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Posts posted by pixieloo

  1. I'm Christian, and I believe that Christianity is more than just a religion. All other (or most other, anyways) say that you have to work your way to heaven. Christianity says to put your faith in Jesus, because we can never earn our way to heaven by ourselves. There's joy in that because I'm sure that I'm going to heaven. Plus, I always have someone to talk to, and to cast my troubles on. I have connections with the creator of the universe!!Speaking from a sort-of secular point of view, I think religion is good because it encourages people to do good. But as people above have mentioned, some wars are started because of different religions. But, it's not religion that causes wars; it's our own human flaws. Humans decide that they don't like each other because we have different beliefs, and therefore, they want to start a war. Religion alone does not start wars.I think that we should teach our children about our religion, and apply it to our daily lives, but it is also important for them to know about other religions as well. We shouldn't force it on them, but instead show them how one should live it out.

  2. I like volleyball! I just made the school JV girl's volleyball team, so I'm excited about that. I've never played on a sports team before =)I also like racket sports like tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. I guess other sports are ok, but I really only like the sports that don't require me to handle the ball for more than a second at a time (ie. tennis, badminton, and ping-ping). =P

  3. No, you are NOT ready. I believe in sex after marraige. But pushing that aside, you're still not ready. Do you want to have sex because of lust or because of love? If it's lust, then it's no good. Even if it is because of "love," you're still way too young! There was this in our area that had sex when she was in eighth grade, and she ended up becoming pregnant. She was still in middle school! My friends have told me that it was in the papers, and it gave her school a bad name.Plus, you know about all those sexually transmitted diseases, right? Is this worth the risk? No.

  4. I think that online love can work, but for me, I'd have to meet the guy first, face to face. And I'm skeptical about talking to strangers online. Your story sounds really sweet though. Have you met him in real life yet? Maybe he could apply in New York, instead of you applying in California. Maybe you could ask him to come visit New York, so that your mom can meet him. Then maybe she'll let you go to his collage.

  5. 3. Christianity - some may not agree with me but I (and other people way smarter then me) think that Christianity is one of the most importnat reasons of the decline of the Roman Empire. Christianity told people that the life on earth is, for the most part useless. The material world is only temporary, so people no longer practiced the virtues and simply waited for the kingdom of heaven. The army was no longer considered a priority, because God will not reward the brave man of the legions. As I see it Christianity corroded the very pilars of the Roman society. As there was no more wish to fight, the end was no longer a problem of if, but of when.

    I think Christianity may have had something to do with it as well. But not all Romans were Christians. In fact, the Romans were the ones that crucified Jesus on the cross.

    I'm a little confused though. Are you saying the Roman Empire fell because they were Christian, or because other nations were Christian?

  6. Where you said the shoutbox is gonna go, the bottom is sort of.. cut off. Like, the dress is cut off, and the rest is background.Also, for the image rollover things for the links, I think it should roll over to a different color other than white. Because the background color is white, and then it's just a black outline when you hover over it.You could make the shoutbox box a little smaller, I think. It's as long as the main content box, and it's covering the character's mouth. So.. shorten it?Overall, I think the layout's pretty nice =)

  7. it was just few weeks ago since i signed for a g-mail account. I am a yahoo user since i start surfing the internet. I didnt knoe that those people in gmail acctually send invitations among other users. Many of my classmates have g-mail accounts, one day i became curious on hoe to have a gmail account, i search the internet on how to but it seems that you need an invitation from someone. Other email providers will allow you to sign up from ther sites but gmail is different. I've asked one of my classmate who have a gmail account to invite me. He said he still have 100 more invitations left, ah? coz when i have completed my account i only have 15 invitations. How come he have 100 allowed invitations but mine are just 15? Isnt its like an inverted pyramid system, as you go at the bottom the resources deplete? Thats what i think whats happening. I've tried to invite my other email account, then when i signed up there are just two invitations allowed. I guess when I use this new acount to invite other, the new account will only have less than 2 invitations allowd. Anyone here knows wahts going on. How can i increase the number of invitations on my account? :)

    I didn't used to have 100 invites, but now I do. I think it just keeps on adding up? Because I started out with a few, but then it got to 100.

    I was proud, in a way, because some of my friends had gmail, but others had never heard of it. I got an invitation from my friend when it was still in beta. I was pretty happy =)

  8. I believe in the biblical creation. God created the world in 6 days. I believe in micro evolution, but not macro evolution.

    Science, as defined by dictionary.com, is "The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena."

    We use science to explain things, but we're not always right.

    Science is used to measure the natural, not the supernatural.

    If you're questioning what the Bible says about creation, go to

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