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Everything posted by BluePwNaGe

  1. like a week ago my friends made me buy counter-strike for xbox.. and it was the stupid thing for me to do to waste my 5$'s on.. that game is freaking lame.. i still cant believe that many people still play that game. its kinda crazy to think of it too if u look at the graphics compared to the other released xbox games.
  2. i dunno but i remmeber i use to mod on xbox live and i got owned probly like in a month. it was worth the ban to me because i had alot of fun doing it :Pplus i have a job so i can get xbox live anytime
  3. for me i play halo 2 xbox live, favorite game types are team slayer and double team.and right now no im currently not in a clan.but then again i barley play halo 2 any more for me. i mostly just play gears of war online :Dit seems like its way better.
  4. i use to be addicted to sanitation.. i would freak out about using public restrooms soooo much. i would flush the toilet with my foot take toilet seat covers with my everywhere and overly wash my hands. i would even wait for someone to open the door ahead of me so i wouldn't have to touch the door handle. then i saw a 20/20 special that talked about all the gross germs and bacteria that are everywhere not just in the restroom. so i began to constantly use hand sanitizer.. after a while i began to notice that i got sick more often. then my dad looked it up and told me that if you use hand sanitizer too much it can kill some of the normal bacteria that is on you hands and body.. i got tired of being scared of everything so i dont care anymore.. i stll wash my hands thouroughly though lol. now i am addicted to keeping my complexion oil free... ya me!
  5. hmm.. this is a very good questioni mean no one wants to know when they are going to die because then you are just going to be waiting for it to happen.. and you are basically going to live your life in fear anticipating for that one moment to come when your whole life just ends. Knowing would really creep me out and i would probably want to stay in my house.. or not i would be scared of everything wondering what exactly is going to do it... what is going to kill me. So knowing that much information could make a person go mad. On the other hand i would probably love knowing so that i could do everything i wanted in time for my death.. like bungee jumping. I would apologive to everyone if i did them wrong. And i would tell my parents i want to be cremated.. maybe even give back to the community. Make use of my time since i do know when its going to end.. might as well put the rest of it to good use... i would also want to do my gf every 5 seconds..
  6. to me the best pc game that came out has to be halo 2i garentee alot of people are playing it already because u can play agaisnt people from xbox live.so iv heard the bad thing about halo 2 on pc is that you dont have auto aim (when cursor gets near enemy it kinda leads to toward him better)on xbox it gives u the ability to auto aim and makes you get head shots and kills more easier.so myself i play it on the xbox 360, but i havent yet experienced it on pc but willing too :)but to me i think that would have to be the best pc game.
  7. <?php //MySQL information MODIFY IT HERE. $db_name = "???????????????"; // Database Name $host = "?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?"; // Database host (probably won't change) $db_user = "??????????????"; // Database user $db_password = "?????????????"; // Database pass $site_url = "??*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?"; // URL (make sure slash is at end) $clan = 'Clan (-)'; $clan_tag = '(-)';?> The one with the Stars(*) and Question Marks(?) I do not know what to put there but i do know what to put for the ones with only question marks. can some one please help me ? [hr=noshade] [/hr] nvm i found it
  8. Well this is a really crazy topic.Since i was little my mom spoiled me and gave me coffee at a really really early age. At first it was a weird taste and i did not really like it at all but for some reason i kept drinking it every morning. Some can say i did this because i was "addicted" but maybe i just liked the fact that i was drinking a drink i should not be drinking at all. So somehow i was a bit of a grown up. I drink soda's all the time. I went through a weird phase though when i started to drink just water but that was basically because i had no soda in reach. Now i have a new addiction which is starbucks. mmm frap anyone? i still drink soda all the time do not get me wrong i love stripes 64 oz fountain drink for 99cents i get it as often as i can in drink it in the course of a couple hours. I also notice that when i dont drink caffeine a can be really rude and i get headaches. The thing i hate most is that i snap at people i do not mean to. and then i end of feeling guilty of having someone mad at me and it makes me sad and i drink more caffeine i do not know if you can say i am addicted to it but i guess that can be a reason for my moodiness.
  9. i would perfer a cat,a cat because rigth now i have 2 cats in my houseand there is not one single bug left in my house or rat. My cats litteraly eat them, and i dunno how tjhey do it.some days i will wake up and there would be a mouseshead, only the head left on its body. dunno where thebody went :\so cats really come in handy for killing creatures in yourhousehold.
  10. lol i love playing that gameexpecially when you beat down people, i just keep kicking them and kicking them for funi always make the game interesting so who ever watches me always laugh
  11. wow that seems alot more better than it usually looks compared to part 1 lolbut i dunno im not sure if id want to buy it since starcraft 2 is comming on the way
  12. i use to have ance on my nose and chin and it wouldn't go away. i used everything i could think of and even tried home remedys but nothing seemed to work for my skin. then my sister suggested that i try the clinique skin care line. so i went into dillard's and get the 3 step kit. it worked wonders for me. it came with a face bar of soap. a toner and a clarifying lotion. i love it so much and i still use it to keep my faces from getting oily. its a little more expensive then drug store acne products but its worked for me.
  13. I use a cheap twenty dollar hair straightener from Wal Mart and it works better then some expensive one i got at sally's sometimes getting the most expensive product doesn't work to your advantage. If you want healthy striaght hair don't straighten every day because your hair will become dry and brittle and you will get split ends twice as fast. Try using a heat protector in your hair before your blow dry or flat iron your hair. If your looking for a splurge you can get a chi. It didn't work SUPER wonders on my hair but it got the job done. my fav flat iron would have to be jibere dispite the smell after a few months but all flat irons get like that. Becareful when using chemical relaxers because one time my sister used one for african-american hair and her hair was very thin and it ended it getting brittle and hoarse. So if you are every thinking of that get professional help!
  14. i DO NOT at all think that we shouldn't blame taco bell. Taco Bell is amazing i love it don't get me wrong!! but still even if only one store messes up they should TOTALLY be held responsible.. thats like saying if one of my 13284745 children broke someones window i wouldn't be responsible because they are just one of my "branches" but yes taco bell should be fully responsible for EVERYTHING in every one of there stores no matter where it is because THEY chose to put their names on those facilities so they should take some responsibility for them and not let these horrible situations happen.
  15. my favorite car of all time would be a viper. i seriously dont care about what kind or color. i would just be happy just to have a viper because its the best car that any 1 can have :lol:its like a house on wheels but better than a house.if i were to get one i would get a blue 1 with white strips going down the middle
  16. school has its bad sides and good sides. but for now i do like school because how i see it isschool=$so with this simple mathamatical formula can get you rich really easy :lol:but deep inside yes i do hate school. but who doesnt hate itwe have to learn things that most of us think our useless for our futures. like if someone wants to be a rocket scientist why do they have to take history? they just want advanced chem and pre-cal. but since we are forced to have to learn all these random subjects we start to hate school. Thats why they are starting to create these free-spirited schools where students get to pick what they want to studied so that they are always interested. i forgot they formal name for these types of school but when i heard that they existed i wish that i would have been introduced into that kind of education. appearentlly these students become very successful since they aren't forced to learn what they dont want to and they began to enjoy learning since it isn't forced upon them.
  17. till this day i have never touched a wii and it has pissed me off because i still have not played it.one day i encounted a wii but my friend's sister was on the internet on it, and she was mean.. and didnt let me use it..iv been wanting to play call of duty but i dont got the system so it sucks for me.if any 1 wants to donate a wii please let me know :lol:which is highly unlikely .The wii ommercials are pretty silly how can two japaniese guys fit in that tiny car. ALSO the games look kinda like they were made on paint.. the wii academy that is.
  18. halo 3 beta sucksthe new weapons and graphics are cool and everything but its still the same!!some people ardy found a way to play custom matches on halo 3. You can change the gravity and everything, which means you can change it so u can jump very high like your super bouncing everywhere, and change it to the point where you walk super fast that its like litteraly impossible to kill people with. In the custom matches you get to choose all the weapons also, and its funny how bungie is talking about the "pistol" that was going to be all great. but in the custom matches i played ardy, its stupid and pretty hard to kill people with. Its better to use a Spiker than a "Magnum".But any wayz after a week of playing it i got bored of it fast. Im not the only one who got bored of it because all my friends online have crackdown and we all played halo 3 at the beggining. And now people are just going back to Halo 2 and Gears of War, because its getting really gay. I think the ranking system on halo 3 sucks also because its pointless. In training games u can pick up your rank and to me thats stupid because it takes no skill since your playing newbs.Well theres my opinion on halo 3 beta :\
  19. who doesnt have xbox liveGamertag : BluePwNaGeGame i play most : Gears of Warif you have gears add me up, ill beat you anytime thats mostly all i do besides being with my gf and working most of the time.
  20. i would choose 360 over anythingps3 is too laggy on the internet plus way overpricedalso 360 has a better online game service
  21. Processing.. Please wait!. Do not hit RELOAD or BACK..Username Validated.Connecting to Database...Database Connection Established.Validating username and password..Username Validated.Checking permissions..Permission granted.Preparing data for Creating Account..Approved for trap17_Beta..Checking, if username is unique.Username seems to be unique.All Data Confirmed. Account information Ready.Stand-by, Trying to connect to server and create account..This might take very long time. Please be patient...CREATING ACCOUNT...REQUEST SENT. WAITING FOR REPLY...REPLY RECIEVED. VALIDATING DATAFlag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!Flag 1 Failed!Flag 2 Failed!Flag 3 Failed!RESULT : ACCOUNT CREATION COMPLETE. ACCOUNT IS READY ON SERVER. Notice from serverph: too long in quote or code tags, or as is. placed in codebox tags. is that bad?? i remeber it didnt do that last time :\
  22. i am completely against abortion. if you are mature enough to open your legs then be mature enough to think about that persons life. there are other things you can do like adoption. other people want babies but cant have them so give them a miracle. think of others other then yourself dont be self centered think of whats best for your kid!
  23. i just graduated high school a week ago and i am completely FREAKING out. people keep asking me what i am going to do with my life where i am going to college and what i want to study for and seriously i have no earthly idea. i was not prepared for all the pressure. i dont know what i want to be so i give everyone a random answer to get them to leave me alone. it still hasn't hit me that i am no longer going to be a high school student. i feel like its just another summer and i will be going back in the fall. i am also so scared of growning up. i dont want to. i want to stay in the comfort of my parents home, haaving fun with my friends, and spend time with my boyfirnd but it is time for responsibility and i am sooo afriad but its coming towards me faster and faster. when i think back i wish i could have done so much better in high school like joining more clubs and getting the grades i knew i could of. but now there is a new chapter of our lives opening up you know that old saying:"when a doors closes a window opens"so jump out with all the courage you have because its better to jump into the unknown then being stuck in the same room for the rest of our lives. also never let anyone tell you you can't do something. i know i am going in to emotionally mode even though it still hasn't hit me. i was sitting through my graduation and it was so surreal. i felt like we were just acting out a play. it never hit me that i really wasn't going to see all these people i know again because we were all going our different ways and it scared me. but all i did was think that i will see them all at school in august. to this day i still feel that everything is going to be the same but i m part of the "real world" now and its freaking me out what if i am not good enough of a citizen.. i am always scared of failing and what if i do. all you need to know is dont be lazy or scared like me it gets you no where at all.. i really wish i could do my high school years all over.
  24. I have skinny wirsts and arms.. well i am all skinny i am 5'7 and 109 pounds. I am a girl and i use to hate myself. people would make fun of me and call me anna.. i never knew what they meant by it but i recently found out that they were making it a nickname pertaining to anerexia.. i use to cry wondering why god would give me such an awful body. In the 8th grade guy use to tell me that my legs were as big as a regular girls arms. so i stopped wearing skirts and short AND capris nothing above my ankle. i hated it. finally i met a girl just like me who wore whatever she wanted despite her fragile looking body. she told me not to care and just do your thing. so now i dress how i WANT to not how i feel i should to hide things. Now i get compliments on my "model" like body.. and thats because i eat like a pig. just try not to think about what other people portray you as just think of how you feel. love your body for the way it is instead of trying to fix it for how you think others would like it. I am lucky to have found my boyfriend and he loves my bony knees and my bony elbows.
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