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Posts posted by RGPHNX

  1. Hey Spawn,Check out my post re: anti-virus in the forums. Just search on my username to find it. Adaware & Spybot are both excellent programs. They'll probably find "spyware" left behind by your recent AOL uninstall that's still clogging up your computer and limiting your bandwidth for websurfing. Other progies are listed in my other post with suggestions on how to use them effectively. Clean out all the trash and don't forget to install a firewall if you were using AOLs firewall before. "Zonealarm" is an excellent one & it's FREE. It's a little hard to find on their website though because they want you to look at their paid version first but you can get it.Hope this HelpsCheers! ;)

  2. Hey Guys,THE QUESTION isn't are they safe? The REAL question is how fast do you want to "cook" your brain and how many brain cells can you afford to lose? Although the final evidence isn't in it's only a question of time before some slick lawyer brings a successful class action suit for the damage CP's are causing as the scientific evidence is accumulating daily. Remember the cigarette companys??. Am not saying the CPs industry is at fault, just that at some point this society has got to stop blaming others for an individual's total lack of common sense just because they were "told" it was safe.Enough Said

  3. Hey Dodger,Good for you. Glad to see there's still some people out there who aren't afraid to get involved. Also thanks to the cop who used his common sense rather than following the "letter" of the law like some A**hole numnuts out there who would have just arrested you both & let the judge figure it out. Hope the kid was old enough to learn some good life lessons (kids & autos don't play well together-always help your fellow man etc.) & get a chance to live long enough to return the favor for some other child when he/she grows up. Always stand your ground for what's right!!! Kudos MAN!CheersPS-"there ain't no lifeguard on the gene pool"-unknown ;)PPS- that "mother" needs a real attitude adjustment & a baby sitter for herself.

  4. Just two cents worth,Have tried several FTP programs. Most have GUI "quirks" and/ or limitations. Many have such poor documentation you find out too late that they don't do what you want. Such as, limited number of file uploads (ie. limited cache queing); no timestamp comparisons for previously uploaded files etc. Very frustrating part is downloading, configuring, "testing" it and only then finding out it won't do what you want.My pick: FILEZILLAsmall program, multi-featured, drag & drop interface, dependable, opensource (under continued development-these guys have been known to release 4 "updates" in the same week- thats dedication ;) ) & FREE Cheers!Ps-I'm not afiliated in any way with the program developers.PPS- If you can afford it-drop them a donation- You'll find them on sourceforge.net

  5. Just a comment,Dreamweaver is great if you want lots of functionality & if you know how to clean up the "extra" html it 'dumps" in above the standard CSS etc. AND your goal is to to learn html coding it's the/a high end tool to use. If your an absolute newbie OR want to get a webite coded VERY FAST without learning any HTML, then you could use a program Like "SiteGenWiz". The author is in Switzerland. The download is fast. The price is very affordable $29 USD. And it produces a basic to intermediate website FAST. Has a FTP uploader, supports metatags, keywords etc. The program is a little short on documentation though & it will take some fooling around with to get you used to it. I guess the GUI is intuitive for some people but it really could use better docs. Otherwise it codes very well.Hope this helps!Cheers! ;) PS-I'm not affiliated with this co. in any way.

  6. ServerPh,Considerations- Basically every "link" in the chain is suspect. Any computer, any file, any program involved in the download process.Just some suggestions: First: Clean your PC. Run anti-vir; anti-spyware then run Scandisk & disk defrag.Especially if you'r downloading filesharing files or anything from "questionable" sources.Second: Install a downloader like "Get right" etc.Third: Check your machines firewall filters (permissions), it may be encountering a file type it doesn't "like". Just change the filtering. If you'r not using a firewall ON YOUR MACHINE, install one now! Don't depend on firewalls provided by your DSL service!Fourth: DON't websurf during your downloads!! Some servers and hubs out on the net will bounce/terminate a big download if they don't get REGULAR periodic pings (ie. Hello are you there?") messages back from the target computer while the download is in progress. Programs like "Getright" will help this but won't stop the dropped connection if the bandwidth gets too slow. Thats why they have a "resume download" feature in the first place.Fifth: For big downloads- do them at night ("off peak" web traffic times)When all else fails notify the programs author that the file is "corrupt"Sixth: If this still happens- Call the cable co. & have them "clean" the line. It may have a high resistance connection (same for phone lines).I've downloaded 300+MB files on 56K connection (PentiumI-128MB RAM) using this protocol and only had problems one time out of a 1000.Hope this Helps! ;) Cheers!

  7. Kvarnerexpress,Great tip.!!! Everyone who is designing a website should read this doc. Have run into many websites that a re just plain terrible to navigate through and get the info you want. If everyone did just the step1 ones ("must do") tips it would wipe out most website problems re: navigation and make sites much more user friendly. It's dated 1999, so are there any updates? Anyone? How about a shorter "How to" begin implementing these tips for newbies? Am going to //webnauts.net next to check that out.Many thanks ;)

  8. Just some Info, Basically they're used for two different levels of functionality. Flash is the best for high detail "cool" image presentations And sure GIFs have that "cartoony" image but they can get pretty complex too. Aside from all that there are some basic considereations when choosing which format to use. If you are distributing standalone programs (ie. .EXEs; CD/DVD distribution) then GIFs may be the way to go because you may not want to distribute the Macromedia Flash DLLs (re:large file size) with your product OR many people may not have (or want to load up their hard drive with DLLs they rarely use. Or they may not know how to install the Flash DLLs (it happens). Secondly GIFs are so much smaller in size than the Flash versions. If on the other hand you primarily do website/browser animations the Flash is probably what you want due to the enhanced image resolution and other display characteristics. A secondary issue is that Flash html pages can bloat your file size and increase dowload/load time for your website when you use it alot. Not everyone has a DSL or cable modem connection. I've waited up to 5 min. for a very flash "heavy" website to load on a 56K dialup modem PC. You may want to check out the stats for how many people are still using 56K ISP access (over 60% I think).Anyway here are some very easy to use (beginners level) tools for GIF/AVI animations and they're FREE!!Check out: "Unfreeze" program and"Jans Movies PRO" available at //Jansfreeware.comHope this Helps! ;)

  9. Additional Info,Thanks for the good info OdoMike! If you are interested in a more in depth discussion of SEO you can check out //Search-Marketing.info. Authors name is Aaron Wall.- he has written a highly reviewed book available at Amazon etc. He has posted LOADS of free info on his website. The info is well organized, documented and presented. The info on the website is a little weak as to the step by step stuff (he's selling a book for that) but is a good overview that will get you pointed in the right direction. Thanks again to OdoMIke for the practical tips! Keep them coming.Hope this helps!PS- I'm not affiliated in any way with the website listed above. ;)Cheers!

  10. Just some adt'l info,Kvarnerexpress's post below is very good. Just a few add ons. Due to the spyware definitions that each program uses, there seems to be a "prefered" (best use order) for cleaning your system of adware & spyware. This will maximize the effectiveness of the cleaning of the system.1) run anti-virus2) run ADAware3) run Spybot Search& Destroy4) re-run anti-virus (no this is not a typo-do it AGAIN)If you hav'nt installed a good firewall & trashed IE, DO IT NOW or your just wasting your time.5) Install Spyware Blaster OR similar program- (prevents most malware from ever installing on your system in the first place, if it gets past your firewall etc.).Hope this helpsPS- don't click on popups unless from trusted source website. If the sponsoring website has a "no spam"/"no adware" policy and the popup tries to install adware on your computer(ie. your firewall/antivir/botblocker catches it) >>>> let the system ADmin. know about it IMMEDIATELY. It's the ONLY way we'll ever clean up the NET. ;)

  11. Two Cents worth,Have over 30 yrs. in OS programming (DOS, ASM etc.). Have troubleshooted many virus infected systems. Experience shows that the best 3-4 anti-vir systems are:Norton/Symantec (a little tough to use for average user.)McAfee (more user friendly but sometimes a little slow with their dictionary updates)AVG (very good-but need to manually update-like "Hertz" - 3rd place and trying harder.)Kapersky AV ( seems to be a little less reliable but still very good)All these are very good anti-vir programs. Mostly the biggest problem comes with the user getting used to how they work & the program quirks re: updating the virus definitions; synchronization with firewalls; setting the filter/blocking options etc.Have encountered each (all) of these programs missing (not detecting) a virus on an infected system and another one finding it. Have also encountered each of these programs not being able to remove a particular virus and another program deleting it easily. My advice:1) get to know the program U R using very well & configure it properly.2) Install & RUN more than one program on your system - one as a primary (autostart with computer startup) and another as a backup.3) Do definitions updates VERY frequently. (every 3 days a new virus appears on NET)4) Get rid of IE browser; just way too many vulnerabilities and it'll probably NEVER be fixed.5) Put in & USE a firewall. (67% of a netsurfers do it naked WO any firewall at all-LOL)Hope this helps.PS- "If you want a totally safe computer, leave it in the box"- unknown but famous quote.Hope all this helps

  12. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is down, but will be up and running soon!


    In the mean time, go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Thanks Cragllo,

    Don't need help with my site content (ie. page layout etc.). Just need more info/ help about the ins & outs of setting up my webpage content on Xisto's site and integrating Xisto's features into my site(eg. e-mail forwarding; setting up website visitor query forms etc.). Maybe a step by step(?). Are there PDF guides etc. available?

    Thanks again

  13. Guys,Read your Alerts & notices section re: <- snipped -> to help support your site.I can see the paid ads in the posts & the ads at the bottom of the forums pages. DOES CLICKING ON THESE HELP Xisto???? I get popups when I click on these in column ads- so hope your getting paid for them.I CANT SEE ANY ADS TO THE RIGHT of the forum posts.The post in Alerts & notices forum -suggests turning off security. Did you mean turn off my firewall? REally??? No kidding??Maybe it's my ISP, browser etc. - am using Earthlink ISP & browser; McAfee security firewall- any suggestions??Would love to help by clicking on more ads?Any suggestions?SincerelyRG}

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