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Posts posted by RGPHNX

  1. Hi all,How does the internet affect your thinking ability??There's little real "accountability" out there on the net. Anybody can post just about anything ... I you take what someone says on the net at "face value" ... and believe it. ..then the "wrong" idea gets inside your head .. and can make you "stupid".Some associated questions to think about:Who do you believe as an authority on a subject ????Who do you trust??How do know when to trust them?How many "blind alleys" have you been led down by mis-informed ppl, lying ppl, or just plain stupid ppl with no real experience ??Just some thoughts,RGPHNX

  2. Hi suz,
    Have read many, many articles on SEO and their consensus seems to be the following:
    1) link farms can hurt PR
    2) Google sets your PR partially on the PR number of the sites linked to your site.
    3) Some site admins are reluctant to link to your site if you have a low PR.. because they think it will hurt their own PR.
    This google system Kind of blows for newer sites trying to get ranked.. kind of a "catch 22" .. if you know what I mean.
    Yahoo is much "fairer" because they rely more on Keywords on your pages for their ranking system.
    You can check out some articles at http://www.seochat.com/ if you have more questions.
    Hope this helps
    PS- anyway you go it will take some time & work.. but there are mistakes to avoid.

  3. Hi, Officer cartman,your question has to be addressed by the system admins... so re-post with the words "System Admin Question" or something similar so your post will get noticed. Be patient.. they'll answer your post.Also.. you can try knocking your posting credits back up to above 4 as all your credits probably got "wiped out"/used up when you got your site hosted. Don't know if this is the way it works here.. but it's the way it works at other hosting forums..only the admin can tell you for sure.Also.. make sure that your using the correct syntax (ie. uppercase vs. lowercase) to login to your cpanel.Hope this helpsRGPHNX

  4. Hi again soleimanian,You are showing up "high" on the page results because of the Keywords you used to search for your site in the google search engine. For that particular Keyword(s) you might be the only webpage (or one of a very few) who use those keywords on their webpage.The other possibility is that your website is linked to more "high" ranked webpages than some of the other websites who are listed on the results page below you.Do a little detective work by comparing the "source" code of your webpage vs. the others listed on the google results page & you'll find out that what I'm saying is essentially correct.RGPHNX

  5. Hi solemanian,Filesharing between your computers is possible!Need more info re:-the physical location of the computers (eg. 1 at office & 1 at home).-what specifically.. do you want to do.You might want to checkout my website page on "networking" to help you describe the network "configuration" you want to create.Just PM me to let me know that you have replied to this thread & I'll get back with you.RGPHNX

  6. Hi again gunbound,Windows "assigns" drive letters to all drives at startup/bootup time. Are you just turning off your external hard drive ONLY?... then turning it back on?? If so .. then windows "should" recognize the drive again with the same drive letter as before. If it doesn't.. then .. this is either a Windows OS file issue (may require a re-install of OS -_-( ) or a HD "driver" problem which requires a install of the latest driver from the HD manufacturer.If your talking about the external HD gets a new letter each time Windows OS is re-started (& your external HD is already connected) then this is definately a Windows OS issue.Hope this helpsRGPHNX

  7. Hi GhOst & all,Welcome to the forums. People here ARE very friendly & genuinely helpful. The hosting is THE best. Please remember to support Xisto by ... (check out the info below).We ALL need to participate to keep improving Xisto.Enjoy you stay.RGPHNX

  8. Hi Binod Singh,The problem might be that the two OS versions format using different file formats. Win 98 uses "FAT32" file formatting & Win XP can be set up to format as "FAT32" OR "NTFS" file formatting. If Win XP is set up to use NTFS ... this can be the cause of your problem. You can use DOS utilities to see which file format your Win XP is set up to use. Win XP is "supposed to" be able to read all file types using the Win32 file format... but personal experience has shown that this is not always the case.If this doesn't solve your problem..then.. you will have to check out the possibility of bad hardware (ie. floppy drive). Floppy drives are easy to troubleshoot. If you need help.. you can go to my website for a step by step tutorial.Hope this helpsRGPHNX

  9. Hi all,Gogglebot finally "hit" my site for the first time today.PROBLEM: I type my URL into the Google search engine & I get a site not found error.QUESTION: Is this usual OR is there a problem???... Becuase when Yahoo & Alexa & Ask Jeeves webspiders hit my site it got listed in their respective search engines respectively immediately afterward.My cpanel stats for the respective webbots show the following:Alexa- 1st hit date = 4/10/05; "indexed"= 118kbYahoo- 1st hit date = 4/20/05; "indexed"= 36kbJeeves- 1st hit date = 4/19/05; "indexed"= 7kbGoogle-1st hit date = 4/26/05; "indexed"= 2kb I've done all the meta tags & titles & Keyword optimization ...etc. so..Why doesn't Google listing my website?? Is there a "normal" "lagtime" between the time Googlebot hits your webpage for the first time and when your website gets listed in their database??? OR is/are there other considerations that need to be "optimized".Any observations from your own personal experience is appreciated.ThanksRGPHNX

  10. Hi all,Gogglebot finally "hit" my site for the first time today.PROBLEM: I type my URL into the Google search engine & I get a site not found error.QUESTION: Is this usual OR is there a problem???... Becuase when Yahoo & Alexa & Ask Jeeves webspiders hit my site it got listed in their respective search engines respectively immediately afterward.My cpanel stats for the respective webbots show the following:Alexa- 1st hit date = 4/10/05; "indexed"= 118kbYahoo- 1st hit date = 4/20/05; "indexed"= 36kbJeeves- 1st hit date = 4/19/05; "indexed"= 7kbGoogle-1st hit date = 4/26/05; "indexed"= 2kb I've done all the meta tags & titles & Keyword optimization ...etc. so..Why doesn't Google listing my website?? Is there a "normal" "lagtime" between the time Googlebot hits your webpage for the first time and when your website gets listed in their database??? OR is/are there other considerations that need to be "optimized".Any observations from your own personal experience is appreciated.ThanksRGPHNX

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