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Everything posted by peroim

  1. Just add a onload event on your popup for the basic window, before it fires, the page isn't loaded, after, it is.
  2. It's not that hard to make that! I'll explain it to you using a simple code: var numarray = new Array(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4);/* This is the array of possible values. The more times you use a number, the more times it will return. */var rand = Math.round(Math.random()*(numarray.length-1));/* This code creates a random number between 0 and (numarray.length-1). */var num = numarray[rand];/* This piece will take a value out of the array, based on the random number of the second line of code. */ And this will always return one of the values you want! Of course, you speak of a function that returns a value, so it will be more like this: function randomNumber(){var numarray = new Array(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4);var rand = Math.round(Math.random()*(numarray.length-1));var num = numarray[rand];return num;}
  3. How about reading the file, make it explode at '::' and then add the pieces that don't contain 'sucks'? The code would look like this: <PHP$newcontent = ""; //Just setting a variable$file = ("yourfile.txt"); //This is your file$opened = fopen($file, "r"); //This is where we open the file to read from it$filecontent = fread($opened, filesize($file)); //Now, we're reading the fileclose($opened); //And closing$filecontent = explode("::", $filecontent); //Now the exploding of the variableforeach($filecontent => $value){ //A loop that will run once for each piece of the array (I'm not really sure of this syntaxif($value != "sucks"){ //If the piece is NOT "sucks", we continue$newcontent = $newcontent.$value."::"; //Adding the piece + "::" to a variable}}$opened = fopen($file, "w"); //Now open the file again to writefwrite($opened, $newcontent); //Put the data in the fileclose($opened); //Close the file and we're done?> I didn't test the code but I think it would work
  4. This is what i found about str_repeat(): string str_repeat ( string input, int multiplier ) Gives multiplier repeats of input_str. multiplier has to be greater or equal to 0. If multiplier is 0, this fuction will return an empty string. (Sorry for the possibly bad English, but I had to translate this from Dutch.)
  5. Indeed, I learned JavaScript, HTML, CSS, ... by the source codes of other people. And as Rvalkass said: anyone can write exactly the same. I think that you can't hide your source because other people might want to learn from that source (just like I did).And speaking of sourcecodes, does someone know how you can view a PHP-source? (If it is possible, of course.)
  6. if you really want it in HTML and java script: Insert this in the HEAD of you page: <script language='JavaScript'>var time = 15; //How long (in seconds) to countdownvar page = "yourpage.htm"; //The page to redirect tofunction countDown(){time--;gett("container").innerHTML = time;if(time == -1){window.location = page;}}function gett(id){if(document.getElementById) return document.getElementById(id);if(document.all) return document.all.id;if(document.layers) return document.layers.id;if(window.opera) return window.opera.id;}function init(){if(gett('container')){setInterval(countDown, 1000);gett("container").innerHTML = time;}else{setTimeout(init, 50);}}document.onload = init();</SCRIPT> And this in the body of the page (where you want the countdown to appear): <span id='container'></span>
  7. I think most search engines will try to index your complete site (if you say so in robots.txt) and take both pages.
  8. this is a great code, i've been looking for something like this everywere. tyvm
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