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Everything posted by WarFact

  1. Very nice website. Yes, as most everyone else has said, it looks very professional, or at least more professional than most other sites i've seen. I'm still waiting to see if i'm accepted for hosting. I requested it almost a week ago and have been waiting ever since. Nice site though.
  2. I've got tons of gmail invites. Just post here and I can also get you one.
  3. English - FluentSpanish - I know the basics of the language and can probably hold a conversation with a 10 year old :)Russian - Same as spanish
  4. I don't like anime. I think it's stupid IMHO. But everyone is entitled to what they like and don't like, and I don't hate anyone for liking anime. You either like it or you don't, and in my case, I don't.
  5. That is pretty impressive. They wired a brain up to Quake. Too bad I can't see the videos right now. The computer I have won't allow quicktime to download.
  6. Personally, I also think the world is better with religion. As most people would say, christians and other religions believe in heaven and hell. They follow the 10 commandments and such. If we didn't have religion, there would be no moral code or moral ethics, to speak of. Nobody would be afraid of 'going to hell' or anything. Sure, there could probably be rules and laws made, but right now, it seems with religion, people are more afraid of doing anything bad because the consequences are too dire to risk.So, yes my opinion is that the world is better with religion; however, we do need to try and do something about the religious wars.
  7. I had Hotmail at one point, and it got just way too cluttered for me; however, for some reason, they gave me unlimited space on my hotmail account. I switched to GMail and like it a lot better. I like how organized and user-friendly it is. I also like how you can basically have a conversation with someone on it with fast reply time.
  8. I'm not sure. I have a job right now that is paying me decent money. I am not sure right now if i would trust it or not. It is all up to you really. Just use your best judgement and make a decision. I don't know, though I didn't read the article. So, my best advice is just use your best judgement and make a decision.
  9. I've used Norton for a few years now and it seems to work fine. I haven't really had many problems with it. Just the usual occasional problems that you would probably have with any antivirus software.It has blocked any viruses that have tried to enter our system, with the exception of one that we got from Mozilla. But overall, it's a good program and i'm not complaining.
  10. I use IE 6. I did use mozilla, but we recently recieved a virus off of it. We have norton and everything installed and mozilla downloaded a virus onto our computer. We ended up having to reformat our computer and my parents weren't too happy about it. So for now, until I find a better browser, i'm sticking with IE 6.
  11. I laughed so hard when I first saw that. I couldn't believe that google would allow that to come to pass but it is still pretty funny.
  12. I got Dreamweaver from a friend of my dad's who burned a copy of it for me. Yes, it is a very good program to use. I will be using it on my site if I am accepted for hosting. I also recommend it for anybody who is interested in coding their own sites or what not.
  13. I downloaded this game a while ago and played it for a day or so. I got bored with having to go through all the training crap. It's basically just a recruitment game to try and recruit people for the army. Also my computer didn't handle it too well when I had it. I never actually made it to the part where I can actually play and shoot people because training took so god damn long.Therefore, I don't know how the gameplay or anything is because I never actually made it there.
  14. Out of all of the sigs, i'd have to go with trufusions. I don't really know why, but it just appeals to me more than any of the others. I like the overall effect it gives off. All are great though.
  15. Yeah I was just thinking about it. I didn't think someone could fine you for installing a program on your computer. It's a free country, you have the right to install a program. Now what it comes down to is what you do with the program. I could be installing it to share my band's music for all they know. I don't have kazaa but i'm just saying, how do they know that everyone who installs this program is going to use it for illegal purposes? They don't!
  16. Yes, a couple of my friends have had problems with their 360's as well. In fact, I was playing one of them when it crashed. So, it isn't made up. I know from experience that they have problems. Of course, they got new ones, and haven't had many problems with them. But they also picked theirs up the night it came out.I also can't wait until PS3. Hopefully they are resolving any problems they find before they release it. I am also willing to wait for it if it takes that long to resolve known issues. If it takes time to perfect, then take the time, I have all the time in the world!
  17. Man, that was pretty cool. I've tried to make something on flash and have come up short on my animation skills. I can't imagine even starting to make something like that. I'm pretty impressed by whoever took the time and effort to create that. It game me a good LoL.
  18. Haha, I watched that again. It still makes me laugh every time I see it because of the reactions of the people around him to watch. I still laugh when they show the black guy standing there in complete shock, with his mouth hanging wide open. Classic. Man that makes me want to do that just so I can get the satisfaction of watching other people cry. Complete genious that was!
  19. That video made my heart sink as well. How could something in their right mind be able to do that? I would never do that, even if I was getting paid to do it. I wonder what goes through the minds of the people who actually partake in the torture of the animal. It just saddens me to see people who are willing to hurt an animal like that for the sake of a little cash.
  20. Haha, that's great. It's true though, girls don't have the right to ask who called! I'm sure you'd like me to tell you that it was my brother, but i'd be lying!I need to send this to all my girl friends and tell them to take notes!
  21. I'm sorry but what is an RPG maker? I don't think i've ever heard of such thing. Is it like a "Role Playing Game" maker? What?
  22. I have three dogs, whom I love and probably couldn't live without right now. I can't imagine what goes through people's heads when they abuse animals. One of our dogs we took from a family who was neglecting her. She was slightly underfed and wasn't too active. We've taken good care of her and now shes lively as can be.But I just cannot believe some people would go out of their mind to hurt or do anything to an animal. If you abuse an animal, you should get the same penalty as if you abuse a human. It just isn't right, and the animal shouldn't have to suffer at the hands of a human.
  23. I'm sorry, but I just do not understand how somebody could play a game like this. LoL, it may just be because i'm not into them, but I just can't see the fun in it. A lot of my friends play WARCRAFT pretty much anytime they can, and they all are like obsessed with it. I played it once and just couldn't understand how somebody could find it fun.I'm not trying to trash you because you like this game, don't misunderstand LoL. I'm just putting out my opinion on the game.Have fun :)Oh yeah, also my name "WarFact" is in no way, shape, or form related to WARCRAFT. I was bored and thought of the name one day. It's a random conjunction that I created in my little brain.
  24. I stood in line for about 2 hours for Halo 2, when it first came out, and picked it up. I played it for about a week, and it became very boring to me. I've played it some since then and have started to like it. I've become very bored with Socom 2 for PS2. But Halo 2 just wasn't the same as Halo 1.Still, Halo 2 is a great game and definitely worth playing every now and then, not 24/7 though.
  25. Congrats on surviving your first year. I just survived my second year of high school. I'm not looking forward to next year being that I am taking all AP courses(advanced placement) including, Honors Pre-Cal, AP Chemistry, and AP Physics. My schedule is stacked from top to bottom. My only rest periods really are band and jazz band. I'll probably die before this next year is over though!
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