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Everything posted by lemonwonder

  1. really good idea, dont like the colours u chose, but my result was amazing (coz i used colours i liked)9.3/10
  2. Lol its neat to know that there are other people that think like this also, cept for us.... very complicated codec wood be needed for the game
  3. Nice find, not really my stlyle.Any1 know of any good psp templates, I will make my own..... eventually..... lol
  4. That looks so cool, and I am going to get my hands on one of those no matta what. I will get Santa.... (erm DAD) to buy me 1 for christmas/birthday As for images, they arent there anymore so: The clock 1: The pen 1:(includes a clock but clock isnt floatin) Soooo interesting
  5. Basically this article explains alot about the UMD, the UMD holds a pity 1.8 gigs of space and thats really all that this doesnt tell you. UMDS are neat but annoying, but just take a read, sony had their reasons for making umds, except they didnt reach their.... goal. (Taken from wikpedia)
  6. Thats very interesting, i skim red everything above, so if it replaces all a's with b's, when it changes em bak woodnt it make b's a's so if I sent.Hi how Are you BritAnyIt wood chnge it to this: Hi how bre you BritbnySo if it changes all b's bak to a's it wood be like dis:Hi how are you aritany
  7. Lol cleaver find, I know that there is some mathmatical word for it, i lernt last year but forgot.
  8. Sounds spooky lol, does sleep talking count? Coz moving eye etc is part of lucid dreaming, I move my mouth and shout about pellikans anbd penguins etc
  9. trademe.co.nz has tese for bout 100 nzd need to wear protective goggles tho... kills a naked eye in about 1 second and is quika at blinding. the bulbs last rouhly 90 yeas
  10. nice find as a 2 gig flash drive is like 100 buks. i dont bak up much but woteva i do i may use tat
  11. Thanks so much, I help with a psp portal (offline webpages that look like windows xp that are accessed through the psps internet browser and will not harm your psp and is not homebrew, visit pspwxp.co.nr for more information)But people always have problems, with this theyll just click it and all will be good, thanks so much!
  12. WOW! I had a look at a few, and again.... HUGE listI had a look at it and that 1 when u make ur own game looks neat.... but I am on a computer that i shudnt really download stuff.I have found some neat games to play so, thank u alot for postin this!
  13. Yes, and the graphics you see on computer or whateva are almost 100% not Hi-Def, people forget that PS3 looses image quality on the web, but on the tv its fantastic!A average blu-ray player will go for about 1000 dollars U.S so many people wqill be buying PS3's mostly because of the Blu-Ray, eg. the only reason I am getting 1 is for the blu-ray and my fun on it is only a little part of the story.XBOX has always been my enime, i have grown up with PS almost, and playstation is so easy, simple and fun to use.Plus, games are always on discount.I have a PSP, and PSP's will be able to interact with the PS3, like as a controller or whateva, so that will be neat.Overall I give the following x/10 points:PSP- 7/10 PS3- 9.87/10XBOX- 4.6/10Also... xbox is uggs
  14. Lol yeh, I have found lotza neat stuff all around the world wiuth google, the microsoft 1 is terrible, I wood say google is the best, or they just are too lazy to cover everything up
  15. Lol and I thort I had seen all with google earth.Whoever found that one must have a very keen eye.
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