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Posts posted by icedragn

  1. I have a few questions regarding website contetn and i cant post in the hosted members section because my group hasnt been changed, but ne ways. My questions is about what content i can use, Sy for examply Diablo 2 or Half-Life. I know they are "hacks" but they dont steal software or crack it, i wanted to know if i can post things like Maphacks and plugins for d2loader and such like Zoid Pickit, are these prohibited? If so i wont post them, otherwise with an admin or mod's ok i will go ahead and build my d2files section.

  2. Isnt it illegal now .? To download free viedos and audio things ? Well thats what I though


    Depends where you live and whether the material is copyrighted or free. Here in canada music sharing is completely legal so its all good, but we pay a tax on blank media which the government collects to makeup for piracy, they make millions a year, 70 maybe?


    **edit, wtf...how did my post get here :D

  3. ewww! i hate gay ppl, they are nasty and dutty if i had a glock dats it the gay population wuld drop by 90 percent in one day,why are ppl gay? leasbains are cool but gays? no no no,girls were made so there wuld be no gays but there are sum ppl who just appreciate them cute gurls  :D


    I agree with becca, altho i do has a deep down feeling of anger against gay people cause i believe its wrong and goes against god. But, alas, i cannot do anything about that and have no place to say what is right or wrong, and as long as they keep it in private and it doesnt affect me then im fine with it. But believe you me, if any guy ever tries coming on to me.... he better run.

  4. I got one cat, he is a Bengal, a Bengal is like an ocelot and they are so lovable and cute, i just love my cat. We payed $150 for him, and hey thats cheap considering normal price is $600 or so. he is a pure bred and used to be used for breeding but after so much breeding they have to get rid of them as to avoid inbreeding. You can go to Thunderboomers website to see pictures of Bengals here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so cute :D

  5. Whatever it is, it's not as good as what you put down, simple, and small-sized.


    Whats not simple about his coding? it looks very simple to me and doesnt use anything advanced... I dont think you will find anything easier unless you just download a contact script and use that instead of simply coding it yourself :D , besides PHP is fun stuff


    **Edit, im sorry, its 3am here right now and i have been misreadin stuff alot in the past 2 hours, i thought u were complaing about his code :D , ne ways sorry about that.

    Off to bed for me, ZZzzzzzZZzzz :D

  6. Those systems are quite old, but if you are not ready to upgrade yet then i would say buy RAM, more ram will increase the speed and decrease load times. The less the computer has to use the swap file, the better. I would at least upgrade to 1ghz now adays tho.. those systems are from like years ago. Also try loookin on the net for performance tweaks but ram will be the best and cheapest solution. Also a better video card will pump those gfx out alot faster and for old games like that i would reccomend a Voodoo 4 PCI (unless for some reason you have agp, some old systems did.).

  7. I agree with Shackman.


    And to all of you *BLEEP*ing about cracked versions of XP, I bet it's just because you bought yours. I bet if someone offered you a WinXP CD key when you didn't have one, you'd jump at the chance.


    Who wouldnt jump at getting free software, especially when it cost's hundreds of dollars. I think that ms should lower their prices just a tad to lets say... under $100 and thats not including corporate/server software because well they can afford to pay the money for those. It all comes down to morals, to steal or not to steal its your choice just dont get caught.

  8. eww that is mank...Im chinese I Would never eat any pigeon, dog, snake , shark , deer or what ever animal oh and I Would never eat  rabbit...I don't even want to eat chicken....but I do because I Am forced to by me mother..

    "if you don't eat chicken you wont grow any taller" -- that scared me.


    hahaha, how tall are you? im 6ft and my parents dont force me to eat anything well then again i am 18 now, just about 19. As a child i always ate my vegetavles and i still love them to htis day, mmmm brussel sprouts :D ., and chicken making you grow taller? never heard that one but i have heard mothers saying if you dont drink your milk you wont grow taller :D

  9. halo2 is the best game ever made. Halo2 on live makes it better, status thing in bungie net is a good way to rank ppl better then clan war. so the other clan dosen't wine about there loss and not report the score.


    Any ETA on the release of Halo 2 for the PC? I dont like playing with the xbox controllers and i just quite frankley preffer the mouse. Ill google it in a bit but any answer will be sufficient. Halo 1 is ok, but like i have stated before... too slow paced as compared to UT or CS. Post here or pm me the release date if it been planned yet.

  10. Got no pidgeons around my parts.. well that aint true, we have them in thunder bay but i dont live there and they actually arent over populated so they arent that bad. The only use pidgeons have are to be fed by old people haha :D , but i heard that chinese or japanese people ate them or used them in some foods, sounds gross but cant argue with the asians cause damn their food is so good.

  11. Make his life a living hell wherever and whenever you can, embarras him at all times and never let up on buggin him until you feel retribution for what he did to you hahaha. How old is he, i got a lil bro to and god id like to just slap him sometimes :D .

  12. I liked em all... Baldurs Gate, NWN, Diablo2.

    Even those that seemed somehwat primitive - they were still a blast to play.

    I'm a huge RPG fan tho - give me sports options - and I'll say the exact opposite.


    MMORPG's are better - but more involved - which in some ways is harder but more enjoyable I find.

    Durham Leafs

    Halo 2 Clan


    ...Diablo 2? last time i check Blizzard is the sole producer of all its games, but maybe im wrong but i still think d2 is a blizz only game. I have always wanted to play baldurs gate but i have just never go around to buying it, isnt BG2 out now? ne ways ill keep this short i was just posting cause i dont think "bioware" has anything to do with d2 cause i havent seen them credited at all for it? correct me if im wrong tho plz :D

  13. Can anyone tell me where to get linux ANY VERSION ECEPT DEBIAN! and how to install it thx


    http://iso.linuxquestions.org/ it has many of the most popular distros and all you need to do is download the iso's and burn them using nero or your favorite burning rom. Then just reboot and follow the instructions after it loads off the cd.


    **Note, dont try gentoo or anything advances if your a linux newbie, i'd say go with Mandrake or Fedora Core.

  14. The two consoles wont come out next couple of years. I would go with ps3. Just that im used to ps2 controllers rather than xbox.


    Im with you, i prefer the ps2 controllers, altho i really like the gamecube controllers too so currently i own both a ps2 and a gcn because im a big zelda fan and papermario :D

    I want to get the ps3 cause you will beable to create your own 3d games in the newest installment of RPG Maker from enterbrain no more 2d, 3rd person view.. 3d :D

  15. DSL Is Very Better

    I Hate Cabl

    I think This Topic Must Be Poll Is Better


    Cable, it seems faster to me


    Well your both right and your both wrong, It all depends on the companies in your area, around here DSL is the fastest you can get (2x faster than cable) but in some places cable is better and lots of the time DSL will give you the best ping rates but that all varies on phone line quality and such and the services available to you. DSL and Cable are equal, they are just 2 ways to get the internet at blazing fast speeds into your home.

    Also the biggest thing in choosing either is price, if i can get the same or near same speed from one or the other and its decently cheaper then well im going to get that. Im very happy right now with my 3mbps DSL, i get 340-400K/s download speeds and its quite a big change from dial-up :D

  16. It doesnt matter if the website is good.... it's the product that matters to me. I love firefox, and will give this a try. Firefox is better then IE and appearntly this is better then Firefox...so there you have it  :D


    Ya ok, so if you improperly code a webpage and the browser fails to process it then its the browsers fault... i think you need to rethink your logic, the programming of the webpage is a major factor especially in dhtml and other scripting pages, some browsers handle them differently but if you do it properly then it will work in all browsers because there is a standard for compatibility..

  17. Windows longhorn is a memory hog, it uses 120mb of memory compared to the 15-20mb Windows XP uses :D


    ....its in beta, you cant *BLEEP* about a program that hasnt been released yet because you dont know what optimizations are to come. Howver my last look at longhorn was well... i didnt like the look but we will see what is to come it has a ways to go yet and wont be released for a good while. Will it be another windows xp(flagship os)? or another windows me (flop).

  18. I feel the PSP will be about 3 times better than the DS. PSP has wireless lan, as does DS. PSP has wireless internet, DS does NOT. PSP can play psp games, movies, mp3, DS can play older Gameboy games. DS has a second (almost useless) screen, while the PSP has long, good size screen. DS has a longer battery life. PSP has the screen centered with a 'proper setup of buttons', DS does not.


    My vote, and Money will go to the PSP


    The PSP can play PSP games? wow thanks man, i had no clue it had that capability... haha just kiddin man, u should edit that out of your post cause thats kind of a...given. I think like i stated in another post that the DS is already a flop because it lacks an analog stick and uses a d-pad also it lacks c-buttons (not saying it needs them) it would be cool if it was just like the n64 but handheld, i'd love to play goldeneye 007 with friends on the road or wherever :D:D , also the extra screen i guess will make itself uself in maos and such like stated above, but we will have to see how it turns out, honestly i think nintendo will be better because well it has more better platformers which ar commonly played on a handheld and because its nintendo all the kids will get them so it should be a fair fight.
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