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Everything posted by Absolute

  1. Nothing new about Microsoft coming out with yet another resource hog lol. I Will be building a new server in a few months so i appreciate the information. I have to redo my specs now lol.
  2. I've used Bittorent for a long time now. i have used piratebay a few times. Since the closing of Surpernova I tried their exeem product. i didn't like it at all due to it taking so long to download something. So i started to use Piratebay. i'm sure they will be up in no time. they should try S. Korea or malaysia.
  3. Well if hes seen your crap then there isn't much more you have to worry about. I think you dont have to worry about any future embarrassments. I bet you were horrified. I dont know how i would react if that happend to me.
  4. I've taken online courses and attended regular college campus courses. I've found that the online classes are much easier to fit into my schedule. The only thing about them is that you have to have the dicipline to make yourself sit down and do the work. Usually the schedule is from Sunday to Sunday and you have to have the work turned in. I will find all kinds of reasons to procastinate. I later find myself having to rush to get the work done and not really learning much. However, over the years i've gained the dicipline to sit myself down and o a little bit at a time and it has helped tremendously. It would be the same for your high school class. The only thing I find a bit wrong with them is that you miss the social interaction with other students. I went to high school to meet chicks and to meet other members of the band i was in to find out who was having a party that weekend and if we could play at it. Thats about all my school was for. I think i would miss those times if i was sitting at home behind a keyboard all day.
  5. They already do this in Florida. Some cities distill the water from the ocean and convert it to regular drinking water. They store it in case of droughts and incorporate it with the regular drinking system. They also have 5 desalination plants in Kuwait.
  6. I've dealt with telemarketers for years and BMG is no exception. I've found that it is healthy to take these individuals to court for harrassment and whatever else your lawyer can think of. I used to just tell them to stop calling but as you know that never works. They just keep calling you back. So one day a friend of mine invites me out to eat. We go with him and he says he is paying. Seems he won a lawsuit against a telemarketing company for harrassment. He told me the trick is when they call tell them you will be glad to hear their story if they dont mind you recording it. Sit there and record it after their approval and then tell them your not interested and to take you off the calling list. Let them know you do not want any further contact with their company. If they call back just hang up and file a complaint with the better business association. When they call back again file a police complaint for harrassment. And when they call back again get an attorney. Take them to court and bring all the proof you just accumulated. Its what they deserve. I've tried it and i didn't even have to go to court. They settled out of court for a small fee ( a nice sized one for me). I've been tracking alot of them on the web and it seems alot of the people suing are getting 10K from the companies. I'll put up with a few phone calls for 10K.
  7. Google and Microsoft are two different things. Microsoft is the computer giant and Goodle the internet giant. I think that Microsoft has no intention of being an internet giant. A company can spread out to different arenas but you do want to spread out too much or you'll go broke. Microsoft would be smart just staying where it is as a computer giant. They ventured out to the xbox and did a great thing with it. I cant see google doing anything like Microsoft has done. I mean I hate to say it (as a apple fan) but Microsoft stole enough information to change computing forever. Google has not really changed the face of anything in my eyes. Nothing eye popping i mean.
  8. Wow! I could see this as maybe something you clip to your ear and taking your heart rate or like one of those cards you put your thumb on that is supposed to tell your mood as well. I love this company but its computers are soooo expensive. I hope they can market this for everyone.
  9. The accident rate is "supposed" to be non exixtent. Each car is equipped with a chip that keeps every car in the sky at a certain distance from eachother. I can see this going wrong in a few ways. What if the car is struck by lightning? An electircal surge will definately fry the chip. Then again planes get struck all the time and they aren't falling from the sky in enormous numbers. It is also supposed to make sitting in traffic non existent too. Every car will keep a certain distance and every car will go the same speed so no traffic.
  10. I agree. I've only played the demo of the Battlefield 2 game but it does look and have the feel of the rainbox six 3 and counter-strike games.
  11. hopefully we wont have politics involved in this hurricane season like we did last one. I personally took it as a stab in the back when all the news reporters (accept for fox and a few others) were saying the government wasn't doing anything to help the people of New Orleans. I spent days before the hurricane and weeks after it away from my family down there preparing and getting ready for it. We could have used more but i think everyone regardless of political agenda was doing everything possible at the time.
  12. Lets face it...I'm all for protecting our rights. I do it for a living and i'd die to protect them. The first thing is that a parent should know what their child is doing at all times on a computer. I'm sorry but the world is too dangerous now adays not to invest that time to knowing. But to play devils advocate here what do we have to worry about if they do hand the records over??? I mean unless your a child predator then you dont have to worry about anything. They are going after the child predators and criminals. Its those people that try to get everyone thinking that our civil rights will be taking away if we let them do that. Come on. If it protects my child the go ahead. I got nothing to worry about.
  13. Well its a start. However, you have to think of the realistics of the idea. There is so much space junk in the beginning portions of space that is caught in our orbit that they would constantly crash into the elevator. Not to mention the giant rocks coming at us from everywhere that would crash into it as well. Thus, it would have to be made with some sort of titanium shielding and that costs money. It would also have to protect itself from solar flares. Have you ever noticed that the everytime you see a picture of the space shuttle in space it is flying upside down (not all the time but alot)....its doing that for a reason. The heat shields. So the elevator would have to be made to protect from that as well. I think we would be best suited creating a way of teleporting from one spot to the other. I'll let a few million people go before me to make sure its safe though
  14. I love First person shooters like Rainbow Six 3, The origional counter strike without all the hacks, and Halo. Right now I'm into a game called MapleStory. Its a side scrolling 2-d game a mix of Zelda and Mario I believe. It doesn't seem like much but it is highly addictive. I also like an old time text based game called Star Kingdoms. I want to get into the guild wars game but I'm waiting to hear more about it. Its hard to flop down $50 dollars when you dont know if the game is good or not.
  15. I've been following the creation of this technology for a little while but find when i talk to others about it they have never heard of it. A company called Moller International has created a car that can actually hover and fly. NASA has been working on a project with other agencies to work out "skyways" for years. This creation takes use to the skyways. You drive it to a local take-off area and dial in the phone number or the street address of where you want to go and then your off. It is computer operated and each car has a chip that keeps every car a certain distance from eachoter to deter accidents. The driving gas mileage is nothing to scream about but traffic is non existent. Right now the price is $500,000 to get on the waiting list. But with other car companies eventually jumping on this I'm sure the price will drop. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. I think that you are missing the whole point of games and gaming. Its supposed to be fun. If your going over every detail of the game then its becoming more then a game and ending up more like an obsession. If i'm giong to spend $50 on a game i want the game to be good and look good. I dont want to waste that much money on a game that looks like pong. And on the other hand i dont want to fret over every detail of the game either....who cares if the tree has 3 leafs instead of four. Who cares if the metal from the explosion isn't proportional. If i'm thinking that deep on the game then it has no fun value anymore.
  17. This e-mail has been going around for a while now. I've recieved it about 5 times now. I thought e-bay would be on it like hawks but there really isn't much they can do about it. Just be aware of your personal information. Subject: eBay Account Verification Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 07:38:39 -0700 From: "eBay" <accounts@ebay.com> Reply-To: accounts@ebay.com To: Dear eBay member, As part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website, we are undertaking a period review of our member accounts. You are requested to visit our site by following the link given below http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Please fill in the required information. This is required for us to continue to offer you a safe and risk free environment to send and receive money online, and maintain the eBay Experience. Thank you Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, eBay will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements. Visit our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have any questions. Copyright Š 1995-2003 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the eBay User Agreement and Privacy Policy . Just remember that the company already has this information so there would be no reason for them to need it again. Before answering the e-mail go to the company itself and ask if the e-mail is official.
  18. They arn't the best examples of passwords that you should use... You need Special characters like: @~{}]['#/()*"$%"^! Lowercase Letters like: abcdefghi Uppercase Letters like: ABCDEFGHI Numbers like: 01234567 All this will create the best password for example: L@tS0fcH4r5_|v|4kE490oDPA5Svv0rD^Ł
  19. I've been playing counter strike / half-life since the game came out. As far as skills go i'm not the greatest however, i'm not walking around with a target on my back either. I have always loved the game but I was very disappointed with the new one.....i expected it to be better but it just seemed like the same old counter-strike to me just with different maps. I felt that way about Halo2 as well. Very dissappointed. I guess the origional one always will be the best.
  20. I used to have the same problem... I do not know how i got rid of it but it just suddenly disappeared. Just make sure you dont download any dumb useless programs and make sure you have a good Virus Protection and Spyware killer
  21. Thats not fair. i have NEVER won anything lol!At least i now know that people actually DO win stuff from websites.
  22. I currently own a Nokia 6260 But i am going to change to Sony Ericsson because Sony just rock. I want to have a Sony Bedroom by the end of this year lol. I already have my Sony Vaio FS115B, Sony plasma TV, Sony alarm clock LOL sony hifi! wooot
  23. I have the Nokia 6260. Its cool flip twisty thing. I'm going to buy the Sony Ericsson k610i i think it is...
  24. AMD by far is the better of the two processors. I've been using AMD ever since they came out because they were always cheaper then Intel. Yes I am a cheap SOB lol. But even without the price it seems they are always one upping Intel with speed. I've used the chip for gaming and then i bought a laptop that containg a Celeron....they should call it a Celeroff because it takes so long to process. The laptop lasted all of 2 years and I went back to AMD.......it was beautiful. I have four computers in my house and two run Intels and the other two run AMD Turion 64s. The speed difference is noticable belive me.
  25. I heard that windows vista will have the same features as now and no new features. Only the operating System stabability will be 'great'. and it better be. Windows Vista is predicted to be releases Spring 2007. I cant wait.
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