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Everything posted by lemonwonder

  1. OooooOooooo that msg 3rd party is spooky, but dont get that and its really great, lotza addons, a bit like homebrew with psp and the GTA loader.Really neat i reccommend msg plus, and mess.be which was earlier mentioned
  2. Very fuzzy, light colours should have a bit of a backround, text colour with pink dont go well so try to fix some things up.Over All- 6.465/10
  3. Mine would be a subway sandwidch with the following on it:Italian herbs and cheese bread (toasted)Smoked CheeseChicken filletTomatoLettuce MayonaseAnd BBQ SauceAnd then for my main, a big bowl of french fries, served with a salt grinder and tomato sauce.And then for my dessert, home made ice-cream made with:600mls cream1 tin of sweetend condensed milk1 teaspoon of vanilla essence1 cup of chocolate chipsAll blended until thick, then frozen and then served on my plate with fresh strawberries (the recipie really works, I make it all the time... so delish)And that is my meal!
  4. Or get all the layer in the right order for the animation:Then click save for web, on the right hand side under the buttons there will be a box saying animate, check that and choose your settings eg. 1 or 2 splits between frames
  5. yeh but u see, people like me and my friends can get websites like that in loads of stuff on the web, so anyone could take over it
  6. domains are never free, you prolly get a free domain or free hosting when u sign up for the other which one.Try things like Xisto, or (although i dont reccommend others) try searching Free Cpanel Hosting on google
  7. I like googles interface much better thoguh, yahoo has all the junk around it, and the yahoo results arent as good as google, I am sticking with google
  8. Ok, this is a forum to post some neat graphic arts you have done, NO PIXEL ART! If you did it from a tutorial, link it, or if it was on Xisto's forum just say its title. I will add more soon, when you add yours post comments about the people before you! Most of mine are from tutorials on the forums, if it has yes under the image it is from the forums tutorial section, otherwise its just me playing. Here is some of mine: no no yes yes no
  9. Ok Please note:Un-World Wide Religions:Religion is just brain washing, they make you think that you cant live without the religion and get you to give them money etc. They do this by keeping you up for several days without food or water, and then they give you a huge scare, weather its a fake-near death or wheteva, they then say to give them stuff and their god will protect you, you are in such a state that you believe them and do what they say.DO NOT READ THE FOLLOWING IF YOU ARE CHRISTIAN.The world is obviously not created by god, who is god, who made god and best of all why do wars and bad things happen.Answer: There is no god!The bibel has been re-written billions of times, new lies added, although the origional may have been true, the book may have started off as a fairy tale. But think I ate a cupcake means you ate a cupcake, but back then I ate a cupcake may have meant I went to the toilet.So... the language barrier changed things alot.The church gets loads of money, they hassel you at your doorstep, (only if your close enough)Plus, the world was craeted by spinning gases, and if god where real why arent we managing petrol etc a bit better, think about world vision.... why is that there?the world is a star, everybody knows how stars are made, and most people know that on some very lucky stars there is life, because of the range of gases that were able to create the star, they created tiny creatures, smaller than plankton, they then grow bigger and more things are born.
  10. if it has wep key... its obviously private, ask the admin of it for the wep key, they manage it all through a computer, software is installed on router and it is accessed thru computerHope that helps!
  11. I like the Heritage, erm.... the hilton and thats about it... never stayed anywhere else... except for the Novotel twiice.... woodnt reccomend
  12. Yes as stated above, it is very plain, but its the content that matters, i would recommend adding flash games etc to your site with download links and adding tutorials for all sorts of things and adding all the content that you do/dont like, it means everyone will get the maximum enjoyment out of your site.
  13. Wow, thats some really nice graphics, great 3D effects, I would like to see them with backrounds etc to see how realistic it all is.All over I give it a 9.7 out of 10 because perfect is impossible
  14. No you dont, click one of the links above and save it into your psp's memory stick so that the structure of the folde ris like this:DRIVE:/psp/game/update/eboot.pbp Then after you have done that, go to game on your psp interface (no longer pluged into computer with usb plug) and go to game and go down to the very last file, click, find the update and whalabam!
  15. Ok for this tutorial I will use the PSP as an example of the device, this should work for every device.(THIS WILL NOT HARM ANYTHING AT ALL!)First off, open notepad and type in:[AUTORUN]ICON=ICONE.ICOSave that as AUTORUN.infNow, find a picture you like.. make sure its dimensions are 16X16 pixels. Put it in the main folder of the device, for example, my psp is located at F:\, i would type in F:\ to the adress bar and put the picture in that folder, as it is the folder your computer automatically reads, anyways, put your picture in there and name it: ICONE.ICOThen add the AUTORUN.ico to the same folder. The computer automatically reads the AUTORUN.inf and then that file tells it to use the icone.ico as the icon, so they must be in the very first folder, but you can also do it for folders in folders.Tutorial written by:Lemonwonder
  16. yeh create the icon and then bring up properties for file/folder and then selct customise, and then click choose custom icon and browse for the folder/file of the icon
  17. I was about 8, I started off with some stupid 1 page homapage maker.... starting with w, and I made like 4 pages and linkted together... they all just had random stuff on em... worst evaMy sister and i both did it, my sister was like... 12 at the time
  18. Very nice job... wood play but downloads arent allowed for things like that on this comp
  19. First of all, psp can browse the internet with its simple browser.BUT! What you may not know is that there is a bug where when you try to search or use a wireless lan connection (WLAN) the psp may say something like:Internal Error (80410A0B)To fix this without any memory loss, take out the UMD which is in the psp, and also take out the memory card. Next, go to settings, then system settings and click restore settings, the psp may freeze up, but it is not broken, take out the batter pack and put it back in, the settings should be restored and all should work.Sony hotlines dont seem to tell you how to fix it, many people often go buy a new or swap their psps, but all you need to do is this!Tutorial Written ByLemonwonder
  20. Ok i am sitting on my computer with my psp downloading firmware 2.8 from network update. I am hearing that there is going to be video feeds for rss, and photo. Also, you will no longer need to save your videos as MS343 or whateva it was, any name you want now! More music and photo types are accepted. And viewable on the psp! The psp web browser is also 1.2364 times faster (thats what the guy on sony faq, told me) It is not the biggest updater but the enhanced web browser possibly can read a broader range of codec so that will also be excittting for psp portal lovers. How many people here actualy own a psp and care about it with your heart and soul? Lol what does everyone think of the update? This is what the psp says its features are: -You can now download video and image content under RSS Channel. -You can now register devices via a wireless Lan (WLAN) access point under [Location Free Player.] -You can now play music AAC files with the extension .3gp under [Music]. -You can now play content saved in music, picture and video folders on a memory stick, DOWNLOAD HERE First of all, you must have a full battery to install, atleast 20mb of space on mem stick, and you must unzip inside your game folder. To do thgis press extract in winzip, and put it in E:(E for psp drive) E:/psp/game/ and you must extract to there, then go to games folder and go to saved items (not game saves) but the very bottom folder and install. Here is the link: (If a link doesnt work try the 1 underneath it) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. well its just like remote acess, the permission is granted and u have complete and utter control over it.Most computers are fitted with some type of remote assist. (windows 2000 and up i think)i like the idea of getting help, only if you know and trust the person, eg. if its family or your computer guy that cant make it to your house on saturday. (my computer guy cant return my computer.... next week turned into..... next year?)but it would be very simple to set up a remote assist application on a mobile phone and connect it to a computer, but it wood be very slow woodnt it? or do you have like 500mb of ram in ur cellphones. Also I dont think these types of programs are encrypted, and if they are it will only be md5, a hacker can crack that in 5 minutes, they steal a snippet of the weireless connection from phone to pc, and they hack passwords or whateva.
  22. Amazing tut, so easy to follow, i actualy made two and blended them together and this is what came out: 101/10 GREAT TUT This tut works for photoshop elements btw, so rok on!
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