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Posts posted by pixieloo

  1. my given name is chinese, so i use my english name, lucy. but my parents gave that name to me too, lol.i dunno, i'm pretty satisfied with my name. i used to want a different name, but now i don't.i actually know quite a few lucys.. but i don't know them that well. and it kinda bugs me when someone has the same name as me xD

  2. The Big Bang supports Intelligent Design. Many people are unaware of it, but if there was no Supreme being behind it all, all matter would have been obliterated by anti-matter. So, it is possible that this "Big Bang" is one way things happened through God's Word.

    hmm.. i guess you're right. God created something from nothing.

    the big bang theory: God spoke and BANG it happened


  3. God is love. God is the one who created us. God is real.if God is a figment of our imagination, then how did we get here? do you seriously believe that our sophisicated bodies, the different kinds of animals and plants, the solar system, and everything else was created from the big bang? do you believe that our world was purely created by chance?i don't believe so.

  4. sometimes it gets tossed around too much. with boyfriends and girfriends aged, let's say 11, it definitely gets tossed around too much. i think people should know the true meaning of love before saying those three words, rather than saying them carelessly to a crush.i think it's more important to show your love through actions, than to say it through words.after all, actions speak louder than words.

  5. It bothers me how laws are based around religion, too. I believe that if one religion believes something should or shuldn't be allowed, well, let them follow the belief. I don't see why they sould force it upon others, also.

    laws are based on good and evil, right? if you so something bad, then you're punished. that's how laws work. but what is the standard of good and evil? who sets the standard? taking something from your older brother probably won't get you in trouble with the law, but stealing someone's car will. they're both stealing, and yet, one doesn't get you in trouble with the law.

    christians believe that anything bad you do, that makes God unhappy, you're accountable for. and the penalty for such actions is death. but God loves us, so he sent Jesus to take the penalty, and to die for the sins we committed. since he is perfect, he was able to do that.

    as a christian, i know that my sins are forgiven if i ask God to forgive them.

    God ultimately sets the standard.

    and that's why many laws are based on christianity/

  6. How do you figure that. So people who dont believe in God kill people?

    no. but because there's no moral standard, people can't say that they've done good/bad things, because there is no good and bad.
    if person A killed person B, and person C does not believe in God, then person C can't say that the killing was wrong, because he has no standard to back it up.

    i'm confusing myself x.x

  7. In this discussion i would like you to please NOT include religion.

    well, the basis of my answer is coming from the Bible.. -___-

    ok, i'll try not to

    there's a biological factor in this. men are obviously men, and women are obviously women. men and women have different sexual organs. these organs are used to produce offspring.

    man and man cannot have children. woman and woman cannot have children.

    it just doesn't fit.

    and contrary to popular belief, homosexuality is not something that can never go away. i read this testimony about this guy that started looking at guys, and then after he became a christian, he wasn't interested in guys anymore


    When i went to school (a private catholic one) i found out how little evidence and how much lies are being spewed into little children. Some of the lies they told us were these things:


    If you believe in God with all your heart you can levitate

    If you say bloody mary 3 times in a dark room looking in the mirror youll see mary

    santa is real (haha don't want to make this do depressing)

    If you do not believe in Jesus you wont be accepted into heaven


    There are many more but i have proved all, but the last one wrong. For the last though, they said even if you live in another land where they don't even know of Jesus you wont get into heaven unless you accept him at the gates to heaven. What i have to say about that is. That's is just DUMB. Not only is it not thought out, but it really is just stupid. What about Ghandi? Let's say there is Jesus. You think he wouldn't let him in? I don't know of anyone who dosnt think he is a great person.


    Another thing is they don't do as they say EVER. Do not kill? I could come up with over a million times christians have killed. A TRUE chrisian would never kill. Even in war they should not kill. They should not join the army then. This is one thing that people never have a good argument for. Because there is none. And also our divorce rate will exceed people who stay together in 3 years (in the USA) and it just so happens that Christians are the majority here.


    If christians, jews, muslims, all follow there beliefs this world would be a great place. And i think there was a Jesus at sometime. I also think there was a Buddha. Because of these lies i have been told it makes me hard to believe in any religion.

    Now before people get mad at me i got to say I have no problem with people believing in whatever they want to, but i HATE it when they try to get others to think the same way. Keep it to your self.


    And with that thought i let you go lol.


    OK, but seriously no hate mail :)


    satan is real, and you do have to believe in Jesus to go to heaven. however, christians are not perfect. we're just like everybody else. the only difference is that we have jesus, and jesus is who we're living for. also, life is just a lot easier if you know that God is there.

  9. there was this quote i saw the other day..religion:dochristianity:doneall other religions, other than christianity, requires you to be good and to do good works in order to go to heavenchristianity says that you have to accept Jesus as your Savior to get to heaven, because your bad deeds always outweigh your good deeds, and your good deeds cannot possibly get you into heaven.so personally, i don't count christianity as a religion, so maybe, a world without religion could be good. but a world without jesus, no.

  10. because there's so much stuff that unknown, people want to know more about it. and because we can't actually "see" God, people either believe in him, or they don't, because sometimes, they just don't know.i think also, as our technology and science is getting more sophisticated, people are believing more of what the scientists say instead of what the Bible says.God chose to give us free choice, and it's our choice to accept his gift of Jesus, or not.if there is no God, then there is no moral standard, and therefore, good and evil does not exist."I'd rather live life believing there is a God and going to heaven and finding out there isn't, than to live life believing there isn't a God and going to hell and finding out there is."

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