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Posts posted by icedragn

  1. free antivirus with good protection? nope i don't think you will get it.

    i suggest you buy Norton Antivirus, they provide you with live update, and the newest update on virus list and protection... yeah you have to buy it....


    The years i have had windows, i have only had one worm, but thats ebcause i didnt patch xp, i had the blaster worm, and my system never got any of the variations of Sasser, AVG protects me well ^^

  2. I hope you are in your senses, I install windows and check my ram indicator! daMN.. I was wondering where did my 160 mb go. So windows XP does take a *BLEEP* load of resources.  And it is a general rule that as operating system progress, they do take increased amount of resources. But they also give that much of stability, reliability, performance etc. in return.  Don't believe me, Start off with DOS to Windows XP and see for yourself.


    Cant compare that, DOS has no gui or anything, so of course it wont be any such thing as a memory hog. Also, if you know how to tweak xp then you wont be losing much memory at all, my system gennerally uses ~60mb ram, but now that I am using IIS for web development and testing my scripts well i us about 70-80 on average. Just disable all services you dont need and eliminate crap out of the task bar... very simple. For anyone wishing to tweak xp, i HIGHLY reccomend http://www.blackviper.com/ he has a sweet list telling you what you can disable and explaining what it does and why you wouldnt need it :D

  3. Trillian all the way! as I use AIM, Yahoo, and MSN.  Having a window for each of them was getting annoying, so i switched to Trillian.


    Trillian is pretty decent, but i hate the smilies, they are gay. As for my fav messenger, it is without a shadow of a doubt MSN Messenger... in my eyes, yahoo and aol messengers are cheap knockofff's of msn (dont reply saying they predate it or anything, cause i dont care, they suck in my eyes), only thing else i ever used was ICQ back in my starcraft clan days so i could talk to clan members, "UH-OH" you got a message :D

  4. and then so what... there are many other os other than windows isnt it!! you could always use linux.. its the best MORE stable than windows and the best part of all

    it is free


    Uh dont double post. and try staying on topic, this topic is about windows xp update weeding out pirated keys so they cant update their systems, and you decide to not only double post but post something that has nothing to do with it, also Linux is better for the intermediate user,. not the average user. Sometimes you have to use the terminal and most people well, wouldnt understand that so, think before you speak. Also WindowsXP has never crashed for me at all, gets slow sometimes, but other than that i have never frozen it EVER, i did freeze it once on my uncles system, but his is an old 700mhz celery stick with 128mb ram :D :D


    **Edit, had xp running strait for 2 months once, then restarted cause i updated DX or sumthin.

  5. Outlook express all the way, fast, reliable, and already pre-installed so i dont have to bother installing another email client... i dont care what anyone says, its just an email client and outlook express/outlook does everything i need in a mail client without ANY problems. Been using it since back when i got my first computer, 6 years ago :D. Also by first computer i mean not Windows 3.1/Dos :D (Win98 Yee :D)

  6. Which do you guys prefer? Personally I use Mozilla, as it auto blocks any popups, along with it not downloading apps that some sites may try and install.  Theres also so many more features on Mozilla than IE which I like.  But there is 1 big downside to it though, alot of the java doesnt work on it... which makes me mad, but thats when I use IE.


    All java works on Firefox, if not better, dhtml and flash tend to not work properly however and can be demonstrated using http://www.gamesville.com/ and playing the pool, cause firefox wont work properly, i cant click on anything to accept or decline challenges so im forced to use IE, overall ive only come accress 2 websites so far that firefox cant handle which have been gamesvill and a DHTML Lemmings game. (Properly coded however, everything will work in firefox). Bad coders are why certain things wont work, and then most people just blame firefox, but thats not the case... if you code properly then it will all work :D

  7. What do you guys think, will DVD pick up its socks or will Blu-Ray take over? In my opinion since the aptly named Blu-Ray uses the new blue laser technology allowing it a finer beem and data to then be packed more, You can have 27GB Single Layer Dics's as compared to the 4gb DVD or 54gb Dual-layer as opposed to the 8gb dvd, so far it looks like it will CRUSH the compentition and if anyones wondering, yes it will be backwards compatible with redlaser discs such as CD's or DVD's. More to come tho and if you want mor info, do a google search on "Blu-Ray".

  8. 1 Your post is too short.

    2 Your Post is not over 3 line.

    You must read rules the post that below 3 line will not count in this forum.

    So I see you join this forum yesterday and got answer(short and below3 line) many post. Don't worry that you will not got a hosting if you make good post in this forum admin will give you a hosting. sure  :D


    Not neccesarily true, i have made 2 consecutive posts both of which wherw about 8+ lines and neither counted as a post, =/ i should be over 120 posts, but im not

  9. You've allready found the anwser :

    You're using KDE, which is heavy and slow.

    Use a better desktop manager, and you'll see that it's faster than WindowsIf for you the registry isn't hard, then a 4-years-old child can use all linux commands...No : only few win32-softwares are supported with things like Wine and Cross-over.

    There are much more native softwares that doesn't exist on win32. That's why there si more choice of softwares for GNU/Linux...


    Didnt you read my whole post? ive used GNU as well, even gentoo and running apps they just dont seem faster, and quite frankely i preffer windows, lightyears aheead in games/app speed. And of course drivers. Sure Windows is the standard but therefore it is more supported and better, no version of linux have i see run faster on my system then a copy of windows. Sorry, but it just hasnt been that way for me.

  10. Wow, I never understood why people love this game so. I never picked up on it. I have FFX and FFXI so yeah i dunno why everyone enjoys it. Kingdom Hearts is so much better. ITs kinda like FF but not entirly. but yeah. So maybe if you tell me what FF is about i can learn and go enjoy playing the game other then that; I think the FF games are a waits of a disk.


    I can't believe you actually said that, you obviously NOT an rpg fan, kingdom hearts is a gay disney game and lame that they put ff characters in it. If you want a real RPG then you pickup the FF series, the most popular and wide known rpg PERIOD. I think ur a waste of disk space on this server. FYI its Disc, a Disk reffers to a Hard Disk or a Floppy Diskette as opposed to a Compact Disc. :D


    AVG Anti-Virus.....

    no problem with it and have been using it for over a year on several systems as well as

    recommend it to all my friends and family.



    http://www.avg.com/de-de/free-antivirus-download get it now, great protection.


    Norton? hahaahah dont make me laugh, norton is a piece of crap and a waste of

    money/system memory.


    AVG Free Edition is the best free AV program i have ever used.

    Also Sygate for a firewall and i can say that my computer is pretty secure.

  12. If it breaks the TOS of the game, then it's illegal. The TOS is a legally binding contract between you and the company that made the game.

    I know that some websites get around this by offering their resource on an honor system... i.e. ROM sites have a disclaimer saying that you may only download a ROM if you own the original game cartridge. That way, if there is something illegal about someone downloading a ROM, the site is protected, since the person using the site agreed to the site's terms.

    This, in my opinion, is still immoral, if not outright illegal, since the owner of the site is aware that his/her visitors don't generally own the original game.

    Overall verdict... no.


    Roms are no comparison, and hacks arent illegal, and they call them hacks cause they arent exactlc cheat codes... Are gamesharks ilegal? no they arent, and thats manipulating the game the way its not supposed to be, and the TOS of a game is NOT legally binding :| One of the biggest sites http://www.blizzhackers.com/ should have been shutdown long ago if it was "illegal" cause they have no TOS you need to agree to before posting (that has anythng to do with blizz or nuttin) so any blizz worker can going, see their files, and according to you, sue them since they are illegal.

  13. I really dont care anymore about the post count. I am sure I am well above the number of posts I need for the introductory package which I am sure is a lot more then I need anyway. I also found an alternative place where I can upload files with a .wmz extension. When I get time I will get around to requesting the package again just so I can compare and see which web service I like better. I am enjoying the conversations here.


    P.S. why cant you give someone a plus and minus on the same day?


    You can only rate a person once a day no matter "+" or "-"

  14. Gay is just another word, and if you dont like it... fine, but i say it all the time. If there is something i dont like, well then its "gay", or someone i dont like, they're gay. Its just the slang we have around here. You may speak however you like but im sure you have wors that you use for things you dont like, unless ur all proper and *BLEEP*.

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