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Everything posted by Caveman

  1. Good stuff...what school are you currently attending, and what's your major?
  2. Wow. We're getting some pretty surprising responses here, haha! I didn't realize so many youngin's were so tech-savvy!
  3. I have no negative feelings towards Valentine's Day, but here's an interesting fact: More money is spent on candy for this holiday than any other holiday (and that includes Halloween!)Must be Godiva. Yikes
  4. I saw them in concert with Incubus a few years ago. They're pretty cool.Very coincidential, just today I was doing some arbitrary research on them and I happened to come across this topic. Very cool! I didn't realize Jared Leto was in the band...that's some pretty nifty stuff. He's a great actor, and evidently a great musician, as well!
  5. Good choice, biscuitrat. Like the color, too As for me, I'll stick with my 1995 Jeep Wrangler. I'll never sell this baby for as long as I live!
  6. I'm sorry, but Caveman is not a die-hard Christian. Even if he was, he wouldn't have sufficient self-motivation to refrain from any particular activity for such an extensive period of time as 40 days. If God didn't want me to eat chocolate, he wouldn't have created it for me! Doh!P.S. - Just out of curiosity...why running? It's a healthy activity...there's no sense in giving it up, really. That's just my opinion, though...If you enjoy it so much, you must have a lot of will power to keep from doing it. I'm impressed, dude!
  7. I have a new favorite movie as of this past weekend: Life is Beautiful.Pure genius.
  8. 3 times in the past 4 years...I don't know how many times they've won besides that offhand, though...
  9. Not a big fan of either...although they're at the better end of the nu-metal spectrum...
  10. With the way Donovan McNabb was playing, you could've thrown that little twerp who "flipped" the coin out there and HE would've made him look bad. Let alone Tom Brady, who's already got enough Super Bowl MVPs under his belt to cut him some slack.
  11. Meh. When I picked up the first Harry Potter book several years ago, I read about 3 or 4 pages before my eyelids just fell like anvils. Haven't cracked it open since. I'm not too thrilled about the whole series. Goosebumps were much better, IMO.
  12. I didn't know it was possible to know more than one ambidextrous person...haha, guess I was wrong
  13. I find the Offspring to be kinda obnoxious...Green Day is okay. They have a few gems in their extensive arsenal (i.e. "Good Riddance" and "When I Come Around"). I'm not a huge fan of the pop/punk scene, but I do have to admit that every once in a while, a song will come around around that doesn't cease to catch your attention. Green Day is quite good at that.
  14. For a solid, credible review of Vertigo, check out the infamous Maddox website. What a riot
  15. Princess Toadstool a.k.a. Peach.Anyone?Heh heh.
  16. Interesting article...I wouldn't give up my broadband for anything, though. I feel no guilt The convenience of broadband is undeniable. I catch myself taking it for granted sometimes, but I've just become to accustomed to it that I hardly remember my days with the good ol' 56K (and it's not like anyone else I know has it!). I really don't get what the author is trying to get at here...does he just think that the monthly fee isn't worth it for what he's doing? Oh well, I'll let it be...BTW, divorce over online gaming? That's a severely flawed relationship...Haha
  17. Mwahaha! Excellent poll!I have to go with Ryu. I mean, he looks cooler, plus his name is just kickin'. RYU. Speaks volumes to me
  18. Ah, the southpaw. Fond memories of Rocky Balboa and the immaculate anthology
  19. I think they just wanted to avoid having another Janet Jackson dilemma. Good move, I say. And who could possibly be better than Sir Paul McCartney? Excellent performance. Glad to see he's still in great shape.
  20. Pats won by 3...the last three minutes were pretty intense stuff!
  21. Child prodigies have maxed out on those things in a half a minute. Impressive, indeed, but not something I'd wanna waste my time over. Sometimes little trivialities such as a Rubix cube can retain their wonder if you refrain from deciphering their mysteries. Just pick it up every once and a while and screw around (bathroom toys!). That's the best way to keep them intriguing.
  22. I play billiards only when a table is available...which isn't very often, haha. I've got a pal who's got one in his entertainment room, so we usually just chill out, watch a movie or blast some music, and shoot some pool. It's a lot of fun, but I can see it as a game that's easy to get bored of if you play it too much. That's why I limit my playing time: so I can maximize the enjoyability
  23. I was rooting for the Eagles...I went to a minor gathering and put a pool together. One kid won three out of the four quarters, all on doubles! It was pretty insane, he pulled together a cool $60. I left in the negatives Anyway, congrats to the Pats. I smell a dynasty.
  24. Didn't realize there were so many youngsters here...heh hehAll the moderators seem to be so young, too!
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