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Posts posted by icedragn

  1. I love my job, i work for new york's cablevision. I have fun, i know alot of people. I am great with the customers. I install the cable, i can be called the cable guy. 2 years ago i used to work for DISH but that was then this is now.


    DISH?? sorry but im not familiar with this, did you mean Bell ExpressVU (the dish network) or like DirectTV (DSS). Also i currently have no job what so ever, and i occasionaly do work for my uncle at min. wage, like anything from mowing the lawn to doing construction on his house.. next week im going to be wiring some lights and laying new carpet and doing some lamanent flooring, fun fun :D

  2. The only place i think i have ever been, well 2 places(only 1 was out of the country) were Winnipeg and Biwabik(just passed virginia). Biwabik is only in minnesota so thats like only 5 hours drive but im hoping to go to mexico and over seas in the near future. Speaking of the near future, this summer i may be going to Niagra Falls so that will be cool, never been there or much anywhere for that matter... i need to travel more :D

  3. I dont find anything wrong with online dating, just make sure that you have seen them on webcam and know them well (as well as you can without meeting them) then you can meet them but when you do, do it in a public place. Also for the record one of my aunts who will remain nameless has been doing online dating lately after she divorced her husband. She dated 9 guys and is now going steady with one guy that lives 2 hours away in another city, just proof that online dating can be safe and works.

  4. I really did not understand the theme of this topic...


    I think he is complaining about someone spamming in the shout box and he is saying that they will be labeled as a spammer somehow if they do this, however he is no moderator and has bad english (no offense, but it was hard to read). Other than that i dont get anything else out of his message, and about the topic name, oh god. I have no clue what he means by that lol.

  5. Personally I would stick with the CRT's because they are simply cheaper and have a much quicker response rate than an lcd, of course an lcd can have good response time to but that costs money so for the time being ill stick with my 15" crt ( i will be upgrading soon to hopefull a 19", 15" is just too small these days).

  6. winsonfeel your gmail invite has been sent and you will beable to access gmail as soon as you receive it, now there are still 3 gmail invites remaining if anyone else would like one please post asking for one and also leave your email address. To those who dont already know, gmail offers 1gb of email space FREE, so get ur gmail now!

  7. The only time i "cuss" is when im mad or i might use the occasional "s~h~i~t" word. But other than that its not like i swear all the time or in every sentence but i could care less about people that do, its their problem, and it doesnt bother me one bit? also about goiung to church, screw that it is boring as hell and do i believe in god? yes i believe of a supreme being and the supernatural but that doesnt mean i have to be some hypocrit and sit in church for hours every sunday thinkin im better than everyone else then go and do everything i believe against ne ways., its all bs.

  8. Like the topic so clearly states i have 4 gmail invites left and i will give them for free of course because i dont need them and why not help others out who want a gmail account, im more than satisfied with there service and 1gb of space is pretty sweet so just post here and the first 4 post that want a gmail invite will get them so post here and just wait and i will invite you when i read your posts.

  9. Duh .. lol i mean i guess that was funny i only got a kick out of it b/c a nun got raped i mean lol you dont hear about nuns getting raped that often.. lol but i guess it was good but im not a joke critic so i cant really decide lol


    But it did make me laugh kinda and i havnt realyl laughed in a while. so Thak you i guess lol


    Hahahah, man, who would rape a nun, i have never EVER in my life seen a "hot" nun, they are all old and gross, warts everywhere hahaha. Ok maybe im exagerating about the warts but honestly who in the right mind, same goes for preists, would agree to never have sex for the rest of their life thats just utter stupidity :|:|. I doubt i could go for a month without it, like that guy in that movie "no sex for 40 days".

  10. By far my favorite movies have to be the James Bon series with Peirce Brosnan, why Peirce? because i gre up with him as bond so seeing the older ones with robert moore is just weird because its like... thats not bond lol. Also most of his movies are good, then any movie with Chris Farleu ARE DA BOMB, hes so friggin hilarious man it aint even right. Too bad the poor guy had to go be a retard and OD. Also Adam Sandler is a wicked actor too gotta love that guy, whoo happy gilmore. "the price is wrong, *BLEEP*"

  11. Anyone know of any new updates about the movie or any clues about the man in the wheelchair? I'm so pumped for when they release this im going to drive strait out of town to go to the theatre just to watch it. Also i gave myself a false hope and thought it was being released to the U.S. on july 23rd when realy that was the Jap release lol :D . Ne ways any info would be appreciated.

  12. Im a mixed kinda guy, Im into mainly Oldies and Rap, im 18 so its not like im an old geizer or nothing but i love those oldies, The Cars, Flock of Seagulls, Vanilla Ice, all the goodies, Guns'n'Roses, AC/DC. Then for rap i like stuff like Eminem, 50cent, Outkast, Snoop Dogg, Tupac, and i like a lil bit of Metal like Metallica and Iron Maiden.

  13. I would also have to say that cartman that fat lil guy is my fav character with his high pitch voice and his hilarious sayings, gotta love that little guy. "STOP BEIN SUCH A GOD DAMN BAD KITTY" or "mom, kitty's being a dildo""well i know a certain kitty kitty thats gonna be sleepin with mommy tonight""what?" hahaha :D.

  14. cs is the most boring game ever it was cool when it came out in 98 then throughout time it has developed but everyday its the same guns on the same map against the same people. wat the point in playing a lame game with people that u hav gotten to know over the last two years? waste of time!!! something new should be the next new crazed throughout the world that enables everybody to play  :D


    Then stop playing it and dont *BLEEP* about it to everyone else, CS is a fun game, but god man you dont have to play 24/7 or every friggin day, take a break, i play every once in a while and enjoy it alot. It is one of my favorite games, I cant wait to pay the new cs for HL2 ^^.

  15. I guess i'll try norton ghost, but how exactly does it work?  Does it backup your registry, that's what I don't need...but i have all these other programs and drivers which i still want them to be registered like adobe...how will that work?  How will a ghost image affaect them if i reformat?  I have partitions.


    Norton Ghost essentially takes a picture of your current state, and if you choose at any time to revert to that state norton will restore EVERYTHING, registry included back to that date that you made the image. Its great software but however it is not free but i would reccommend it.

    **Edit. About the partition, it will restore one partiton i do believe and btw if you have other partitions they will remain the same and the OS/main partition will be restored.

  16. ZoneAlarm would probably be the best firewall that you could get out there.  Also another firewall is Sygate's personal firewall which is also a very good firewall.  It got more stars according to PC World or PC Magazine (Don't know which one).  Both have a variety of features for security but ZoneAlarm has more.  It just depends which one you want and both will protect your computer from intruders, hackers, etc. very well.  Then there are the others like MacAfee or Norton which are good also but not as "powerful" as ZoneAlarm and Sygate.


    Hardly, they are quite more powerful than Zonealarm or Sygate. I dont know where you get your facts but they are more powerful, just geared towards the advanced user to use all the features. Btw i absolutely HATE nortons internet security, its just stupid, by default it likes to cut off ALL interent access... i reccomned Sygate once again. And not to be rude, but fyi its McAfee, you spelled it the way its pronounced.

  17. I have heard about something being built into the new processors(not currently) but it hasnt to do with viruses its solely to try to defeat piracy. I think its a bad idea because not only does it conflict with our legal rights to back-up our software it also may interfere with legit copies of your own data im not to sure how it will all work but i currently dislike the idea. also it may slow down processing time due to the fact it has to check to make sure ur not pirating anything.

  18. CMI3738? is that like from the stonage or what haha, from the model number it sounds old cause my system is running a CMI9738 using SP2 and it works fine with no driver conflicts or issues whatsoever, i reccomend returning it for a different one, also try other drivers you may have incorrect drivers installed other than that i dont know why SP2 would affect it.

  19. Hello all,

    There was too many times for me to get stuck with device drivers for computer parts, so any time when I get stuck, I must surf and surf and usless surf to find a compatible drivers... and usualy that device driver is not compliant, or don't work properly. So any of you who got some good experience in this area, or you have some good advice, please respond... :D


    The best place is the manufacturer, it is not hard AT ALL to find them, just use a program such as AIDA32 or SiSoft's Sandra to detect the hardware in the system then go to the manufacturers website to get the latest drivers for your OS. http://ww1.driverguid.com//?gtnjs=1 would be my last resort altho they do have quite a nice assortment of drives but the info on them is usually lacking. The mfc is the best place.

  20. I can't understand the reasoning behind having 100+GB hardrive. Do you even use a quarter of that amount of space?


    My HD is a 40 Gig and I'm quite content with that much. I don't even use a quarter of it's full capacity, so I don't understand the need for more than that.  :D


    I wholeheartedly agree with you cybersprite, altho i do have a 120gb hard drive. It is more than I will ever need anytime soon because of the simple fact that i have only ever used ~30gig's and not much more. So until this drive dies or they come out with drives 10x+ faster then i will not have to upgrade it any time soon :D.

  21. I prefer Intel because it quite stable with ordinary software.

    Mostly people trust Intel product greather than AMD.

    I use to work with AMD for while. Not impressive about CPU temperature.


    Not impressed with cpu temp? my amd runs cooler than my pentium3/4 systems and well they use stock coolers so. This is just my case, maybe most amds run hotter than intels but in my experience my amd's have run cooler by a few degress even under load but all in all they roughly run the same temp with about a 1-3 degree diffrence.
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