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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. I really like the Vent and i think they should keep it. I don't know why bad words when they are bleeped out should even be considered bad. I think you should be able to say whatever the *BLEEP* you want. HAHA ok please don't warn or block me, i was simply making a point. My point, by the way is, the word is bleeped out right? So how do you know i even cussed? How do you even know what word i used? You can't in both cases. I believe as long as the words are bleeped out and you don't somehow write the words so they are not bleeped you should be able to type whatever you want. Like if i were to write the "F" word here and it was bleeped and i came back and tried to write it out so it was not bleeped, then yah, maybe warn or block the topic. I think it is also hypacritical to have the *BLEEP* trappedinshi** and not being able to type *BLEEP* in this forum.This was my vent about the vent in vent!

  2. I was wondering if i could somehow transfer some of my credits from my Trap 17 account to my Asta host account because i have gained many credits here at Trap 17 and i am having a hard time gaining that many credits there.I just want to transfer maybe a months worth of credits (30 credits) And thats it. I have been very busy lately and it's hard to post on both forums and post enough to gain a good amoun of credits.If it's not even possible that's ok. Thanks anyways.P.S. Both forum accounts are BooZker.

  3. Oh, ok, i understand now. I thought you meant differently. Like, for example, someone extremely close to you can't get out of bed, cause they lost their legs or something, and you help them by getting them stuff they need to save them the effort. Glad you cleared things up.

    Oh no no. I'm not that cruel haha. Yes, i meant on a life basis not a day to day basis.

  4. If you take care of someone, then you're probably living for someone else. If you truly are in it for yourself, you would not even dare help a rape victim who is being raped right in front of your eyes. When you help another person, you just crossed the line from living for yourself, to living for more than just yourself.

    I am not talking about one hour, one day, one week, or even a month, i am talking about my entire life. My way of trying to show you what i mean is like this:

    God is like your parent for life and you never become and adult. It is liking living up to your parents for ever and always trying to impress them and do what they want and never what you want simply because it makes you a better person.

    I can live just fine without trying to live up to being Jesus Christ or Buddha because they were one of a kind.

    There's no possible way to not be in any religion. Afterall, didn't you say several posts back that you are either an atheist or an agnostic? Eventhough you did not specify which one, i'ma guess you're an atheist, only because of how similar you act like them. Eventhough you say you don't attack, you could very well be attacking during your defense--even if it doesn't seem that way to you.

    Here is what dictionary.com said, or at least one of the many definitions.

    a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.

    Your right it is impossible and i didn't know that religion was just a set of beliefs. My definition in my head was a belief or beliefs of high powers. Obviously wrong, but my new statment is "i believe stongly in no high power other then the human race"

    Yes, your also might i might be attacking, but it is in defense. I never EVER start a conversation about how my religion is better or how stupid a certain religion is. Even look at this post. I never said that any kind of religion was bad i was just asking what the world would be like without a religion. So in response, i try not to attack unless i was attacked first about my beliefs.

    Correction: One is not dead when they go to Heaven, they are alive. You can't judge the dead. Though, you're probably thinking that the body is the person. However, the body is just a detachable thing. The spirit is the person.

    Good correction. I meant to say there is no way to prove that heaven is real because there is no way to communicate between the two places.

  5. What is your most used software on your current system? Do not count anything that is deault on your PC such as Windows Movie Maker or Windows Media Player (Sorry if this is already a topic, but i searched and didn't find any)Mine are:Dreamweaver 8 (Website Creation/FTP/code editor/ect. Software)Fireworks 8 (Graphics Software)Adobe Photoshop 8 (Graphics Software)AIM (AOL Instant Messenger)Opera (Internet Browser)iTunes (Music Player)LimeWire (P2P Software)Thats about all my software i use from day to day.

  6. I am on the internet a lot. My computer is mostly used for internet. I do not play any games on my PC. I use programs like dreamweaver which uses internet, photoshop and fireworks which i make graphics for my sites and other peoples, and other programs that use the internet. I probably spend at least a few hrs like 2-4 hrs a day. I have been busy lately however. My internet in my current house has been having problems which makes it 100 times harder to get on. Whenever someone even turns on the phone my internet freezes for about 5 minutes. The phone company is supposed to fix it, but who knows when haha.

  7. I do not see any difference between the 2 signatures with the exception of the stroke on the 'Z'. Could you tell me what is it you have added to the signature? I think the one in your signature section is something which has a powerful image. It brings out your theme of your signature and message very well and clearly.

    Well the first has a just a simple gray stroke and the 2nd one has a slight reflection and glow with a gradient for a stroke. They were not meant to be huge changes, but minors ones to see if what truefusion said was a good idea, which it was.


    Sharn, like this?


    Posted Image


    Here is one with a black stroke of 1 px because when i did a black glow of 1 px you could not see the glow at all.


    Posted Image


    So now out of those two which i have just posted and this one:


    Posted Image


    Which one should i pick because the majority already think the new one is better. I just need to know which new version of the Modern BooZker Sig is the perfect one.


    Suggestions are still open.

  8. I have not changed my sig in a long time because people always like my current sig the best haha. Well i wanted to make another one and see if you guys like it and if i should change it. This is a modern style sig. It's mostly black and white, but has some color to accent certain parts. I did not want to make a sig that looks like everyone elses with the crazy looking effects, lots of glow, and video game characters. So should i keep or change it.


    This one

    Posted Image


    Or the one in my sig section now?

  9. Well, I liked the first one but you could do with a better background and also the O&J logo.I didn't like the text though.

    Well this is supposed to be a professional logo and i was not even going to put backgrounds on either one. My friend said he liked the background better then no background, so i made one with and one without. They are supposed to plain and simple and the text is also. I make other logos which are much more detailed, but these are not supposed to.

    But i have more of course. Maybe if the logo wasn't slanted (a "Y" shape), and you placed "O&J" on top of "Productions" and centered everything, with the logo behind it, it might look nice.

    How do you mean? I want to try this out, but do you mean just litteraly overlapping the O&J on Productions? And i slanted the Y looking thing so it didnt look like a Y lol. Should i make it unslanted?

    And i will fix the overlapping.

    Do they look alright though for the first time ever making professional looking logos?

  10. Yeah, I learned about that in a class I had to take in 8th grade (last year, I'm 9th now). Learned about all that stuff. But can't that stuff affect yourself? And wouldn't ingesting it also affect you? Like let's say you just masterbated and didn't wash your hands. Than you went and ate food like french fries or a burger or a sandwich or some sort of food that involved your hands touching the food. Wouldn't the germs and possibly the diseases pass to the food as well and get into you? And than wouldn't you get sick?

    Are you saying can you get sick from your own ejaculation? That's absurd. You can not get sick from yourself. Just like if you have HIV you cannot get HIV again.

    Let's be real here because this topic has some very false info along with some facts.

    First off just about every male AND female has at least tried it.

    Next is there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with it.

    Males also do not orgasm everytime they ejaculate. They most of the time just ejaculate. Ejaculation and orgasm are different and if you don't know what they are look them up. Do not use them interchangeably.
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