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Posts posted by ghostrider

  1. Women are just as capable of being in office as a man is. We are all human beings and can all acomplish the same things, regardless of our gender. It may be somewhat true, that in general, but not always that men are stronger and have less emotion, and that women are physically weaker and have more emotion, but maybe we need someone to rule our country with more emotion. I think a woman is perfectly capable of the job; women already hold important roles in government and do a fine job. I agree with s2city


    As much as I'd love to see a woman in office, I don't know if they'd get elected.

    Its going to be a while before a woman gets in office, but I think eventually it will happen. Its just like gay marriage, hopefully with time people will become more understanding and accepting of it.

  2. I think the biggest change 20 years from now in video gaming would be the graphics themseleves. By then animation of people will be so great that it will hopefully look just like TV. I also think sound is going to be greatly improved, with surround sound. The web cam idea and scanning yourself into a game is cool. I also think voice recognition and virtual reality will be technologies that are used in the next-gen games.

  3. Welcome to Xisto! If it makes u feel any better my GPA is around a 3.0 too. I should be getting straight A's my parents say ... but I haven't since third grade or so. A 3.0 is a good GPA to have. I'm good with computer programming.

  4. like i said before, there should be one file type for video's and that is AVI, it is easy to understand, easy to encode/decode, and then for music/sound there should only be MP3 biggrin.gif that would be awsome

    It would be REALLY nice if all the audio were just MP3s, but MP3s don't have all the data in them that wave files or .cda files have. They are compressed and certain small parts of the song are cut out, I remember reading about it once.

    I know how you feel about video files, they have way to many damn formats. And the converters ALWAYS cost money. Audio is horrible too, I was trying to burn my friend Laura a CD, but Kb3 (the CD burner on Linux) didn't understand it. I had to switch to Windows, and that takes forever to load. I wish they would create something universal.

  5. the mail() function allows your website to send email to anyone, containing anything you want it to. Its really useful for password recovery, confirming that a user has joined, mailing lists, and stuff like that. PHP is very useful if you spend the time to learn how to use it.


    The main difference between PHP between HTML is that PHP is a dynamic language meaning that it can change what the user sees when they view your webpage. For example if I have a PHP page called hello.php, and it has this code:


    <?$name = $_GET['name'];  //Gets the users nameprint("Hello, $name!");  //Prints the users name?>

    and someone went to 'http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; it would say


    Hello, Chris!

    If you ever need any help with PHP you can PM me. I've been writing in PHP for 2 years now.

  6. I have a Dell computer and I have never had a problem with it once. My whole family has Dells, although we don't all have the cheapest models available.

    emember the case of Dell laptops exploding because of their battery? I sure do not want to take the risk with them.

    Those batteries weren't made by Dell, they were made by Sony.

  7. I don't think that everyone hates communism, I just think it is disliked because it has failed every single time that it has been implemented in a country, and back in the Cold War people thought that communists are out to get them. It isn't a bad system in theory, and maybe in a small group of hard working people it could successfully work, but other than that the human emotion called greed will kick in, and people will start stealing so they can have better things, which in turn causes more jealousy and problems. Not everyone hates communism, but most people know it fails in large numbers of people.Ohh and by the way, Welcome to Xisto! I see this is your first post.

  8. I like this, I think it has a lot to do with the way society is. I also think that it is right for the most part, but if u are referring to the sun being happiness and the storm being sadness, I do not think this is true in some cases. My best friend Ryan is poor, but he is very happy with what he has and wants to make the best for himself and outdo his parents. There are exceptions to the rich and poor thing. Its still a great poem. It made me really think.

  9. There are a couple different ways you could do this using PHP. You could save the things people say in a text file, or in a mysql database, and then have the page refresh every so often to update what is being said. In the cpanel there is a phpmychatroom that you can use. If you want to develop something you can pm me and ill help you along with the PHP. I don't know anything about AJAX, but you can probably google it and find a good tutorial.

  10. I wrote a very simple web server once. This is how it worked. I used Visual Basic to write it, but I can't find the source. This is how it worked. Firstly it listened for connections. When it received a connection, it processed it.

    GET / HTTP/1.1[CRLF]Host: https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl[CRLF]
    Connection: close[CRLF]
    Accept-Encoding: gzip[CRLF]
    Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5[CRLF]
    Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5[CRLF]
    Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7[CRLF]
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0 Web-Sniffer/1.0.24[CRLF]
    Referer: http://web-sniffer.net/[CRLF]

    The users browser sends something very similar to this for every page or file it needs to download. Since my webserver was simple, it searched for the GET in the beginning, and if it didn't find it, it just sent "Command not understood." back to the client and then closed the connection and started listening for other requests again. If it did find the GET it searched for the file on my computer, and if it was found it opened it and sent it back to the computer that requested it and then closed the connection. If it wasn't found it sent back "404 File Not Found" and then closed the connection. If I can find the source to it I'll post it. If you're going to write a small webserver like this, feel free to PM me and I can help you out a little bit. You just gotta remember to always start listening again, otherwise your webserver won't work. It took me a while to figure that one out :lol:.

  11. Perhaps your something bad or depressing happened to your boyfriend? I remember dating a girl named Leah a couple months ago and my depression worsened and I also lost interest in her. I think, like said above, the best thing to do would be to talk to him about it and try to figure out why.

    2 days ago my boyfriend announced to me online (before he was very nervous) that he has begun to slowly lose interest in me. He said he felt terrible and that it started two weeks ago.

    I can't say that what he said is true, but when I was with Leah I told her the same thing and trully meant it.

    I'm not quite sure whether this is just a faze or not, but it doesn't sound like it to me. and even if this does split you to apart it doesn't mean that you weren't meant to be. Some people should be together, like me and Leah, but just arent. I hope everything works out OK.
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