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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. Well here is my opinion. Here is my myspace also Click Here.

    Myspace is a messy site, but does it really matter? I don't care if it is messy. I have had no problems with it being messy. It doesn't make it any harder for me to use it. However, due to the fact they only use two servers it makes it ungodly slow and annoying. Because there are so many users and so many users are added everyday they always are doing maintenance which is a huge pain in the **bottom** when you go to send a message and it wont let you do it.

    Myspace is great for meeting people though because there are so many people on the site. I just want to say i met my current girfriend on that site. We have been dating for 2 months and a day today. I also keep up with my friends on that site. It's also really neat when someone messages you that you haven't seen in years or even talk to for that matter. You pretty much look up anyone (Under about 20 years of age) and they are on there. My friends mom is even on there haha.

    For are the blunders myspace has it has lots of great things on there also. It gives me time to waste, although i have had no time to waste until about today considering i worked and went to school with almost 20 credits. It gives people a place to keep up with friends and find old friends. For some people its even a place to meet new loved ones.

    So how was that for a Myspace opinion. haha

  2. Well its more of a theory and i wanted other peopls opinion on the theory. It was not supposed to be a debate. It was supposed to be a bunch of peoples theories of what life would be and if it would be better or worse. Yes it turned into a debate... too bad.The George Bush thing was more of a joke then anything. If there is a God George Bush would be the last person he would want to speak to. Wouldn't you agree. I mean if i were God i would want to speak to people who are not selfish and greedy. Like i would speak to people rich, pour, short, and tall and of all races and sex that are good people, but i would never speak to a leader who has his head that far up his BLEEP

  3. Religion is not actually the cause of all those wars. It was merely an excuse to most of them ...for god & country? or is it for wealth & power? hehehe

    uhh i dont think so. Do you now how many wars there are that are not even fought with military? The war like America is in is for money and power (even though George Bush says god speaks to him). They are started for something. They are usualy fought over Religion, Land (not really anymore), Money, or Power. How many wars where they were fighting for power or money and they went to a country of the same religion? Something to think about.

    P.S. You use a lot of smileys. Just 15 more views and this topic hits 2,000!

  4. obviously the people fighting this war right now, do not want to stop because if they wanted to, they couldq uite the military and stay home and not get shiped out the next time or ever again, but they keep going back, they keep going back and fighting. so i say, if they want to keep going back and fighting, let them fight for america and make sure the rest of the god damned terrorists in the world know if you screw with america you will pay immensley!!

    OK first off you can't just stop going to work when your in the army. When they say you are done you can also get called back in. Make sure to know your facts. The only way to quit after signing up is getting injured where you can no longer fight.


    Next why should we let them fight for America? You don't let gangs fight on the streets here and kill people. Why is it OK if we are in another country with camo on? It isn't. The only difference is the president said to. If the president told you to jump off a bridge would you do it? A big portion of America would just because he is our leader. Well *BLEEP* our leader. He is thee worst president we have ever had. Clinton got a bad wrap, but all he did was get oral. It's so aggravating and frustrating when people don't see this.


    Finally. America pays back EVERYONE not only the people who "screw" with us, but people like Iraq who did nothing, but really flip off America. Yes, the leader of Iraq was evil and a horrible person, but do we really have to go and kill all those inocent people? Tell me is this really cool?


    Posted Image


    Is it? Is cool, awesome, or funny? Two dead children? What if they were your children? The people that say, well it's war, are the people i hate. You are the people who follow anyone. The people who never question anything. You go along in life just seeing the world as you were brought up. Step out side the box and just look at how many people are dead. There was NO reason to go over. Their was NO WMD, they did NOT have the terroists, and lastly they had never attacked us. If they do not attack us why should we go over there and start a god damn war?


    Sorry if i get a little emotional, but i just can't see how you people think it's alright. I'm sorry. I would REALLY like the mods and admins to not take that picture off. It's not too bloody and nothing to gruesom. I think it would be good to keep it up and at least make my point of view stronger.


    If you agree with me then i salutue you. You are a TRUE patriot. Patriots don't go out and kill innocent people. They are the ones that are supposed to bring PEACE and FREEDOM not DEATH and MURDER.

  5. First of i want to state this is my first mac and i have been using a PC for probably since i was 4-5 which was 11-12 years ago. I have never used a mac, except for in school rarely, in all that time. I am a college student majoring in graphic design and had to get a Mac. I do have to say i like them a lot. Sorry, i am getting off topic. I just wanted to show you that i am not stealing what so ever. I own one desktop computer with Windows XP Home and my laptop with Windows XP Media Center Edition. The only problem is that i bought the computer with Windows XP preloaded on both. How do i copy that windows over to my Mac for Mac Bootcamp? I know it is 100% legal for someone to give me the CD or send me windows XP as a file as long as i have a serial, in which i do, i just do not have Windows XP on a disc.By the way for people who do not know:Mac Bootcamp is a program that lets you run Windows XP Professional or Windows XP Home on your Mac. It would be great for people like me because you can now run all your windows programs on a Mac. All it does is partitions the hard drive.Please all i need is a place to download windows XP HOME since that is what i have.

  6. I'm a girl too, and I feel somewhat awkward replying to this o_0
    I don't, myself, but that's because I was more or less raised to believe that it's completely inappropriate, desperate, and disgusting for girls to do. Go figure. Anyway, I think most girls probably are raised like that, hence why we would be quiet about it. Plus, I'm sure it's quite embarrassing to admit to guys that you...yeah

    Some people are deffinitly lying though, because it's a WELL KNOWN fact that masturbating helps girls with menstrual cramps =P

    So yes, some girls probably lie about it. Props to you guys for realizing it o_0 Just don't go around assuming that we are all liars and do it as much as you do. Oh yeah, and doing something like THAT and not WASHING YOUR HANDS is gross.

    98? That's sick. WASH YOUR HANDS GUYS.

    This is why I don't shake hands with people...

    I have never understood why parents would tell their children that. It's not disgusting, everyone does it. It's not desperate, you do it for pleasure. I know you don't think this i was just saying.

    OK i'm a guy and your going to think this is gross, but to be honest i don't think touching your penis is any different then touching your ear. Yes, yes, i know your most likely going to disagree, but i would wash my hands if i got "stuff" on my hands, but if i were to just touch my penis i don't wash my hands.

  7. I just wanted to post a personal opinion on this topic, but not on the subject.Why did the admin or mods move it to the Life Talk Debates section? You do not get credits for this if i am correct. I wish you would not have moved it because i collected a great amount of credits from this topic. It was in the My Ideas, Theories, Possiblities, Innovation since May until September (3 months). I guess it doesn't matter. I just liked it when i got credits for posting! :)

  8. Ok let's get this straight. Yes, in all cases, no matter how you explain it or put it, Atheism IS a religion. Religion just means an organized community or a pursuit of interest in which someone ascribes extreme importance. Atheist, such as myself, to put importance on the fact there is no God or higher power. Because a group of people believe this and say they are Atheist it IS a religion. No matter how you put it. Now, being Agnostic is not a religion because it is not organized. They don't believe or disbelieve in a god or higher power.No matter how you put it however, Atheists are religious.

  9. I would think not -- by opening this up, people will think that being "gay" and "bisexual" is actually normal. In fact, when you're young...say 11 and you know nothing about attractiveness in the other sex, you might think of yourself as a "gay or lesbian". This will not free the mind, but restrict it to think that it is way too normal and that they themselves are one, too. Then a chain reaction starts.
    I consider myself an open-minded person and I do not hatefully discriminate against them. But if you openly have a different orientation and actually take a stand to legalize gay marriage, it will affect the minds of the little ones (not saying this is negative) and they will think they themselves are gay while in fact, they aren't because they haven't hit puberty yet.

    I think the world should open our minds by education us about this and that you will only start liking the other sex (or the same in some cases) after puberty. This should be taught positively.

    I'm sorry, but what the *BLEEP*? Why does it matter? If we taught girls and boys that it's ok if you like either one, why would it matter? The only bad thing that would come out of it is people would not discriminate and not be scared to come out (i'm being sarcastic, by the way. This is obviously a good thing :) ) The reason why people discriminate is because they are taught that it's against their religion, it's a sin, it's weird, ect. If you teach kids stuff just like you would now about blacks, asians, mexicans, ect they would not discriminate as much. People still discriminate against blacks and other races, but not even close to as bad as when they taught kids it was bad or different. I think children should be taught by facts only. So, in this case, there is nothing wrong with it. I will not go into details of why, but they should tell them they have a higher chance of getting aids and they should tell straight kids that girls can get pregnant and so fourth. Teach them the facts. There is nothing wrong what so ever with being gay.

    By the way i am straight and proud of it, but i am, as you can see, pro gay.

  10. So many relationships fail these days because they're founded on lust, not love, and about what you can get out of it, rather then what you can do for the other person because you care about them.

    If you just want to score then what's the big deal? Why do you have to be in love for every relationship? I was in a relationship and we were founded on lust, but that's what we were both looking for a the time. We were not looking for a long term relationship. So here is something i thought of haha

    If you want to "score", but don't want to stay in that relationship, you should try to look for a girl that is looking for the same thing.

    If you want to "score" and stay in the relationship try to wait like at least a week before doing that. This way you can start a relationship on interests and other things.

    If you think your in love, you should reall y just act your self. Do not even try to think about scoring. Try to think about getting her to like you as much as possible before. Plus if your really in love, i believe from what i have found, you will think about doing "stuff" but when you kiss or hug or whatever it's just as fufilling. I for sure don't think your in love with this girl though if you just wanted to score haha. Hey, and most guys think like that and their nothing wrong with it, but if you think your in love you not haha.

  11. It looks good, except the white and black need to be shading togerther in the middle to symbolise unity between the two!

    So instead of a solid cut you were thinking like put a gradient between the 2 and making connect like that? So they look sort of faded together?

    Hmmm.... Nice. Although you could have made one for PSP, or you could resize the current one to fit the screen.
    480x272, a great resolution to remember!

    Actually go to the member gallery. I have a ton of PSP Wallpapers already. I actually converted this to a 480 x 272. I just didn't think anyone would actually download it so i just made the pic to show it off here.

    Nice, except for the dark grey around the PSPs themselves. It makes them look to be sloppily cut out of an image.

    I actually cut it out perfect. I see what you mean though. I just thougt it might be a nice effect. I should take it off though.

    Thanks for all the comments.

  12. And even if you think, you have got no problems, and nothing on your mind. You can still have things on your mind unconsciously... in the very back of your mind. Maybe that, and the fact you got up to search you condom caused it. Don't worry about it, it's human, and don't worry about the girls, because girls understand it very well. They should be because also girls often lose the feeling, but they can act remember? So, it will never show, but it happends to everyone I guess.

    Yes, true. It has not happened again, but i still worry it will. I not i shouldn't worry about it, but i do. Maybe this was just a fluke. I also do not put my comdoms so far away :)

  13. From what i have heard all the difference will be is a visual difference. I have not been able to use Vista though. What i have read on many posts and even on the microsoft website, is that Windows Vista will make it easier to find files by putting certain files in special files and so fourth. Windows XP is just like a not as visual version of Vista. I think Vista is will be copying Macs OS. The way files folders look. I don't know though because i have never used it, but this is what i am predicting.

  14. It seems funny that all are talking about various versions of Windows, when the Topic Title clearly mentions '...on XP' But anyway, I tried out what was mentioned in the first post, and here's what I concluded-Yes! The trick works, on Windows XP Home Edition without SP 2. I got that at my friend's place, and he was bewildered at what his brother could do to his PC as an Admin if he knew this!!!
    No! I does not work with Windows XP Professional Edition with SP 2! That's my PC, and boy I was glad it didn't!
    This concludes that Microsoft was made aware of the vulnerability and it corrected itself in the Service Packs, like so many other bugs! So, its a tradition of Microsoft of leave bugs unnoticed in the first place and then correct them using heavy-loaded Service Packs!

    OK, thanks. finally someone figured out how this works. So Home without SP2 works and this doesn not work on professional with SP2. Does this work on Professional without SP2 or Home with SP2? That is what i would like to know. Post if anyone trys those two alternative ways.

  15. I don't know why this would be a bad idea. I didn't graduate high school though. I got my GED at 16 and went on to college the same year as i would have been starting 11th grade. because i thought high school was a waste of my time. So i say hell, go for it. I think it's a great idea. Plus you could start on a job or even college!

  16. I was pointing out that religion has much more competition today than it did in even our parents generation (even if you are very young, as it appears most of the people on this forum are). It is safe to say that watching porn and receiving communion are mutually exclusive activities. Last year the pornograpy industry did over $10 billion dollars in the US alone. To put that in perspective, total revenue's for non-porn movies were only $3.7 billion. The "Religious Industry" doesn't have to report its earnings per se, but it is in decline in terms of overall giving in most denominations. As religion's income is likely measured in the trillions per year, they certainly have a long way to fall.

    I don't understand how you come up with more porn less god? Think about how this sounds? Obviously people like porn because it "gets them off" and it's entertaining. Religion and God is not supposed to "get you off" or even be entertaining, forgive me if i am wrong. I think to have a correlation you need to have two subjects that have the same outcome, result, ect. For example, "Dogs and cats? What's the better pet?" In this example i show two variables that are used for the same thing. Dogs and cats are normal house pets. The most common in America, i believe. They are also animals, they are used as a sort of friend, i could go on and on about how they are alike, but this would really just make this post to long and boring. In conclusion on this topic, porn and religion are two completely seperate things. You can not compare the two just as you would not compare if black is the same color as white.


    Yes people who aren't religious are more likely to be looking at porn but I think they are non-religious for reasons other than they want to look at porn.

    I totally understand what you are saying, but read what i have to say.

    In response i just want to say that i do not believe this. This is no way scientific and i have no proof, but hear me out. My father has been a fireman sence before i was born... almost 20 years i believe. He has had a few co-workers who were very religious. They always ended up with something bad happening. I will state one example, and please do not warn me because I am trying to state this in a mature manner so that i can argue my point.

    My dad's co-worker, who is very religious, was caught by the cops while masturbating in his car at 3 am. He was caught AGAIN doing this, but instead of the cops getting there, who would arrest him for his 2nd offense, the other fireman came to the scene where he was drunk and naked in his car.

    This is only ONE of about 10-15 stories of very religious people doing this that are clearly against the rules of their beliefs and even against the law. My dad and his friends came to a conclusion of these stories. Yes, this is not scientific at all, but here it is. (I think this is a pretty good quote i thought up. Mostly the first sentence haha)

    When one has so many restraints and rules to follow that he can not keep up with he goes mad. Think about it. This is the same for teen girls and boys. The difference is that these are grown men a women who try to keep themselves so perfect and they never will be that perfect. They are so pent up they just need to break free. They break free in the worst ways however.


    One would not truly believe in everything in the Bible, if they really believe in the Theory of Evolution. There's a good chance that they'd fully reject the Bible if they believed in the Theory of Evolution.

    Good chance, maybe, but i know many people who believe in evolution and the Bible. Look at the entire Catholic Church. Even the Pope! They believe this.

    There will always be a greater amount of people who don't follow theistic religions. Even the Bible tells you this. But how many people was this study based on, and on what society?

    This was based on MANY and based in the USA. I looked up the article in google, but i can not find it. It just comes up with lots of Atheist articles. This was the front page of Newsweek, so i am sure it had many. Also i mean it's newsweek. It's not that reliable haha

    And finally

    As for people becoming less religious, studies have shown that the more intelligent a person is, the less likely they are to be religious. (here is a list of studies going back to the 1920's http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/L-thinkingchristians.htm ). As societies go, religion has lots of competition in western style civilizations (Internet, TV, Porn). I said that the more free time a person has, the more a person tends towards introspective thought. Religion is introspective thought, but I didn't say that more free time == Religion.

    haha so we were debating something that we both believed? Thanks for clearing that up.

    MAN, this is one of m longest posts ever by me. Too bad i have so many credits it wont count as probably more then 3! And over 70 votes and almost 2,000 views! That's more then i think the Trap 17 Readme :) Thanks for keeping this topic alive because this is a topic that i can write a lot as shown above haha Keep posting. I hear great new ideas and arguments everytime i go back here. It's awesome!

  17. Want to hear something REALLY *BLEEP*ing weird? (sorry for the cursing, but it's REALLY weird)My GF i met about 3 weeks ago. I met her on myspace. Never knew her before and i knew no one who knew her. I made this test last year on Dec 07, 2005. That same day a guy i don't know named Robert ******* Said his number 1 crush was my GF of now. So, a guy i don't know, mentioned a girl i don't know, and almost a year later i meet and date her? The other weird part is i totally forgot about this site. The only reason i went back and signed in is because i saw this post. Thanks so much for posting this! I want to show my GF hahaWOW this is somewhat creepy.

  18. welcome killerbichon! I am glad you posted in here for one of your first few posts. This is a great post with great points. I will try my best haha.

    You might as well be against agriculture. Pre-historic man was tribal and nomadic. As we began to not die as often, we discovered we could grow plants where we wanted and not go out and find them randomly. The better we got at that, the more of us in one place we were and the more free time we had. When groups of people get together they begin to arrange themsleves in hierarchies. Like in high school for instance. The more institutionalized these hierarchies become, and the more dependent people become on controlling natural processes, the more likely religion is to arise. Egypt, the Aztechs, Rome, Greece, almost every society that arises hits a point where religion enters in, in a big way. The exception was the mongols (Ghengis Khan). They sort of became the managers of many religious societies and maintained a separate, more aloof clan structure on top of these.
    Mazlow's hierarchy of needs talks about this, essentially: the more successful you are at surviving, the more free time you have to devote to non-survival activities like introspective thought. We are a curious species and we tend to want to know "why." Religion is the ultimate "why" Q&A session. Whether it is right or wrong doesn't matter.

    Agriculture and religion is much different. The way you explained it is great, but still is not good enough :D

    This is actually some what false. People today are slowing becoming less religious (Based on the studies i have read. One in which includes a study from Newsweek). Today there is even MORE free time then there was when they started Rome and Greece. I mean now a teen can be out with his friends ALL day on the weekends and stop and eat at a fast food place, use up only $3 for a whole meal, and then go "hang out" again within minutes. What you are saying is true for ancient times, but not now, or it seems. Plus, why do you have to devote time to religion. Why not fishing, sports, computers, ect?

    Science does not offer a moral framework. A purely logical or scientific society would be devoid of compassion. Take for example the idea that we should kill all people with mental disabilities, becuase it is better for the species. A simple scientific study on genetics and inheritance could make a strong argument for this. The problem is if you go too far in that direction you begin to sound like the Nazi's did. What is right and wrong, often cannot be empirically tested. What cannot be empirically tested is not science.

    To be honest i can't really argue with this. The best thing i can i said based "more" on not completely. But also before religions did people go up to each other and just kill them? No because if thats so we would not be here. Humans, i believe, already know the most basic idea, killing is bad. Yes, i used the word bad also because before religion there was no "evil." I am not saying religion created evil i am saying the created the definition. I had also said though "what does not hurt people" killing people hurts them, well obviously. I just don't believe that religion is needed to know killing, stealing, raping, ect is the wrong thing to do. Maybe people needed it back in acient time, but now we all teach or kids those skills and they would never be forgotten because they are part of our everyday life. We teach our kids not to take toys from others once they can play toys. And that my friend, is very young.

    People discriminate. Religion does not create discrimination, it is just another excuse people use to discriminate.

    No people DO discriminate and religion does NOT create dicrimination, but it does create something to discreaminate against.

    It may be that religion has been a necessary stepping stone to a higher, more civilized existance.

    This could be true. Although religion also creates war which is uncivilized, but i understand what you are saying and that is a great point.

  19. Believe what *you* know to be true or what is true in your heart not what someone else tells you is true.

    This is a great way to look at it. For example:

    If you truly believe everything in the bible, but really think that people came from apes (evolution) don't deny yourself that belief because it is not accepted. I am sure most of you have not read every post in this thread, so i will say it again:

    The main reason i stopped being religious with the belief of a God or higher being, is because i thought to myself it doesn't make sense. Now if it makes sense to you, great! Go for it.

  20. I believe it is ok to talk about this considering everything will be written in a mature matter. Also, it is about sex which most everyone knows about and has done sometime in their life. Anyways here is my rant... kinda. I wanted to post it in here cause i have to get it off my chest and it REALLY has been bugging me. Once you read this every guy here will know what it feels like or would feel like.I have been having a sexual relationship and it has been completely fine. Everything was great. Until today. The day before was one of the best i have ever had and same for her. Anyways... back to today, we were ready have sex and i was "ready" also. When i got up to get a condom i wasn't "ready"anymore. I didn't know why and don't know why. So i came back and thought if i pleasured her with oral it might come back...but no. I felt ashamed, embarrssed, stupid, and depressed. She said,"dont be sorry" and,"it's fine" but it really doesn't help me. Now i keep worrying that it will happen again. It never happened before, but what if it does again? God, why can't i just be able to make it do what i want when i want. Guys know how ashamed i felt. Is this even normal?! I don't think so. Not for a teenager. Maybe a 60 yr old man or something. I don't know. Your thoughts and commets?

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