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Everything posted by niran

  1. Hi, Hosting process page is having some problems! While going to Proces page, I can view some menu items there! And created my hosting account without having any problems by clicking the 1st link! But what all are the remaining links for?? Went to those links, and tried some thing using my id and pasword! and all of those links shows some php scrip error and shows as: INVALID USERNAME AND PASSWORD! Iths the error msg generated while trying to enter with my username and password at: Check Status Page Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): Access denied for user: 'nobody@localhost' (Using password: NO) in /home/Xisto/public_html/process/installationcheck.php on line 61 Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/Xisto/public_html/process/installationcheck.php on line 61 Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): Access denied for user: 'nobody@localhost' (Using password: NO) in /home/Xisto/public_html/process/installationcheck.php on line 62 Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/Xisto/public_html/process/installationcheck.php on line 62 INVALID USERNAME AND PASSWORD! I think, some script error is there in those pages! Hope, you people will check and fix that soon!
  2. Gmail is the Best Mail Service provider! Amazingly fast and Is having a good Spam Filter also!Lots and lots of Options, Integrated chat with Mail Box, Free SMTP, POP3 access, free mail forwarding, easy search, and 2.7+ GB storage space, and much more features!I love the interface also!
  3. I'm using CuteFTP 7.1 Its has a good more easy interface than any other FTP softwares!I love that one and using that one for last one year!No problem at all!!
  4. Here Im posting some links, using that, u can create RSS feeds for your websites: ListGarden RSS Feed Generator Program FeedRol Feed2JS
  5. That means the server IP address may change from Time to time Oh God I got my domain name from http://www.webstarindia.com/ I can control all my DNS record from there! My old server was not allowing people to edit the MX and all records! So I just put that server's IP address in A Resords instead of changing the Name Servers! ( Beacuse I wished to use Google Apps as my mail server ) And It worked fine! And edited the MX records at Domain Server ( Not Hosting Server ) to point to Google Apps! Yesterday I simply changed the A records of my DOmain Server to point to Asta Host provided IP address: and now ftp, cpanel and all are working fine! ( Didn't edited Name Servers as I want to use google Apps for my main domain: niranvv.com and for my sub domain: fun.niranvv.com ) But according to your post, If the server Ip address changes, my site wont load untill I change the IP address of A records on my Domain Server! Is it? So, please let me know the frequency of changing the Server IP address!
  6. Ok!! may be my company proxy is blocking the access! Thanks friend! I'll check it from home!
  7. Tried the address: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ But its not opening! Anyone please try the address!
  8. I think, Tweak UI can help you with auto login! Pleasehave a look at here what OS you are aving! Tweak UI is designed for Windows XP Sp1+
  9. How did you created the Icon? Is it in correct format or not? ( I mean , creating one jpg or gif file and renaming that to .cico wont work ) May be, thats the problem! Check my page: http://niran.in/ in your IE! whether it shows the Icon or not? ( I can see my static Icon in the address bar itself for IE 7 )
  10. Just got approved my hosting here for my domain: http://niran.in/ But the final screen shows that: You can access ftp at ftp.niranvv.com.com I'm little bit confuse by seeing this! how that extra .com comes there? instead of ftp.niranvv.com Whats went wrong with my account creation! Also, can I login to my account using: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ without changing the name servers?? Beacuse I need to upload all my site pages before pointing to the new server??
  11. Please check my forum: http://www.funlokam.com/ Started the forum for just funny pictures! Now giving Free Gmail and Orkut Invitations from there! Please post a reply here! You wil soon get a new Invitation from any of the 350 members there!! You can create one Google Account ( Not Gmail Account) from here: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?continue=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.google.com%2FManageAccount But, If you need to get gmail, you need to get one invitation from an existing user! US, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Newzealand, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey persons can get gmail accounts without an invitation! they can join there by using SMS! Link is here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ But its not yet launched for other countries! More Details Here
  12. The main advantage is you can install the extensions created for Mozilla Firefox to this browser also! (That you need to open the xpi file and it will show one dialog box! You need to select "yes" inorder install the extensions!) Not yeat tried the themes for Firefox to install on this Flock! The default theme is much better than any other theme! Its having a nice look!
  13. You are always welcome Mr Yordan!Please have a look at my new modified Error page ( 404 File Not found error page) Changed it today itself! Its one funny one friend! Check it: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. I'm not aware of using custom Error pages thru CPanel! But Im using custom error pages for my site http://niran.in/ thru DirectAdmin at my present server! the error pages are: 404.shtml, 403.shtml, 404.shtml, 500.shtml Some sample error pages are here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ >> will show you Forbidden error (403.shtml) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ >> will show you Page Not Found error (404.shtml) These are using the same theme of my website http://niran.in/ Edit: If you can edit .htaccess file, then include the following lines: ErrorDocument 401 /someNew401ErrorpageErrorDocument 403 /someNew403ErrorpageErrorDocument 404 /someNew404ErrorpageErrorDocument 500 /someNew500Errorpage
  15. Its almost same as firefox! I think, they are using the same code from Firefox! But the difference is It has a nice default theme! and one more option Accounts and services! using that you can integrate your blogs, and photosharing to the browser itself! Im posting some screen shots for accounts and services window!
  16. Check out the new open source browser Flock! Flock is an amazing new web browser that makes it easier to share media and connect to other people online. Share photos, automatically stay up-to-date with new content from your favorite sites, and search the Web with the most advanced Search Toolbar available today. Remember, its in beta phase only! The main features are here: Photos Share and discover. Use drag and drop to share your photos, including built-in support for Flickr and Photobucket. Subscribe to your friends' photo streams and be the first to know when they upload new pics. Search Delivering results. Search your favorites, your history, and the entire web, as you type. Popular search engines are always within reach. News Get the scoop on what matters to you, pronto. Click the [subscribe icon] button in the address bar to start building your own personal news service, updated with fresh content every hour. Blogging Post almost anywhere with our easy-to-use built-in blog editor. Drag and drop photos or text snippets from any web site Favorites Click the blue star to mark any page as a favorite. Search your favorites from the search box, sync your favorites between multiple computers, or tag and share them with others.
  17. Anybody needs Animated FavIcon with your site address scrolling on that along with your logo? Check this site! Thats the site without any customization Options! But if you need to customize the Animated Icon, please reply here (In the sense, Fonts & Color Customization) Im doing it for Free! Example is here: checkOut the fav icon for: http://niran.in/ and http://www.funlokam.com/ You can see one Icon along with one Scrooling Text: NiranVv.Com in the icon! So, if you need that one, ask here! I'll give you the animated favIcon(Gif Format) along with Shortcut Icon(Ico Format) ITS TOTALLY FREE!! All You need to Give: The small Image to be displayed as Icon( Or some Small Text To be displayed) The Text to be displayed as Scrolling One! ( Edited: Note: Animated ICONS (GIF Files) presently works only with FIREFOX & Netscape! IE will show only static ICO Files ) How To Insert The FavIcon To your page: Insert the code in between your <head> and </head> tags Niran
  18. Just check my first post here! Checkout the screenshot friend! You can find the link in the firefox start page itself! I think, we people can trust Firefox!
  19. According to Alexa, Yahoo is the top most site where more users visiting daily!( I think, they are calculating it from alexa tool bar users) Here is the top sites list from Alexa (Note: Many of the spyware removers will consider ALexa toolbar as spyware as it s sending user browsing details to Alexa Server)
  20. Sorry friend, its not http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, Its http://niran.in/ It was my spelling mistake! I got the domain from: http://www.webstarindia.com/ (.com domain @ 350 INR ) There you can buy info / org domains for 199 INR! (I USD = 46.440 INR ) They are domain resellers from India itself! I got Managed DNS service from them by paying extra 50 INR!
  21. Its not about the trusting matter dude!Thae thing is that, you can use the quota of 1GB as your online harddisk!you can view the desktop onf that online hard disk in your browser itself! And lot more cool features are there!
  22. Thanks for such a nice reply friend. I had removed the code from overall_header.tpl and Im using one MOD named : Inline Banner Ad to display the Ads inside the forum itself!
  23. I think so friend! They are mentioning that, your name will be there on firefox 2 wall, If your refered friend, has no prevous firefox installation in his system! You can also widraw your current participation and make one new from there itself! If your friend has installed firefox in his system before, remove the old one by gong to: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/?utm_source=firefox-com&utm_medium=referral and create one new fresh Invitation to another friend, who has not yet installed firefox in his/her system!
  24. hehehe! Small in he sense I'm a only a small element in this large world of Internet!Not in the sense of Height! Then, Im experiencing some server problems friend!The apache server is restarting in regular intervals ( I dont know why it is )So the site wont load for 10-30 seconds in each 10 min time period!Beacause of the unstable server I'm presently having,I'm here at Xisto Hope, I will get a stable server here at Xisto! Thanks for the coments friend!
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