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Posts posted by ghostrider

  1. That is amazing. I've always wondered about squares. Ever since grade school I wondered why adding and subtracting squares would never work right, only until 3 years later when I explained to my algebra class. Think about addition and subtraction. The only reason they really work is because the difference between each number is the same as all the other differences.2 - 1 = 13 - 2 = 14 - 3 = 1But with squares,4 - 1 = 39 - 4 = 516 - 9 = 7

  2. This my sound like a bit of a noob question, but it has always occured to me. On screen, we get hexadecimal code, but the processor doesnt understand that right? So, if I make a program in Hex, would I have to compile it, I understnad that Hex is shorthand binary, but would I?

    I don't quite understand what you mean by 'Hexadecimal Code'. Can you elaborate? I should be able to answer your question, I've been writing in assembly for 3 years. If your talking about data, such as:

    Somedata db 0FFh

    Then that will be turned into binary when it compiles. Or if you mean you are writing a program totally in Hex, that will work too. The compiler will convert that into code that the computer can understand.


    (1 byte= 2 hexes = 256 binary bits)

    The above is wrong. 1 byte consists of 8 bits, thus making 256 possible characters.

  3. I was wondering, is male in relationship more romantic than a female?!

    I'm sure its possible that a male could be much more romantic than a female. Almost all females seem to crave romance, and they are better at it, usually. I don't want to say that being romantic is a skill, but perhaps maybe it is more of a quality of a person? Either way, learning how to be romantic can be accomplished. As for remembering dates and anniversaries, write it on a calendar or put it in your cell phone.

    I don't really have a romantic story to share with anyone. I just turned 16 a month ago, and I've had an enormous amount of relationships, 22 or something like that, and the only relationship where I ever felt loved was all fake, she told me she did and then dumped my **bottom** for another guy. I guess I just need to find better people.

    As for your English, its not that bad at all. Sorry I didn't share a story.

  4. This really is a weird computer issue. I don't know if your thought process is exactly 100% right, but it is a good idea and I would reccomended trying it. It could also be a virus blocking port 80 (internet port) at night, however I doubt that because resetting the card wouldnt get rid of the virus. What type of game are you playing? If its not a First Person Shooter or strategy game it might not have as much data to send and receive. Either way, try it out and post back. I'm curious.

  5. School is fun, I have all of those things, I really really have a need to be rebellious though. Not like getting suspended or anything like that, but just breaking some small rules like no swearing and whatnot. That makes school more fun for me. Yelling FRESHMEN, is kinda fun too.

  6. You need to learn everything from the ground up if your ever going to excell with any programming language. Tutorials won't help you write a game, learing the language and expanding on the tutorials is what you need to do to become more than an average programmer. And anyways, game programming often requires more programming and some concepts that require regular programming to understand. If you're looking for an easier way, get one of the free game designers.

  7. 2- Prepare to accept it if you have to.

    A lot of people have troubles excepting consequences and reality, especcally when things are bad, or they are expecting something bad to happen. Accepting is a very hard thing to do. Just thought I would point this out. It seems hard to me, suppose a man or woment has the death penitly or a life sentence, how are they supposed to accept and prepare for that?
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