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Posts posted by pixieloo

  1. I used a BMI calculator on another website a couple of days ago, and it said I was at a healthy weight. This one says I'm healthy too. On the other one, I was at 16.1 or something, and this one says 16.4. Muscle weighs more than fat, and BMI calculators are not entirely accurate. I think my weight is mostly fat though xD

  2. 1337 talk is really annoying. Only people who think they're cool use it. And usually, if someone thinks they're cool, well, they're not. I get really annoyed when people start using chat speak on their websites. It really is bad for readability. I can understand if people use it for AIM, but it's a lot easier when people use correct spelling and grammar.

  3. I sort of believe in karma. If you do something bad, chances are, something bad is going to happen to you. If you do something good, chanced are, something good is going to happen to you. My youth leader calls it causality- everything is cause and effect. And at the end, everything will be judged, because we live in a world of causality. But you don't get to heaven based on the good and bad that you do. Which is good, because I wouldn't be there.. heh.

  4. You know although water is just water I think botteled waters taste different from each other. Like I drink Zephyrhills Spring Water and when I drink Aquafina or Dausani it tastes different like it has something else in it. Of course I like water and of course I drink it all the time. Although I think sometimes I'll drink soda all day and get dehydrated and I realize I haven't had enough water. I sort of wonder though if bottling companies put in some extra stabilizer or something that makes the water taste different.

    Different brands of bottled water DO taste different. I forget which one, it might be Aquafina, but I don't like it because it has this weird taste. I think mineral water is a little salty, and I don't like that.

    I love water. Sometimes I would prefer to have something with more taste, but if I need something refreshing after being outside or whatever, cool water is the best =)
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