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Posts posted by RGPHNX

  1. Hi Dodger,It's a little like comparing apple & oranges. As I understand it MS's AntiSpy checks for trojans & worms & IE hijackers that Adaware was never designed to scan for. If you are going to continue to use Adaware, you should also consider using "Spybot Search & destroy" and/or "Trojan Hijacker" also which check for these problems.Also MS's entry into the "infection" arena comes after they recently bought out a anti-virus company (can't remember which one) that was somewhat third rate behind McAfee & Norton ...etc. So I would'nt put all my hope on the MS people who gave you the IE flaws/vulnerabilities in the first place and ignored the marketplace problems they created (allowed to continue) for over 5 years.Would be nice to think (wish) that they will do something nice for us consumers but their track record of only doing what's in the best interest of MS & "let the comsumer be Da*ed" isn't very encouraging.As for me I'm sticking with the third party folks who have don't a supurb job of cleaning up MS's mess!!!Just my thoughts, RGPHNX

  2. Hi Dungeon,Have encountered this problem before. It USUALLY deals with 2 related issues.1) XP OS (core operating system) files.2) firmware drivers for your new modem.First, make sure your XP OS files/"patches"/ updates are current (ie. go to MS & have them check your puter for updates).Second, go to the modem manufacturers site & download the newest/latest firmware install program for their drivers of the modem.By the time you get the "new" modem off the shelf & install it- the drivers are often already out of date due to MS's nasty habit of changing the configuration of OS files. The firmware manufacturers then have to "jump thru hoops" & re-write their code to catch up.After you do both of these steps the modem should(?) install correctly.If not, contact tech support for the modem manufacturer & report the problem.Post back & let us know how this problem was resolved so others can benefit.Hope this helpsRGPHNX

  3. OpaQue, where did you get that JavaScript for the error 404 page for Xisto? It's something I've looked for for a long time! I 've tried before, but couldn't achieve the typing effect with JavaScript. I'd be very happy if you could tell me where you got it.  :)


    Hi szupie,

    Opaque isn't on the boards right now. I think I saw the answer to your question over at Xisto's partner site "Xisto.com" . Just search for "404" etc.. I,m sure I saw Opaque post to that topic, over there.

    Hope this helps


  4. Hi Lukasz,seo (more correctly "SEO" ) is a acronym for Search Engine Optimization. It refers to the skills & processes for correctly using "keywords" etc. in the Header portion of your webpages (in the "metatags") , so that the websearch engines (Google, MSN Yahoo etc.) can properly index & find your webpages. The better your webpages are "optimized" then the better your chances that the search engine sites will give you a higher pagerank etc.Hope this helpsRGPHNX

  5. Hi gunbound,The info you recieved in the previous thread of posts is accurate. (ie. re: the processess Id's running on your computer). It appears that you MAY have a trojan pgm named "system" (the one without a .exe extension). Before you do anything manually you should identify the offending critter first using a scanner program. The one I've found to be absolutely the best is called "Trojan Hunter" . It isn't free but there is a free trial available.If you can't find the offending critter using a scanner, then you can always go to a friends (clean) computer & printout the processes running & then compare it to yours. Then very carefully (do backups of your msconfig file to floppy disc first) test by disabling one "suspect" process (see the previous list for which ones are essential to be left alone) at a time.In the event you make a mistake & your Windows crashes, you can always restore/copy of the msconfig file using DOS commands.Hope this Helps.RGPHNX

  6. guangdian,The main thing you have to conquer is your fear. Use whatever means have worked for you in the past that makes you feel good about yourself. Then, realize that life will always hand you unexpected changes and that 99% of all people are good and will help you out if they can. Be brave & get out there to find your next chance for success & HAPPINESS!! Keep your chin up & keep the faith.Hope this helpsRGPHNX

  7. NilsC,

    Thanks. I'll create the subdirectory inside "public_html" & re-upload my PICs into it.

    Thanks Again!



    correct on the public_html folder. You need to create that directory in there.


    public_html/userfiles/ and the files will be in your http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ directory.




  8. NilsC,

    Thanks for checking.

    Are we talking about the same "userfiles" directory/folder?

    When I open "file Manager" in my cpanel- on the very first screen I see a file/folder called "userfiles" just below the "public_html" file/folder. It has all my PICs in it- I can see them -I just re-checked. Is this the correct folder OR do the PICs need to be in a different "userfiles" folder (ie. a "subfolder") inside the "public_html" file/folder ??

    Please advise



    There is no files or images in the /userfiles/ directory. You need to check what folder the images are in.


    And yes I checked your real site ... :angry:


    the domain that starts with a r****.




  9. NilsC,

    Thanks for the fast reply.

    The "Image Hotlink Protection" is disabled.

    When i type in "https://www.1and1.com/website-builder; into the webbrowser I get a 404 error.

    Please advise.




    Did you turn on image hotlink protection? if you did you have to whitelist your site and your subdirectories.


    Try to put the image URL directly in the browser, does the image show up?




  10. gunbound,Any type of file corruption can cause the defrag utility to fail. If you suspect the movie files (especially if you have converted them from on file format to another using a utility program) then do as no9t9 advised. If this doesn't solve the problem, then go looking for other corrupted files and any virus or malware files causing the corruption.(ie. run the anti-virus - in safe mode if possible). If you find any, then re-run your defrag after you clean your system.Hope this helpsRGPHNX

  11. Hey Guys,PROBLEM: Uploaded website & all images display as blank white box with red X on the webpages.Tech Info: Am using domain hosting (not subdomain hosting)All my html pages are in folder "public_html".All my images are present in folder named "userfiles".Both folders are "root" on the server in my cpanel (ie. not in subfolders).The html code on my webpages "pointing" (incorrectly???) to the images is:<img src="../userfiles/ (image file name)" <--- is exact syntaxQUESTION:1) Whats up???2) Is this html <img src="../userfiles/ (image file name)" incorrect ??3) Does the Xisto server require that images only be placed in a specific folder OR subfolder in order to display???I know this is a frequent beginners question but have searched & not found a complete answer.All help appreciatedThanks in advanceRGPHNXPS- all images are JPG format

  12. Hey Guys,Mario is correct. Adaware & Spybot work together to complement each other. They search for different types of malware. The best practices procedure for using these tools is to run Adaware first, then ... run Spybot. Spybot checks for trojans & webbrowser hijackers that Adaware does not search for. Also CWSShredder (ala Galahad's comment) does a good job of finding registry & other file entrys that both Adaware & Spybot do not erase/delete.Hope this HelpsRGPHNX

  13. Thugnature,Sorry to hear the bad news. Your options for testing the individual components on a laptop are pretty limited due the lack of modularity (ie. swapable/removable parts). You can test the HD by swapping it into another laptop of the same type/manufacturer & booting it up. Same with the CD/DVD player also. The PIV CPU chip is probably not removable from the MOB (ie. most laptops you can't remove them from the motherboard.). Unfortunately the keyboard is probably not removable either. The monitor/LCD screen is probably removable & swapable but you'll have to pop open the case & see if it has a unplugable "ribbon" type cable that attaches it to the motherboard. The battery is probably toast also if the motherboard is bad. Aside from the HD & CD/DVD drive, If you sell the rest of the unit for parts, you'll probably only get ~$50--$100 for the whole thing.Possibly the best way to go is to buy a new motherboard & install it yourself. But get quailified tech to THOROUGHLY check it out first- just in case there are other parts fried also.Hope this helps,RGPHNX

  14. Hi Corey,

    Yoy've probably already got this figured out but heregoes.

    Have upgraded and installed dozens of puters. The power supply I always recommend is Adaptec. Never had one fail or burnout or just plain go buggy.

    You do have a bunch of drives the power supply total rating will be important. You can get charts on the net for the power supply requirements of typical components & total & peak power needed. 400W sound a little low for what you want to do.

    Hope this helps



    i will have this configuration soon and what power supply should i buy with it?


    -MSI K8N Neo2 platinum

    -Athlon 64 3000+ Sck. 939

    -2 x 256 MB KingMAX DDR 400

    -1 x 512 MB KingMAX DDR 400

    -Maxtor 80GB ATA

    -Maxtor 60GB ATA

    -Maxtor 160GB SATA


    -Pioneer DVD-ROM

    -NEC ND-1300A


    -ASUS 9800pro 256 RAM

    so what do you recommend for this PC?...


    now i have MS 400W.....and it's a piece of crap....i can plug only 3disks,and 2 drives......and it's very unstable..


  15. Hi Wolfsnipper,You can always go into Window startup configuration & check the processes running on the CPU. GoTo START>>RUN , then type MSCONFIG, then hit ENTER key, then click the STARTUP tab. Check the processes/programs running. Disable them one at a time(don't disable any XP programs yet!!!), then exit the MSCONFIG program & re-check your CPU usage to identify the program thats hoging the thruput on the bus circuit. If you can live without the offending program booting when the computer starts up, then leave it unchecked in MSCONFIG. If you just have to have the program running (eg. virus, firewall etc.) all the time, then look into the XP tweeks at "Blackviper" site listed in previous posts to see whats safe to diable in the XP startup.Hope this helps,RGPHNX

  16. Hi Mizako,

    Hardware vs. software ?? the never ending run around.

    Ok, here goes.

    1ST: check the RAM >> get a ram testing/ burn in program.

    2ND: check the power supply ratings>> check to see the system isn't overloaded with too many PCI/AGP cards etc. for the total power rating of the supply & the voltage ratings for each card are compatible with the slot they're pluged into.

    3RD: If the system is over clocked- re-set to default processor settings & reflash th BIOS if necessary with the latest version from the web. Be very careful here- get some expert help or you could totally kill the puter!!!!!!!!

    4th: check the power supply total output to the MOB with a power supply tester (r very cheap- usuall less than $10).

    5TH: check the CPU >> get a testing program.

    6TH: test install a different version of Win OS >> if it still hangs then you can be assured that it's definitely a hardware problem. If you have done all the checks above it's probably a MBO problem.

    Some good reliable testing programs:

    "Ram Test" or "Memtest86"

    "Motherboard Monitor"


    "911" CD

    Hope this helps


    PS- get back to me if you still have problems



    You should always keep checking the temperature of you PC. The first thing you should do with a Athlon is to check the temperature that is the biggest problem and often ends up freezing. So make sure you do that. :D

    Hope I could help.


  17. Hi spawn,

    All digital cameras hold the pictures on the data card for an indefinite time period. The memory doesn't require power. Either 1) you accidently erased the pics OR 2) the memory card is bad OR 3) the camera itself is malfunctioning.. Pop in a new memory card & re-test with new pics.

    If it repeats, then send the camera in for repairs.

    Hope this helps


    PS- make sure you read the manual :D

    Anyway, so I got the Vivitar 3705 digital cam with a 64mB flash card. Now I have taken a lot of pictures today. Well the battery was running low so I turned the camera off. When I turned it back on I couldn't find any record of the photos or small movies I made. Are they still on the flash card or are they completley gone and I need to keep the camera on at all times?


  18. Karlo,

    Have installed dozens of firewalls for friends. Norton is suffering from program size bloat. ZoneAlarm (free edition) is slow but good- Pro edition is faster. Have never had a puter infected while using AVG(even the free edition) but have been infected when using Norton & McAfee. The chart link referenced in the post above is accurate.

    Hope this helps



    ZoneAlarm is really slow. Which of the two are the best, Avast! or NOD32? can you recommend a STANDALONE firewall and fast?!


  19. Hey Guys,Can anyone give me a quick overview on how to use the Fantastico FORM generator script in CPanel. Need to set up several forms for website user input. Specifically, HowTo: 1) compose the form ; 2)Where to put the form (ie. in which folder etc.); 3) how to link the form to buttons on my other webpages; 4) output the form contents to e-mail boxes.Looked/searched for info &/or a tutorial but can't find one.Anybody.ThanksRGPHNX

  20. Hey Guys,There are several anti-virus scanners that adequately & completely scan RAR files. They use "heuristic" scanning techniques rather than the more common "dictionary" scanning methods. The problem with dictionary methods is that the specific "bug" must be identified via a unique string used in the bug's modus operandi that no other bug out there (ie. 100K bugs & counting) uses. Then the anti-virus program maker must re-distribute the unique ID string for that particular bug in an updated "dictionary" to all the end users out there. This takes time.The heuristic scanner totally side steps the ID string issue & IDs bugs thru what they are doing to your system files (ie. dll, exe etc.). If there's any unauthorized changes thru commands in the virus's files that attempt to change the core essential files on your system, then the anti-virus alerts you to it or blocks it. The advantage that heuristic scanners have is that there is a finite number of changes that can be made to any system files as defined thru the allowed commands built into the OS.Hope this HelpsRGPHNX

  21. Opaque,

    It's OK.. I understand. I was having a bad day too (for other reasons). Will continue to be more discrete in future & only post questions (re: site functionality etc.)in PMs to Admins. True, some (most) people take info at "face" value & may get the wrong impression. Just for the record (again), I consider Xisto to be "the best of the best " and will continue to support the site any way I can.

    Thanks again,



    Sorry for being Rash.. but its simply that when people make LARGE ATTRACTIVE FORUM TOPICS saying that Xisto SERVICE NOT WORKING.. IT affects the thousands others who are Guests and visiting this site for the first time.. Very few bother to read your message and my reply. The rest assume that Xisto's service is bad.. I hope you understand.


  22. Sorry,

    It wasn't my intent to spam your PM box. As I explained in the post & the PM (I think) when I sent you the PM it DID NOT appear in my "Sent" folder in my Cpanel, so I had no idea if it went thru to you- so I repeated the PM message to ensure delivery. I know you are busy & my comments are NOT INTENDED to reflect negatively in any way on Xisto or the service- just a request for more info. AND YES I'm completely new to using the ftp functions of the webserver.

    I've read the sections in the "Hosted Members" section on ftp before I attempted to use it but I guess I may have missed something. If there is more info posted I'll be happy to go & read it to extend my knowledge.

    My only interest is to get my website up & running.

    I do appreciate all your help but (apparently) need more tips to get this done.

    Please Understand & Thanks Again



    Firstly STOP SPAMMING my PM BOX!


    Second, we assume that you have basic knowledge and even if you dont, we assume that you will collect some information from other sources.


    You are supposed to Upload your files in WWW directory OR PUBLIC_HTML Directory.


    The default placeholder has to be deleted.


    Secondly! STOP BLAMING OUR SERVICE! WE ARE FREE SERVICE PROVIDERS AND GOT MORE THAN 3000 ACTIVE ACCOUNTS ON OUR NETWORK!!! YES, Xisto is just one small PART! So think before you post anything regarding our service.


    If you dont know such basic things, you simply wont even need any of the advanced facilities that we provide!


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