "works" in IE). The 'alt' attribute should be used so that user-agents who can't/won't (screen readers, or perhaps if the image link is broken) display your image get something that is a textual representation of the image. If you want a small box popping up you should use 'title' I think, or perhaps 'longdesc'. I don't really know. Anyway, I don't really know what you want. Perhaps something like this (hover over the nav menu). Or perhaps something like this (use mozilla/firefox (or perhaps Opera) and hover over the 'recent entries in the right side bar). I'm guessing something like the second link is what you want, but Distler's solution doesn't work in IE, which might annoy you if you have many (more than one or two per cent) visitors who use IE. So perhaps you can hack together a combination of both?
  9. More or less the same thing just happened for me.It appears to be so that when you get an upgrade (that is, when you process your upgrade), your hosting credits get reset to 3 days, no matter how many you had before.
  10. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say anything anywhere. You aren't allowed to spray-paint graffiti all over your neighbours house unless your neighbour says it's okay. Same thing with forums. Whoever owns the forum lays down the rules. If you want to say things that a certain forum doesn't allow, go to another forum or set up your own...
  11. That's not really the fault of books or films is it? Someone killing because it's in a book has got serious problems, the book doesn't. You can't just get out of raising children by blaming books or films. I can't believe how far it has gotten in America where artists are getting sued for acts by mentally unstable people. The amount of censorship going on in America is also quite bad...
  12. If you are talking about here on Xisto, I don't think you can. At least I don't think you can because I think there is just one tomcat process running that is shared by everyone. But then I don't have it enabled in my package, so I don't really know.
  13. Uhm, surely all you do is make the installer program catch any errors? If the installer can't write a file because of lacking permissions or anything like that you can catch that during the installation in the code, you don't need to check when you're done installing, do you? And if you want to check the integrity of the installer package you could perform some sort of hash value check on the install package before starting to install.
  14. Or it could become a mass-murderer. You can't tell. "What-if" scenarios are beside the point, just like you wouldn't go out to cut down an acorn for firewood, the acorn might become a large tree some day, maybe, perhaps, that doesn't mean it is a tree. And I'm not so sure the bible thinks it's a big no-no. There are enough passages that indicate that a fetus is not considered a person. Not that it matters at all, belief is a personal thing and has no place whatsoever in legislation (not about abortion, not about anything else).
  15. I'm not commenting on the issue itself, just coming up with a reason why you might want to put the seat down (This is assuming women always sit and men sit some of the time.):The majority of times a toilet is used, the user will be sitting down. Which should be an okay argument for putting the seat down when you're done. Tadaah. Anyway, on to the issue. I think it wouldn't hurt people to check whether the seat is down before sitting down. And if someone complains, just ask if they would prefer that you don't put it up at all, even when peeing. I'm sure they'll stop complaining Edit: Could some mod please do something painful to Tduyloc? He's been spamming all over the place.
  16. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP.Very understandable error. Just like forgetting ';' in languages that need it (PHP, Java and so on). I'm just glad you hadn't got to somewhere where you had made hundreds of lines of code (and posted here) :DI'm glad I could help and good luck with the further learning
  17. Just the difference between require() and include().If require() fails, it produces a fatal error, stopping the whole parsing process. If include() fails it onlyproduces a warning. So if you want everything to stop when you want to get content from an other file, use require, otherwise use include.There are also two other variants: require_once() and include_once(), which work as the normal ones, except that if the code has already been included earlier, it won't be included a second time (in the same page).
  18. Uhm, perhaps you need to add quotes around "John" and "Bob" in the if statement?
  19. He already has. He and his wife have a charity fund which is basically just money from Bill. They have given hundres of millions of dollars to charity, and just today I read that they are planning on giving the majority of their money to charity. Mostly medicine-related as I understood it.
  20. bjrn

    Fade Link Color

    I remember having problems with it some time ago. It might be mainly affecting IE, but I'm not sure (and not in the mood for testing), but quick google seems to indicate it's for (mainly) all browsers. The point is that if you order it, for instance, like so: link active hover visited then visited would override hover, and so when you would hover over a visited link you wouldn't see the hover style, because the visited style is declared later than the hover style and therefor overrides it. I'm not sure I'm explaining properly, so I'll expand. I'll use a shorthand form (L means ":link" and so on). When you have a link it will fall under just L and not under A, H or V. When the visitor has clicked on it, it becomes visited and falls under both L and V. CSS works so that the last style declaration overrides older ones, so if you have p { background-color:#fff; border:1px solid #f0f;} p { background-color:#000; } The background for 'p' would be #000 (black) with a #f0f (magenta) border, because last rule the parser encountered overrides any earlier rules. Same thing with pseudo classes like hover. So, when the visitor has visited a link and then hovers over it, the link falls into L V and H! Oh dear! So the parser checks the styles for a:L, a:V and a:H and applies them in the order they are typed in the stylesheet. At least I'm guessing that is what is/could be causing problems sometimes. Of course if you don't want visited links to have hover styles then the appropriate order would be to have H before V. And I'm guessing you could (probably doesn't work in IE, but you never know) do something like: a:link{...} a:hover{...} a:active{...} a:visited{...} a:visted:hover{...} to get special styling for visited links you're hovering over.
  21. Okay, that's great. Thanks, I was a bit worried there for a minute.
  22. Well, I'd say it looks very nice. And I really like the fact that you've used CSS to layout the site and avoided tables for layout purposes.The only thing I can think of right now that you might want to change is making the top left and right corners rounded, just like the bottom left and right corners. Or making them all square.
  23. bjrn

    Fade Link Color

    The order you put them in is important though. So remember, when if comes to pseudo classes: LoVe HAte (link, visited, hover, active)
  24. I saw one post had been edited because it had a huge quote and someone complained about how it was going to increse the char count for that post (and poster).Would it perhaps be a good idea to exclude quotes from the character count of a post? Since the things inside the quote are things someone else than the poster has written. I thought this was the case until I saw the edited post...Just an idea.
  25. There are a lot of nice things in the 1.5 release. Just like cse-icons I quite like the addition of the for-each loop and autoboxing. I really hated those back and forth castings from int to Integer and vice-versa *shudder*. Here is the page with all the new features and enhancements.
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