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Posts posted by ghostrider

  1. I don't have an XBox or XBox 360, but last year at Band Camp my friend Jake Stone brought his 360 and we played a lot of Halo 2. I think Bungie could have done a lot better with fixing bugs and the whole multiplayer thing, like you said. I found the campaign was pretty fun to play, even though I really sucked at it. Overall I agree, Halo 1 was better.

  2. Does your name begin with: C
    You are a very social individual, and it is important to you to have a relationship. You require closeness and togetherness. You want the object of your affection to be socially acceptable and good-looking. You see your lover as a friend and companion. You are very sensual, needing someone to appreciate and almost worship you. When this cannot be achieved, you have the ability to hold out on affection until you receive this. You are an expert at controlling your desires and doing without.

    This is sorta close for me, I don't require closeness and togetherness however, and don't require almost being worshipped. The controlling the desires part is true for me however. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Hypertext Preprocessor, or PHP for short, is a dynamic language, meaning that unlike HTML, PHP can change itself without you having to update the page using FTP or the CPanel. PHP has endless possibilites, you can use MySQL (a database program) with it, create polls, counters, work with images, process forms and CGI, and even send email. In order for you to start PHP coding, you need to tell the server that is processing your webpage that this is PHP. You can do that 3 seperate ways.

    <script LANGUAGE="PHP">

    After you have done that, you can start writing in PHP. The first function that you will learn is echo().
    Echo() will output a string of text that you specify. Here is an example:
    <?PHPecho("Hello World!");PHP?>

    Each line of code in PHP ends with a semicolon (;). This is very important, if you don't do this, your program will crash with a fatal error.

    Another way you can do the same thing is like this:
    <?PHP$thisisavariable = "Hello World!";echo("$thisisavariable");PHP?>

    $thisisavariable is a variable. All variables have a dollar sign ($) before them. Variables can also contain numbers, as shown below.
    <?PHP$var = 123;PHP?>

    Comments can be shown in PHP also, they are placed after semicolons and have "//" before them.
    <?PHP$var = 123; // Put the number 123 in the variable $var.PHP?>

    Below is an example of what you can do with PHP. It will be commented so you can follow along.
    This is how it works:
    Check to see if the user has specified their name. If not, display a form so they can enter there name. If they have entered there name print "Hello, (user's name here)!".
    <?PHP //Tell the server that to process the PHP.if ($_GET['name'] <> "")  //If statements do not need semicolons.{ //This just means this is where the code for the if statement starts.// This code is run if they have specified their name.  The <> means not equal.$user_name = $_GET['name']; //Put the user's name is $user_name.echo("Hello, $user_name");}else // This means that the user did not specify a name yet.{echo("Please type your name and press Submit:");echo("<FORM ACTION='3.php' METHOD='GET'>");//Notice I am using single quotes inside of echo.  If you were to use double quotes you would crash your program.echo("<INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='name' LENGTH='30'>");echo("<INPUT TYPE='Submit' VALUE='Submit'>");}PHP?>

    I really hoped this helps some people start to learn PHP. Any questions, comments or constructive critiscism (this is my first tutorial) can be posted and I will answer them. I'll post the links to the 3 examples (Hello World, Hello World (with a variable), and the example once I get enough credits to become active again :).

  4. When I was really little, I remember going into a girls bathroom cause I really really had to go and I sorta took a wrong turn. They just don't have urinals. However once at Marshall Fields at the Mall Of America, my mom had to use the 'Women's Lounge'. My brothers and Dad and I couldn't find a 'Men's Lounge' anywhere. Maybe in some cases the sofa thing is true? I guess us guys will really never know the whole truth.

  5. search results, access logs, ip addresses and other information all collected.

    Many, many other websites collect ip addresses and other information, like what you view on their site, and usually the time you visited. My old site happened to collect all of that information.

  6. Wow, that's a lot more than we learned in Physical Science this year. You forgot one things however, when the neutron hits the U-235, it starts a chain reaction which is what can make nuclear power so dangerous. 3 neutrons are released from the one reaction, and that turns into 9, then 27, then 81, then 243, 729, 2187, and so on and so forth, multiplying by 3 each time.

  7. The way it works is when you delete a file from the recycle bin Windows simply marks the file as deleted in the FAT (or MFT if you're using NFTS), if Windows is searching for space to put a new file it has the option of overwriting the space of that deleted file. This is part of the reason why fragmentaion occurs; however if Windows were to actually delete the file completely it would take up a lot more time than it already does.

  8. Drug dogs are fine, they do help a lot with the drug problems in schools. But strip searching students? That's pushing it, if a school really has that bad of a drug problem they can easily find another way to search for drugs, such as checking bags before students enter the building. Not every single cop/medical professional is law abiding, and think about it, they would most likely be in a closed off room with no windows or cameras (to protect privacy) and if they were searching everywhere they would need to sedate them. Imagine how much a sick perverted person could do to an innocent child especally if they don't have drugs. If I was strip searched I would definently sue my school.

  9. I initially didn't have this problem and only noticed it after deframenting my hard drive. I have already reinstalled the latest drivers for the vid card but have had no luck.

    I'm not quite sure why this is happening but I do not think that your Video Card or the fact that you have a Dell Inspiron has anything to do with it. I have one possible theory as to why your computer screen goes black for a few seconds.

    Fragmentation occurs when there is not enough space in a row to write a file to the drive. If this scenario occurs Windows (or whatever OS you use) will look through the FAT or MFT (depending on whether your use FAT32 or NFTS) and search for file entries marked deleted and then will overwrite that entry with the file. This causes the file to become fragmented (or in multiple parts) on the drive. Fragmentation causes the drive to read from many different parts of the drive which is much slower than reading it if the file is all in a row (no other files inbetween). Perhaps your defragmenter put some of your system files towards the end of your drive. This would cause the drive to have to go longer to read the same data. Did you use the Windows defragmenter? That is the one I use for all my defragmenting. If you didn't use that and want to get rid of this (considering that I'm right and this is actually the thing that is causing it) use the Windows defragmenter. If that doesn't work try reinstalling Windows and if that still isn't working reformat (save all your data first) and repartition your drive and then reinstall.

    Hope I helped.

  10. The universe is so vast and big, something somewhere has to be out there. As for the universe having balance, I think that could easily be true. Balance is almost everywhere. People with balanced lives and who have their priorities straight usually seem to be happier than the ones who don't. It also seems that things are easy to get out of balance too.

  11. That's a great idea ... you can have it so it refreshes the page every x amount of seconds, there is an HTML meta tag that does it *looks it up* ...

    This is how I would do it. Have one page (we'll call it page.php). Have it show all the data you need for the game and just have it refresh itself. Put the tag below inside the <HEAD> tags.

    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="5; URL=page.php"><!-- This is written so that it will refresh every 5 seconds.  You can change the 5 to the amount of seconds you want per refresh.  Do consider the user (it gets annoying to have it refresh over and over) and SERVER needs.  The URL should be changed for what URL needs to be refreshed.-->

  12. My school has a huge drug problem, we expell about 4 people a quarter for drug use, and that's only the people that get caught with them. Teachers are ok here, most of them care enough to make lessons interesting but some just don't. Some kids a couple months ago got busted for stealing other peoples passwords and using them, they all got charged with identity theft :/ that's a felony. Overall I guess its ok here.

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