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Posts posted by ghostrider

  1. Ok so I have a list and I am trying to make a click event that transfers the value of that item on the list to a text box to edit it. The only problem is I have a label for each item as Item 1: Item 2: etc; (not item exactly). So what I want to do is before the transfer is made have it select the "Item #" part and delete it so it is just the item name itself. It is sort of confusing but I was pretty sure it could be done. Any help would be appreciated.

    I've been programming in VB 6 for about 10 years now. I'm confused on exactly what you want. Could you explain it in different words?

  2. I swear viruses were just invented so the anti-virus people can make some money lol

    This is off topic sort of, but what if the virus writers and the other big software companies purposely leave holes in there software and pay virus writers to exploit them and then get a huge profit off of solving the problems the virus created? Its not very realalistic, but has anyone else ever had this thought?

  3. Alright, I've compared the two and heres the problem,

    Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\ntkrnlpa.exe

    It should look like this:

    Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\ntkrnlos.exe

    I think the best thing for you to do is just reinstall Windows XP. The program changed some code somewhere in one of the many programs that loads Windows, probably a program called the NTLDR (stands for NT Loader), and that needs to be repaired by reinstallation. Reinstallation isnt the worst thing in the world. It takes about an hour at most and the setup is easy enough to follow along. If you've got any questions about it feel free to email me (assembler7@gmail.com) or just post again. I can also be contacted on AIM, my screenname is EmptyBinder78 .

  4. Alright, here is what I want you to do. Open up your BOOT.INI file again.

    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

    Add " /bootlog" after that and restart your computer. What this does will do is record all of the files that are loaded when your computer starts up. It will record them on your root drive, in your Windows folder, in a file called ntbtlog.txt. Email it to me (don't bother copying and pasting, its a huge file, just put it as an attachment) and I'll compare it to mine and we can see if its an obvious error. My email is assembler7@gmail.com. Remember after changing your BOOT.INI file to save it and remember to restart your computer.

    It'll take a while to explain

    Guess I explained it faster than I thought lol.

    Notice from serverph:
    double-post merged

  5. Thanks for posting back quickly, it looks completely normal like a regular BOOT.INI should. It looks like it modified one of your system files that is used to start up your comp (mostly likely ntoskrnl.exe). I can check to see if your the files you are loading when Windows starts is still right, or you can just reinstall Windows. I'll gladly help you out with both if you want the help.

  6. I've written programs that use BOOT.INI, I think I might be able to help you with your problem. BOOT.INI is a file that is loaded when your computer is loading up that tells the computer what to load next. By modifying BOOT.INI, you can give the computer more choices of things to load. This is useful because you can load other Operating Systems or other programs instead of loading Windows.

    and the reviewers were talking about windows crashing?! This is a pretty new computer and I'd be really pissed if it deleted all my stuff...

    After reading what the reviewers wrote, I can am fairly sure as long as you reinstall Windows right, that you will not lose your data. If you want, you can go ahead and uninstall it. However, if the program works the way I think it does, you can send me your BOOT.INI file and I SHOULD be able to change it for you so that your computer works properly with out the Bootxp V2.5 program. Even if I do change it you still may need to reinstall Windows, what I know about this program all comes from the comments I read about the program, and those can tend to be very inaccurate at times. If you want to me to take a look at your BOOT.INI file, open up Notepad, click File > Open, type BOOT.INI in the Filename box, and click Open. Just copy and paste it here, or PM it to me, it doesn't reveal any sort of personal information btw.

  7. I really dislike free site builders. They make all the sites made by them unique and boring. If you sorta think about it, it lowers the 'standard' of pages on the internet. In order to create a site a while back you actually needed to know HTML and write the site in Notepad or another text editor, but now everyone and anyone with an internet connection can create a site. I still write all my HTML and PHP in notepad. I even have a little image at the bottom of my site in the lower right hand corner that says powered by notepad.

  8. That is a really interesting idea. I think that he would probably have some sort of language, like icemarle says humans are made to think. Humans are also made to be social. I think however he would be a very bored and depressed person, and probably pretty hungry.

  9. I didn't think defragging hard drives was that important these days with the high speed hard drives available. However, given the size of these drives, defragging might be a good idea. I suspect however that if you have a large hard drive, (greater than 100gb) that has a lot of data on it, it will take quite a while to defrag.

    However, the bigger the drives seem to get the programs and other files seem to get bigger too, which can make your drive just as fragmented. Computers with bigger drives also GENERALLY have faster processors.

  10. Be like Microsoft, have a list and ask them for their age. If its below sixteen just don't let them through, perhaps leave a cookie on their computer which won't let them in for a day or so. Sure some people will lie about their age, but that's not really that much of a problem, at least I don't think so, people will always lie about their age. But at lease with this system you can say that you do ask for their age.

  11. As I understand it, this just enlarges the cache in which interupts sent from the harddrive(s) are stored. That probably didn't mean anything to you unless you're a hardware geek

    Haha, I'm one of those! I didn't know about the polling part however, that was interesting. Thank you for elaborating! I'm pretty sure IRQ 14h is the normal IRQ for the drive controller/drive, but I'd have to look.
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