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Everything posted by BooZker

  1. Wow good idea for a post. Here are my websites: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - My indie movies and commercials. Yes, i like making movies. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Everything carpet boarding. Videos, pics, trick tips and more. I just opened it, but i would love for you guys to check it out. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - It's a site for stuff for PSP. Mostly wallpapers and Windows PSP right now. I just opened it.
  2. PLEASE READ THESE BELOW. OK first off many people arnt even giving there opinion on the subject. They are just saying if they are religious and why its good or bad. I'm not asking if religion is bad or good im asking what do you think the world would be like. Here are some quotes from people here that i have got to say stuff too. Well duh commen sence says all the stuff in those 10 commandments. I'm not saying to stop it. I believe in freedom and that would be anti-freedom. I'm saying what if we woke up and no one was religions anymore what would it be like. Good your half way there. What would we fight about? The whole point of the post is for you to tell us what you think the world would be like. Your 100% right. I have read numours articles about this and they predict that there will one of the three outcomes in years to come: 1. No religion 2. A single religion 3 Everyone will have there own form of belief Your extremely ignorant. Before you post something like this look at the % of people who go back to jail. Also look at what theropists say about it is EXTREMELY rare to help a rapist. Yes, even the bible. Why should you have to choose? oh yah, i forgot, in some religions you will go to hell if you don't believe. What a nice God that is. I'm not going to say what religion, but you know what ones are like that. Do you honestly have to have a religion to tell you not to kill, steal, cheat on your wife? If so, you or the person who thinks this should get help. These are basic human beliefs. I went to a catholic school for over 5 years and i know that all of there beliefs are the same as most of the laws we have.
  3. To be honest... I'd rather spend 20 dollars 1 time on a good firewall instead of a fee of $70 each year. Plus the free service is for a LAN so its not ANYWHERE. it has to be within local area.
  4. Well I have no idea how to set up a web server software. I have a http server so that i can access my files from my house. Is that what you mean? Also i have turned off my firewall in tests and that dosnt work. I only have the XP firewall. I don't like a 3rd party firewall.
  5. A world without religion? I was thinking about it and thought, you know, i think it would be better. Here are my reasons. The biggest change in the world would be less wars. Think about it. Most wars are start because of religion. One of the reasons people came to America back in the 1700s was because they wanted freedom of whatever religion they wanted. Another great thing that would come about it would be that laws would be made on what is actually bad. For example, the most well known mostly religious law is the banning of gay marriage. I don't know if they would accept it or not, but the descions would be for science and what could hurt people. Another would be no one would discrimanate about religions and whats better. It would be just one more thing people could hurt feelings about. There are more, but i want to save it to keep the topic going. Remember i'm not saying that religion in bad, i am just saying i think the world would be better. Please don't say stuff like," Well people would kill each other because the bible tells them now they can't." We all know, or most of us, that people can still follow basic human rules such as killing people. Just think if people would wake up and forget about religion.
  6. Do you have a gateway pc? I have on and it has done that before. It does it too sometimes when i plug in my psp or ipod when the computer is using large amounts of RAM. The first time i freaked out.
  7. Does anyone know how i can get my PC so that i can look at my files anywhere. I have a PSP and i can listen to my music anywhere in the house using a RSS channel. I want it so i can do it anywhere with internet access. I know i have to get it as a web server, but how. I don't know how to unlock port 80 (thats the right port right?) Is it the ISP i have? Is it the DSL modem i have? Any help would be great thanks.
  8. Haha this is a post that is so popular yet the person who started it didn't even think when he put it up. First off as others said before Christianity came from Judaism. Also its not even the most popular religion. In stats it is, but how many christians go to church every sunday or even every month. How many pray every night or even week. Plus Christians come with all sort of beliefs. I mean i can name over 10 different types Christianity. Muslims, or most, are very religious and there isnt 100s of off takes of the belief and they have the 2nd most followers. Lastly, how can anyone have a superior religion? For one Christians were the ones who had the spanish inquistion and killed the so called Witches also don't forget about all those child malustation charges. To me a superior religion would not have a background like that. I am non-relgious, but i like the religion Buddhism the most. For one they don't believe that you can't get into the holy land (christians it's heaven) unless you accept Buddha. The believe if your good, good things happen and don't kill living things. To me thats a superior religion.
  9. Ok well i have three websites up and running. 1. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 2. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 3. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The first one i'm never taking down because it is my site for my indie movies and commercials. Plus i paid for a domain name. The other two i need help with. First i want to say i love Xisto.com and i am going to keep it, but its a matter of what website i'm going to have them host. The reasons why i'm not going to have both is because 1. Takes a lot of work to keep up 3 sites. 2. The BooZker's Place site uses lots of bandwidth (or it will once i get it completely done) 3. Carpet Boarding is becoming popular and i get fan mail about it and the site is not being updated as much as they would like. I'll explain what the sites are with BooZker's Place first. Its a PSP site for my PSP Portal called Windows PSP, but i have been doing it by myself and its too much work. I can't get anyone to help and when they do they dont respond to emails for days to weeks. Next is Carpet Boarding. One day i wanted to make a video of carpet boarding, so i did and it was a hit on youtube and google video. So i made a site. It has been popular and needs not much up keep, but i just need to make more vids. More info on the site. Go there and check it out. So out of the 2 sites what one would you keep?
  10. I have been wondering this for awhile. I dont understand what they think because im not christian. This is not a debate either. OK well here its is.For the Christians who believe the Adam and Eve story (The catholic church has accepted evolution) when do dinosaurs come in. You have got to believe in them right? I mean they have bones for them. The thing i dont get though is adam even were on Earth from the beginning (well one of the seven days i dont remember what one) but then there were considered cavemen? Sorry i might be an idiot, but i don't get this at all.
  11. No. Might as well think that the tooth fairy is real. Come on there is no proof nor evidence (real evidence) they are real. Just uh oh i hear noises. To me its a dumb argument to say no they are real becaue such and such happened.
  12. Well do you want it to go in a full cycle? The average tempature is rising FASTER, much fater then it did the first time. And the volcanoes in the ocean will go off in about 10 years if it heats up at the same rate and cause everyting to go off. Is it a problem? Well it is. No one can say it isnt unless they really are just ignorant. The fossil fules create clouds that block the heat so the Earth dosnt heat up. On 9/11/01 when the downed all the planes the average heat went up a whole degree. Now that dosnt sound like much but its usually dosnt change that much ever. If we were to just stop all the fossil fules making are Earth WOULD heat up. So im not sure how they are going to ever fix this, but we have about 10 years and then there is no going back. The Earth will be unsavable because the heat will have increased to much to save. This dose not mean that the Earth is gone in 10 years it means that there is no saving the Earth after those 10 years and nature will be in charge. I saw this on Nova or Frontline can't remember, but it's very interesting. I might be wrong on a few things because i watched it well over a month ago, but i was pretty close. Did anyone else see this?
  13. First off i was just joking about my "theory" Second we probably will never have proof that the big bang happened, but we have found more clues that point towards that then a God just pointed his finger and BANG there was Earth. First off for that to be proven we would ned to know how God got there and we don't even have proof that there is a God. The ways of Christianty are based on some 2000+ yr old plus papers while science is gettting updated everyday.
  14. Haha not in this day in age. You can get a C if you just turn in all your homework. It dosnt have to right and you could fail or get Ds on tests and still get a C
  15. That's very untrue. I love kids. And cant wait to have them when i am ready, but i know MANY people who can not wait till they get out if the house, or or say quote,"I wish i never had any kids" Also the God has given them dosnt make much sence. Not because i'm not religious, but if it was Gods descions to get raped lets say, is not very "godly" Remember i'm pretty damn liberal lol. And i am pro-choice. I do not understand it though. To some point, such as like 9 months yah its just killing a baby, cause you can actual have the baby. It could live. Like 1 month though its not a baby at all. I mean its not much more then sperm. Yes yes people can go on and on about what is a baby and not, but no matter how you put it you do NEED sperm to make a baby. Therefore, sperm is the early steps of a baby. Sperm is alive if you did't know. Oh and i want to comment on Thorned Rose's video. It was very old and i couldnt see anything since it was so small and blurry. And the referance to a secret lanquage is used all the time in operating rooms. I mean how would you like if they said,"ok we are now taking your tendons and removing them from your arm." And to JasperIK people will try to do it themselves. TRUST me i know. I didnt because im a male, but i know 2 people who have because it was illegal and could not take care of it. One of them had the baby while the other almost died. And no one can say that putting them up for adoption is any better. Once you go to a orphanage then i will listen to your opinion. I have been in one and they are not pretty. Or what about foster parents. You know how many foster parents do it for the money from the state. In many religions this is against the rules or a sin to waist seaman. I can respect that CHOICE they made. I can not respect people who had the CHOICE to have this religion and make others follow their rules. They might not say this is untrue, but more then 90% of the reason they dont support this and things such as gay marriage is because of religion. If they have have a true moral reason such as its murder at the stage of 9 months yes i can understand, but,"It was God's descsion for her to have a baby" is non of your business. THIS IS A FACT, although many people disagree that this it's true. You should remember that the crime rate DID go down though. The link http://chronicle.uchicago.edu/990812/abortion.shtml is and i'm sure you can find something like this on wikipedia too. These are scientists that do not support it or do not support it. They are merely showing the effects. As you can see unwanted children DO turn out bad. What kid wouldnt. I mean if you grew up in a family that there is no mom or dad and dont even know who the dad is it has to be hard? What if your mom is just a "B" word and she told you that she dosnt love you? What if the parents are on drugs? These people are out there and they ruin the lives of children and by making it ilegal they have the kids and make the kids a living hell.
  16. They don't choose. Why would they. People like you make it hard for them. So why would they? And the kid thing is really just not thought out. You see girls makin out all the time. I think i saw my first Girls Gone Wild commercial at like the age of 8-9. You can turn it to E! almost anytime of the day and find 2 girls kissing. And Whats the difference of a guy and a girl makin out? Both are disgusting to a child. Do you know how many kids say girls are icky when they are young? They dont want to even see a girl and guy kissing. And God forbid you ever teach them unity. What if they see a black guy and white girl kissing!!! uh oh! or what about a midget and a person in a wheel chair! Oh no thats JUST NOT RIGHT! Please dont say stuff that makes no sence. Because not too long ago kids would say,"Mom look at that black person." My younger brother when he was about 4-5 saw a black person at the mall and said,"I never seen a black person before" But he did because his uncle has a black girlfriend. Kids dont even remember things anyway. And once they get to a certain age that they remeber other kids will tell them about being gay and how "bad" it is. No matter what way you put it what you said makes no sence.
  17. Huh? That makes no sence. I said tell me how you know there is a God. The sky could have been created from some kind of star exploding or something. You have no idea how it was created. That whole reply i typed was about how he said its like gravity. And you drug his stupidty down with you. Gravity can be explained, God cannot. The sky shows no proof of God. But an apple falling down because of the gravitational pull between the moon and earth show proof of gravity. Whats your proof? Wait let me guess. Just faith? Then there is no proof just faith. Faith should be kept seperate from proof because with just faith nothing becomes explained. If it werent for science and finding a damn thing out we would still think the Earth is flat and in the middle of the universe.
  18. I dont think you got what i was saying. People keep mentioning all the friends they made. And how much fun they had with them. But that has nothing ot do with school other then you went to the same school. What i was saying was that. Its not the school that was fun. It was the people you had fun with.
  19. So what if you encourage it? Is everyone going to turn homosexual. No. Do you honestly think that even 50% of people are. If anyone here actually this will happen then they are just misinformed with how the world works. I want to thank Goosestaf for telling them to not to put religion into this. This is a Gay rights topic about does the bible say its ok. Its wether or not do you think America should have those rights. Since we have the law of seperation of church and state then we should follow the law, don't you think? And man do i thank them. Because of those people these kids will grow up with at least fathers or mothers that love them. Instead of living in an orphange which i have seen them and some of the ones in other countries are not pretty. Look at all those straight people who can not take care of the kids they have. This has never made sence to me. I have a question because seriously i dont know. Do you guys who do not support gay marriage do you support single parent adoption?
  20. No it's not the same thing at all. Gravity can be proven and there are not millions of different types of gravity. People don't go to door trying to sell gravity. Gravity is a horrible example. Plus gravity has results that happen instantly and can be guessed based on hypothesis. Name 1 way you can see instant findings that there is God? You can't so therefore it's nothing like gravity.
  21. As i said before its not the school that is "cool" its the people. Then you went to the wrong school lol.
  22. Yep just like back in he Rain God and the Sun God ages. For stuff that can not be explained you make a god for it. It is true through out history. Remember when they thought the Earth was the center of the universe because God put it there? Well they have know shown that to be false. There IS stuff that is unexplained, but we shouldnt be making up Gods for it. Listen how stupid it sounds. I support you in believing in Gods and Jesus, but by no means should you NOT look into things and come to a conclusion until it is PROVED. You have no proof that God made the Earth so your actually behind the scientists. Same with Evolution. They have more theories that support it then Christians (Catholic church has accepted the belief in evolution because of all the strong findings.) have to NOT support it. If i went today and said, "you murdered someone" I would have to show SOME evidence wouldnt I? Guess not. And at least truefusion has looked into it and found what does not support that theory. You just hear something and go along with it.
  23. True, but not true. Most of my good friends are from grade school.
  24. As i said before in another post if someone came to me and was trying to get me to convert i would be very angry. I would be angry in many ways. 1. Your telling my belief is BS 2. Your telling me to believe something other then what i have been brought up with for many years. 3. You came into my country uninvited! 4. They never asked you to come, but only for help to survive with food and water and you bring this with you? There are more reasons, but i wont go into them. I want to ask you a question about this too. If someone came to you and tried to get you to believe in scientology for example what would you say? Would you ever convert? Probably not so why do you expect them to change? And what do you mean responsible? You know this is exactly what pisses me off. Your saying, which is true, that if you don't like me (Jesus) burn in hell. I thought Jesus was caring. If i was right i thought he loved people no matter what they were like? Obviously not, that's for sure. See it's this say one thing, but it means something totaly different. Also i never said Bloody Mary in a way such as "I wish that bloody mary would go away" I said it the exact way the PRIEST said that if you ever said that Mary would come and haunt you.
  25. I'm going to try not to be to harsh about this, but have you heard of the Spanish Inquisition? Probably not or else you would have mentioned it. Or do you remember when they were burning witches? They were christians. Hmm i don't know how what you said is true. It is a very ignorant thing to say.
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