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Posts posted by pixieloo

  1. See, although many say so, it does not say in the bible "being homosexual is a sin." Does it? If so where. It says marriage is one man and one women i know, but does it say being gay is a sin? I'm pretty sure no. Plus what have they ever done to God to deserve to go to hell other then liking someone of the same sex. Seems a bit harsh to me. That's one reason i'm not Christian. Not because i'm gay, but the "rules" are just so... weird.

    " 'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."
    Leviticus 18:22

    "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them has done what is detestable."
    Leviticus 20:13

    God created one man and one woman (Adam and Eve) to be together. He told them to "be fruitful and increase in number" (Genesis 1:28), which is one of the primary reasons for marraige.

    Just because someone believes something doesn't make it true, right? What I mean by absolute truth is- if you believe that there's no God just because you don't believe it, does that mean there's no God for you? or God only exists because people believe he exists?

    "Truth" is defined as: "the real state of things; fact; reality; an accepted statement or proposition." Some suggest that there is no true reality, only perceptions and opinions, while others argue that there must be some absolute basis. This being said, we can say that there are two diametrically-opposed beliefs related to absolute truth:

    1. There are no absolutes that define reality. Everything is relative, and thus there is no actual reality. There is ultimately no authority for deciding if an action is positive or negative; right or wrong.


    2. There are absolute realities, or standards, that define what is real and what is not. Thus, actions can be deemed right or wrong based upon how they measure up against absolute standards.

    that's completely taken off of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I don't know if I'm making sense. Heh.

  2. My point was that no matter how good of a person you are he will send you to hell if your gay.

    Well, if you really believe, then you'll know that homosexuality is a sin, just like any other, because it says so in the Bible. And then you won't want to be gay because you want to please God.

    The only thing that doesn't makes sence to me is why, no matter what, even if your the best person on the planet, you will go to hell if you don't believe in Jesus? I don't know seems a bit harsh. How would you feel if when you died Jesus wasn't real and you really thought that and the of Jimmy (fake god) was the real one and said,"You have been a great person, but you have heard of me before and you didn't follow me. This means you will have to go to hell." Let's just say you heard of Jimmy haha.

    It doesn't make complete sense to me either. God is a holy God, which means that he's perfect, and sin can't be in his presence. If there was no Jesus, then no one could go to heaven, because we've all sinner. But since Jesus is perfect, and died in payment of our sins, we can go to heaven if we believe that.

    Here are some reads that can answer your question better than I can:


    It's kinda nice not being religious though. I don't have to worry about going to hell. I am a good person because when i die i'm dead and that's it, so i try to make the best of it. That's my belief anyways.

    Do you believe there's absolute truth?

  3. Grouping students in similar interest groups would be a cool idea, but I think they should be able to hear different opinions. Not that people who share the same opinions have exactly the same opinions, but they should be able to hear opposing opinions.I think the time is ok. As long as you get your homework done first, you should have plenty of time to have fun, and sleep earlier.

  4. That would be cool. Then, if you wanted a certain game that could only be played on ps2, you could play it on your super console xDIt would probably be expensive, but it would be way more expensive to buy all the game systems and all the games that went with it.It probably won't happen tho =P

  5. Just like what i said above. So you think war is justified? No because of that. You think gay people are NOT sinners right? Well i don't know, but if i had to guess you don't want gay marriage and have done nothing to try to stop war.

    Sounds like a great guy. Here is how a conversation would go if this is true.

    Jesus: Welcome to Heaven. I see you have never done anything bad your entire life. You have always been a great man and forgiven everyone who has wronged you. Wait

    Guy: What?

    Jesus: Well here it says you don't believe in me.

    Guy: Ya, but i have been a great person and i just grew up as a Jew.

    Jesus: I'm sorry. You'll have to go to Hell. Good Bye!

    does that sound like someone who is loving of everyone?

    Gay people ARE sinners. EVERYONE is a sinner.

    In the Bible, it says that if someone wants to go to heaven by obeying the law (Ten Commandments and such, like Jews), then Jesus will judge on whether you've followed the law.

    What makes Christianity different is that no matter how many times you've sinned, you can go to heaven if you believe that Jesus died for you.

    For people who have never heard of the Gospel, Jesus, or Christianity, God will judge what's in your heart. But for people who have heard and rejected.. it makes sense that you would go somewhere else if Jesus did died for you, and you rejected that.

  6. What do you consider saved? When they believe what you believe? And what is evil? I'f im right its against Christian rules to cheat on your wife or get divorced? So when they do that are they considered evil? No never mind they just have to go to confession. Even if they murdered 100 poeple as long as they forgive them selves they can go to heaven. This makes no sence to me because if someone murdered my child i would never expect to see them in heaven.

    Saved is when you believe what the Bible says.

    If someone really believes that Jesus died for him, so that he can go to heaven, then he would want to do good, instead of bad. But even if he did do something really bad, he's saved by faith, not by good works.

    "Confession" is for Catholics. Besides, confessing your sins usually means that you'll try not to do it again. If you murder someone, confess your sins, murder, confess, murder.. that's repeating the same sin over and over again. Are you really repenting, or are you pretending? If you're pretending, then you're not truely forgiven.

    Some Christians are hypocrites. Some act goodygoody on the outside, but on the inside, it's a different story. It's up to God to see whether or not they go to heaven, and if they really trust Him in their hearts.

    If someone were to murder your child.. I wouldn't know if I would see him in heaven. I don't know what's in his heart. I don't know if he knew Jesus. I don't know if he came to know Jesus after the murder. Only God knows.

    Christianity isn't about the good things we do. Our bad always outweighs our good. Which is why God sent Jesus, a perfect man, to pay for the penalty of our sin. Jesus was crucified, and came back to life three days later. Whoever believes that Jesus died for them can go to heaven.

    I think my post kinda went off-topic.. I hope I answered your question though.

  7. I wear glasses, but I'd like to get contacts. Contacts are good if you're playing a sport because glasses get in the way. The only problem I have with contacts is that 1) they're more expensive, 2) more and more people are having problems with cleaning solutions because they're hurting peoples' eyes. Some people are getting eye fungus =S But I'd like to get contacts because I have to keep pushing up my glasses, and they hurt my nose xPAs for laser eye surgery.. I'm scared that the docters will mess up and I'll go blind. But I think it would be pretty cool if it's done correctly... I've always wanted 20/20 vison (who wouldn't?!)

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