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Everything posted by hts

  1. sincerely spoken, your sig doesn't remind me of something Sci-Fi....I mean, it`s too abstract, so to say, it doesn't represent the theme of the contest very well...also, you could try adding some "contrast" to your colors - it`s a bit dull the way it is now
  2. hts


    first of all, <marquee> is a proprietary tag...it will invalidate your document and won`t work in other browsers than Internet Explorer.. then: don`t confuse Java for java script: definitions for: javascript java (beside all those definitions regarding coffee names )
  3. This will pop a dialog box with options "OK" and "Cancel"...hope its ok for what you need..write it as a function, then call the function in a link..or whatever, I think you can handle..I`m not too good at JS either, I handle ok php, html, css, but NOT javascript ..
  4. guys just tend to simplify everything in their lives, tend to have a general attitude of "I don`t give a damn, just let it be, whatever" (all together or separated ) )of course, this doesn`t apply to all men, but you have an easier life, methinks, if you get under the criteria above (and some more )..just my 2 cents..
  5. hts


    You might take a look on tizag: http://www.tizag.com/javascriptT/ the tutorials there are quite good and easy to follow Good luck learning
  6. -first of all, work with Firefox (or Opera) as your testing browser, as these respect the web standards, NOT Internet Explorer, as many people think-then, validate your markup & css code, it might solve the problem (partially, at least)-post your problems here and we`ll try to help you...there are several known IE bugs regarding rendering of css...
  7. well, the move_uploaded_file() function might be restricted...I don`t know for sure, it`s just my guess, can anyone confirm please? but anyway, why bother creating an image gallery by yourself? install one of the free solutions out there on the web, and you`re done (I recommend http://www.plogger.org/ )
  8. Of course I can "give up" Smarftp, there`s nothing that can`t be changed )Thanks for the FileZilla suggestion, but as I have already written in my posts above, I now use FireFTP extension for Firefox, which seems to fulfill all my needs
  9. if you would have read my last post (the one above yours), you would have noticed that I get no error, it`s just blank...nevertheless, the problem is somehow solved (I use Fireftp now, which works just fine) ..thanks again for all who offered to help me...
  10. I don't have firewall, I`ve checked the login details 2 times and they are fine ...I don`t get any error, no "wrong password" or something like this,...it`s just blank look: click Anyway, I now use the FireFtp extension for Firefox which works fine ..might give up SmartFtp for this one Thanks for your help
  11. So here we go: I use htaccess rules to have SEF url`s on my site..here`s my htaccess file: And I have those files (quiz, tour, logout etc) in my root ...according to the htaccess file, those files will be parsed as php.. The urls are like: hts.trap17.com/tour/signup , for example here`s the content of one of that files: now in index.php, I include the file requested: The problem is: it just doesn`t work... That is, whatever url i go to, it shows me the index (but in the address bar, the url is the one I requested. :| ).. A wild guess: the ForceType Directive is not enabled...and that would be a disaster .. Anyway, anyone help? The site is: hts.trap17.com ...I`ve just uploaded it and it is not at all complete, I just want to test it on Xisto.. Problem solved using mod_rewrite, which works just fine
  12. Can someone please help me?:)It just doesn't connect to the ftp server using SmartFTP (it works with cuteftp) ..Has anyone else encountered this problem ? :|... Please help...
  13. The movie Flakes is talking about is this: To be ontopic: the number 0.(9) (periodical) tends to reach 1, but it never does..just like this number: 1/n, where n gets values in the interval (0, infinite) ..this number tends to reach 0, but it never does.. hope you got it
  14. well, it`s true that young kids might get influenced by games like Counter-Strike and try to "practice" this in the real life ) ..But as for people aged 13-14 and more, I don't really think that playing video games is a problem (unless you have a "screwed" mind ).., because at this age, you should be able to separate the fantastic, unreal universe of a game from the real life...
  15. I use Firefox 2.0 and the forums work just ok..You might try to check the "remember me" box, maybe it`ll work this way :rolleyes:As you said, maybe G-Web Accelerator is the problem, try uninstalling it and see whether it works.. Good luck solving your problem
  16. i suggest using css to specify such properties of the document, as using BODY attributes might invalidate your file (not sure about this, got to check it out ).. in your css file: body {margin:0;padding:0;} Hope that`s what are you looking for Good luck
  17. check out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it`a free counter with quite complex statistics ..just read on the site for details..
  18. you might try a freelancing site..getafreelancer.comscriptlance.comrentacoder.comand post a SEO project there...maybe you`ll find someone good at SEO to promote your sites further
  19. the link-farm method of exchanging links will not help you a lot, as google does not consider such links very high (or maybe doesn't consider them at all, dunno)..one-way links are the most important ones for good positioning in SERPs..if they are from sites with related topics, it`s the best
  20. hts

    Mysql Help

    can you be a bit more specific of what your problem is? and try using a more easy-to-understand english
  21. 200$ / click ? o.O it is obviously a scam- that is, you are wasting your time..this kind of ad campaign would bring even large companies to ruin in short time
  22. now, Firefox (no matter the version) has become indispensable for me, because of the extensions installed for it (mostly for webdevelop & seo)so yes, I use Firefox 2.0 (and it`s previous versions), and I`ll NEVER switch to IE )a bit offtopic -> btw @Albus: superior has no comparison degree
  23. it is stated clearly in the tos that you are not allowed to click on your own ads. that is certainly why you got your account banned
  24. Black hat SEO: aside your normal text document, you write a lot of keywords or phrases (combination of keywords) having the same color as the background, with a very small size of the font, underneath other elements (using negative z-index in css) and so on (also called SEO spam..however, there are more ways )..never use such way of promoting your site: maybe initially you`ll get a boost in the SERPs (search engine results page) - that is, a better positioning for some keywords, but on a long term, someone might just report and your site will be banned by google and other search engines
  25. http://www.ftpsynchronizer.com/ install the program, set it up with your hostname, password etc...then you can synchronize between your computer and your webhost ps: this is not free...however, if this software does not satisfy your, just search google for ftp synchronization (that`s what I did )...maybe you`ll find something better
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