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Posts posted by icedragn

  1. The DS is already a flop in my mind, no cbuttons or at LEAST an analog stick makes it very goofy and i will wait until they release a new one with an analog stick cause playing mario 64 is kinda gay with a d-pad. All in all the gfx are sweet but they could have done better, the touch screen is a waste of time too just get an analog stick and cbuttons and u got a hand held 64, then give it link support so u can play goldeneye 007 on the road and bam ill buy it on the spot :D:D

  2. sorry gor the lenguage


    Yea, thats like me making a post saying "raonao sucks!!!", the gamecube doesnt "suck" it has its place, and i own one and a ps2, i dislike the xbox because of controls but i would like to mod one to play all the nintendo roms ^^. Also cant wait for the new zelda on the cube, they sorta made the last one very uh gay lol, it was decent but now this is what a zelda game should be!!! :D

  3. oh thts great....well let me try it...n can i add u on msn if i need some like instant help...etc...and one last question....so if it forwords to my ip..then i have to keep my computer own 24 hours?


    Only when you want to broadcast, and if you want to broacast 24/7 then yes you ave to always leave it on.

  4. i think its a mod ...or a bot tht the admin created tht will automatically post or something...


    Nah i dont think its a bot, cause in all reality if it was then it would have to leave a name just like us. Like when i post is says "IceDragn" so , if it was a bot then it should say like adbot

    posts: xnumber

    and such.

    I want this mod tho, great way to advertise, and pop-ups are the sux, down with pop-ups!!! :D

  5. just 1 or 2 questions....well i m not really a GREAT WEBDESIGNER..just started this..n i m 15 so dont really have a knowledge abt this so

    1: Do i need PHP ASP or anythin like tht for this

    2: Can i host it in this free hosting..like do i have enough bandwitch here?

    And i think i will need a bit more help wid this so if u dont mind can i add u in msn n can u guide me thorough this



    You dont need to do any webdesign, the server is on your computer and you just place a link to your stream. say i had a radio up, i use the free domain icedragn.kicks- and it forwards to my computers ip address, now the radio itself will have its own port number such as, ":8000" or whatever you set it as, and if they go to icedragn.kicks- then they will be brought to the radios menu showing what is playing and giving them the option to listen in if they choose.

    As for bandwidth, at the lowest settings you will need a steady upstream of 24Kbits/sec, thats 3Kilobytes/second upload, so if your on dial-up then you wont beable to host your own radio because you just wont have enough bandwidth. You do not need PHP, ASP, or anything, its all pre-made.

  6. i haven't touched the cmos since i got the motherboard. i got the bios directly from asus's website like it says. and the automatic rebooting is fine, i'm using ez-flash like it says to do with the version i got...


    i can't think of a solution except that my motherboard (that i got for newegg) might be defective :D


    I just told you, lots of motherboards have an option in the bios that protect it from being written to, and you said you havent touched the cmos, well when you tried and failed to flash the bios it got reset. Try reading the motherboard manual and lookin for a bios lock or just search in the cmos menu yourself.

  7. Hey i m going to share a cool trick that i learnt from my friend today...

    by usin this u can speed up the start menu

    but u have to be carefull wid the regedit cuz if u mess up anythin in there..ur whole Window system CAn be damaged

    Open the Registry and look for this string:


    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel


    In the right pane, right-click on the "MenuShowDelay" key and select "Modify". Change the value to a number between 2 and 20. If you do not see this key, create it by right-clicking on an empty space in the right pane and selecting "New->String Value". Name it "MenuShowDelay" and and give it a value between 2 and 20.


    This doesnt speed up your menu, it only disables fading and the time it takes to fade in, if you have a slow computer then well it will still be slow, may seem quick cause it pops right up instead of the fade in, but it isnt any "faster"

  8. hmm well i recommend google adsense...cuz its a quite old company n probably the best one..cuz all of these good websites uses this site..so it should be good...


    What is clicksor and if its so good, then how does it compare to googles adsense, in %'s like i have read elsewhere that google ives liek 1.6%??? is that true? and how much does clicksor give and do they have a website, i will assume http://www.clicksor.com/ or i will google it after. Any other ad's that work well? i signing up with tigerdirect because i beleive in their service and love their products, great prices.

  9. Ah, but how do you apply them to the particular filetype? I orginally asked you about this because I wanted to make all the .php files on my computer show the PHP logo. So I dl'ed the logo, changed the size, extention, etc. But how do you apply them to that filetype?


    Heh, I got ya here don't I?


    Right click, Properties, Change Icon, Browse, Find your icon, select it, apply, your done.

    Altho for making an icon i usually use normal pictures (jpeg's, gif's) and scale them down a bit so they are good quality then i use a free icon converting program and just open the file and save it as .ico or even as a curson .cur. Hope that helps and icons are very easy to make.


    **EDIT, i really need to stop just scimming thru the posts, yes my method will only change the one icon of one file or folder and not the .php files in general, to do that you will need a registry edit, try google.

  10. I Think Windows Xp Is Nice

    But Its Not Secure

    But Linux Isd Very Secure

    I dont work with Unix

    But I Think Working with Unix Is Very Hard


    Windows XP can be secure providing that you are knowledgable in networking and user groups and domains, I have a friend that does security for a living and he has his xp machines and networked so locked down that you cant even use the floppy drive (providing that you havent logged in with the proper credentials) and his network is just as secure. Its actually pretty cool :D:D

  11. I dont agree with u Zenchi, Using win XP as a server wouldn't be a good idea, If u want a windows server, use Windows Server 2003. It is real fast, and will give u real good results.  :D


    Windows 2003 server is just not plausible, unless your a sofwtware PIRATE then i doubt you would be using windows server 2003, and why would you go so advanced as to use a windows server platform just to host one of your games... unless your doing this professionally for money then i'd say stick with WinXP or whatever OS you are currently using and if you like the sofwtare, BUY IT... :D

  12. I reccommend using topsites that have to do with your website, what i mean by that is lets say http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, so if youo have a website about cats then you would probably have a good chance at gettin hits by submittin your website at that site and having people vote for you to get it up in the ranks, also use free search engine submissions, you may think they dont work, but they do. Also try spreading the word whenever and wherever you can :D

  13. well ok thx...buh i think tht i will just wait for his reply in here..n if i really made this script then i hope that he will let me knw abt it :D :D


    Ya i tihnk its pretty cool how they embeedded ad's every certain ammount of posts into the forums, and i always make sure to click em, cause hey... why not? Support the great Xisto for their great hosting. Oh and by the way i would also like to know how you integrated the ads, did you use a board mod or what? or does invision support puttin ad's in? thx.

  14. game is a two way street. If you have a life, go out often, but still play games i dont think ANYTHING is wrong with that. Its what games are for.. to HAVE fun not to say oh this is a waste of time.. On the other hand, if ALL you do is play and you dont go out places just to play the video games then i think its a problem.


    Its not just gaming but pretty mmuch anything, if a person becomes obsessed with a game then yes that can be a problem just like Diablo 2 when u see people on tv divorcing over it cause the husband doesnt go to work and ignores his family for the game, but anything can become an obsession, i saw someone say oragami, well you could become obsessed with that trying to always make a better swan and such, u may laugh but hey it can happen, also games are GREAT for your hand eye coordination and ive seen hospitals even reccomend for people to play video games for part of their reabilitation...but think what you want, games are here to stay and i love em :D

  15. whenever i try to flash my BIOS for my asus k8v se dx, it automatically reboots, but right after that i get the error "CMOS Checksum Bad", and the bios flash is unsuccessful...


    what's the problem and how do i fix?


    thanks in advance


    you probablt have the wrong bios or in your bios you have chose to lock it so it cant be modified and thats why it woulf be restarting also all "CMOS Checksum Bad" means is that all the cmos settings are empty (got reset) and are now set to default unles you set them again.

  16. yes making your own online radio is so very easy, as long as you have enough bandwidth to allow multiple users.

    First, you will need:

    1 - Winamp (will not work currently with Winamp 3)

    2 - Shoutcast Server


    3 - Shoutcast DSP Winamp Plugin http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    4 - Install the dsp plugin and enable it within winamp


    5 - Setup the server


    Hope all that helps you out and with that you should be broadcasting in no time.

    **EDIT, As for your question about a mic and speaking into it, yes, that is also possible but i have never done that so just check around the shoutcast website maybe it will tell you there.

  17. Mandrake linux or redhat :D it's very easy to use, installation is easier than windows installation :D

    I use linux and windows and I must say that (free) linux have almost same quality of programs as windows :D

    there are not so many games, but it is faster than windows :D

    windows XP require 128 mb graphic with more than 32 mb and better procesor while linux mandraje 10.0.1

    32 mb

    graphic with 4 m

    proc with less than 700 mhz and so :D


    I dont know where you get your facts but windows does not require 128mb ram, it "REQUIRES" 64, and there is no video requirement.... and also you cant compare xp to an os that is less complex and just simply doesnt need as much power, thats like comparing xp to windows 95/3.1 cause they dont need fast cpu's at all.... :angry:


    **EDIT, als i see you talkin about windows xp and saying linux has an easier installation??? windows xp install (xp home) is a hands free install, just set it to start copying files and it does the rest... -_-;)

  18. GNU/Linux is free




    GNU/Linux is open source




    GNU/Linux is lighter




    GNU/Linux is more custumizable




    GNU/Linux is faster




    GNU/Linux is more user friendly (you don't have to dig in the registry to change an option)




    GNU/Linux is much more secure




    GNU/Linux doesn't crash




    GNU/Linux has more choice of softwares (except for games)


    I beg to differ on the fact that it is faster, because in all reality it is not faster, windows will run wayyyy quicker on my machine (2ghz, 512b ram) i can launch any app in a spliut second while on *nix it will take a few seconds to launch any app, games load quick on *nix tho, but the word progs and browsers dont load all that fast as compared to windows. And if you are going to try to say i should have a faster system then well that makes no sense cause if *nix is faster i shouldnt need more power but just my opinion i do howver love *nis :D i use SuSe 9.2 KDE, and i have also used Redhat9/Fedora Core 2/Gentoo.


    EDIT** also linux is NOT more user friendly, but then again that can vary from distro to distro but most you must know some basics or learn them and beable to use the *nix commands. Unlike windows its all point and click and the registry isnt very hard either so. Also it doesnt have more choices for software, lots of software is only supoorted on nix because of things like Wine and Cross-over Plugins, i could see myself converting completely to *nix if it had shockwave and good game support :D along with more video card/hardware drivers.

  19. Solanky, a domain name is very inexpensive they run for US$9.20 @ https://de.godaddy.com/ and yes i know the price they show is US$8.95 but theyre is a $0.25 internic fee but that is very cheap and you get it for 1 year, i have registered my domain already and am waiting for the dns servers to get updated so it points to Xisto's nameservers. Your website is coming along, yes it may be plain, but dont try to make it over complicated because a simple interface allows for users to beable to understand and browse your website easily without gettin confused and fruserated then leaving. Keep up the good work.

  20. Wow, final fantasy is my favorite game ever, and i mean ever it just tops all the other games and the best final fantasy has to be 7, Final Fantasy VII baby :D:D . Also i like 9 too, didnt really care much for FF8 it wasnt all that great, didnt like tactics either but i like a lot of the older ff's too, 10 was ok, 10-2 was the gayest game i ever play because it was just a money grab on the FF franchise, all you do is go around collecting Spheres. Good thing i only rented it, worst $5 i ever spent.

  21. ya i doubt there will be another good starcraft game too, even though that would rule. it probably wont happen. ive been checking out some mods that make the game fun again too. some of them blow *bottom*, but some are worth checking out


    I dunno about that but im patiently waiting for the release of Starcraft:Ghost looks like a friggin cool game and i hope they make it for pc too with online play or even add multiplayer to the gamecube version cause ill buy it if they do, but then again ill prolly buy it ne ways cause hey, its starcraft :D

  22. hrmm Ive been using firefox.. I dont like how sometimes it displays certain sites differently and sometimes it views them all messed up especially with tables etc...  Im going to give this a try.. but I do like firefox's tab browsing ability .. if IE had that integrated it would be alot better :D


    The only reason that some websites appear to be "messed up" is because they are very poor web designers and by poor i mean they are not good at coding and therefore it does not display correctly, they are more than likely trying to use personalized dhtml and such that they have made improperly. IE is more forgiving in that sense and usually will display most anything even if it is coded improperly.
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