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Justin S.

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Everything posted by Justin S.

  1. I have heard of it but don't really have the time.
  2. I don't get what you are trying to say?
  3. I do not know I think the log in feature is pretty secure. Unless you pick a dumb password.
  4. You push ctrl p or for apple the little wierd sign with the apple next to it then p.
  5. My friend has lots of broken game stations. One day he broke is ps2 because it fell down the stairs. Then his dog took his 5 day old psp and buriedin the ground! They found it a couple of days later so it was broken.
  6. Yes I know why don't they just show us. Why do they hide it. Maybe its because of they don'y want the world to go crazy.
  7. The Ps3 is really stupid. I heard that no one likes it. It was a really bad idea. I mean come on. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Search the forum! Merged with existing Playstation 3 topic.
  8. What are you taling about perfect number?
  9. No something that is really annoying is this.http://www.funnyjunk.com/ (Don't worry its safe.
  10. Spyware is a real pain thanks for the help. I mean really who are these people and did we do to them.
  11. I agree with you AD it is kind of stupid. I wonder who made it up?
  12. I agree. It is not there fault but I still think that they shouldn't have those restauraunts.
  13. Like I said before some of you guys are just completely over reacting.
  14. Like other media, blogs often focus on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news. Some blogs function as online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. Notice from BuffaloHELP: You do not get credits for copying someone else's article. Source https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006050606193
  15. For many small businesses with a small or limited budget the question often arises ?can I afford to build a website for my company??.In the late 1990?s for a business to have a website was something of a novelty that only many early adopters had. However lets look at some recent statistics about internet usage. As of 2005 there well over 1 billion people using the internet In the United States over 65% of the population or 225 million people have access to the internet on a daily basis Over 85% of US consumers who have internet access use ...So as you can see many people choose to create a webste.Any questions Notice from mayank: Edited topic title
  16. The fastest anyone has ever done a rubix cube was 19 sec. He was the master of the cube. I have tried a rubix cube they take forever. For begginers.
  17. I agree without any religion we would have less wars. The world would be a better safer place to live. There would be no fights or anything. What if we could get rid of races. Everyone would be blue or red but everyone likes green
  18. People say some pretty dumb things when they are bored. Like when I was bored I started to make up a story which a told my friend. I mad him laugh so hard he had to get out of the room because he was laughing so much it hurt! People also do wierd stuff when they are bored. Like I made a bomb and it went off in the house and started a fire. Oh yea and there is nothing to talk about this time of day it is 1:30 and I am about to pass out from boredom. So here is a smiley face! With rolly eys. What have you done when you were bored?Remember that posting a good strong conversation worker thing is very good so no stupid posts or I will report them. So remember don't talk stupid. Laugh out loud!
  19. Aliens. We are aliens to other life forms we call aliens. Why do people not bieleve in aliens? There is enough proof to prove it. There are millions of planets unsearched. Who will find eachother first? We will find them or will the find us? Are they going to kill us or invite us for tea? Who knows? All life began as one tiny molucule slowly changing. Why can't other planets do it? Why are we the only planet believed to create life? Thats because we arer not the only life. There are other races. They could already be here studing us. Trying to see if we are a threat to them. Or ploting to wipe us out and take over. I for once have done reseach on crop signs. People have seen them create them. Is it a sign of help or war? The force has tried to stop us fron seeing the truth but the truth is clear. Clear as crystal; crystal clear. Keep on looking up!
  20. I don't really bieleve like other animals more people would see them. I mean we know foxes are real because we see them.
  21. Don't you agree that Nintendo has gone a very long way. First it started with Nintendo. It was a simple machine that played these game cartriges like mario. The people working with Nintendo wanted more. Better games with better graphics. So the made the famous Nintendo 64. This was supposed to be the big deal it was supposed to be everywhere. Nintendo 64 was different better controllers different colored Nintendo 64s and controllers. Even the rumble pack and gameboy player allowing you to play gameboy games on the big screen. Then there is the gameboys. They were some of the first hand held games. Gameboy was the first. It was mostly gray and white like the early tv. Then the gameboy color. It had color! (Abviously) And some new games that were not compatible with the first gameboy. Then the gameboy advance said to be the final and last of the legacy. Because it had light and a whole new selectionof games! Then mario was back with new games! Then they decided to take there mines off of hand held games then came with the Gamecube! It had new discs that could hold more data! Then there was the Gameboy advance S.P. it was almost the same as gameboy advance. The last one (That I know of there are many more in Japan & Tokyo) Nintendo D.S. But I have no more time to speak of it. So which is your favorite!
  22. Yes but sometimes it is dangerous to unpluging things on the computer. My friend unpluged his whole computer to move it someplace else and then his computer crashed from viruses.I think it is because when you unplug it something happens with the virus protection and it gets disabled. I also take computers and tecnology in highschool. So be carful cause you never really know.
  23. Yes but think without school what would happen? I will tell you. We would all be uneducated. School is very important. I do bieleve that it is very unfair of how much work you have to do. All those annoying tests, but remember its just to help you. So you can be prepared for the future. So remember school may suck but it sucks for a reason.
  24. You can never go to a chat site anymore! Without like wierd people and sex offenders. I go to this chat site and out of no where 10 people try to send me pictures. It was really wierd. I heard that cops and other law enforcement go onto chat sites and act like teenage girls. They tell them the adress and when they come they get a very bad suprise! I hope all of those se offenders get tossed right into jail. Has this happened to anyone? Has anyone tried it to you? Thats why I stay away from chat sites I stick with A.I.M.
  25. I have looked in many places in the internet for good games, but I can't seem to find any. I look and look none of them are any good! Its all education and stuff. Please halp I am going to die of boredom!
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