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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. Before i start i want to make sure you understand this is not a what OS is better this is a what is better at certain things and your reasons why. I would also like to know more about Linux because i'm slightly confused on it. Will it mess my computer up if i install it, dont like it, and uninstall it? OK on with the topic.


    I own a Mac and work on one for many hours a day, but had always used a Windows based system since well i was 5 and i remember my father using DOS to run Duke Nukem haha. So i know my way around it. Here is my Pros and Cons list





    Almost every game runs on it

    Tons of programs run on it

    More Cusomization on the computers is possible



    Not as "nice" looking

    Error message after error message




    Very sleek and clean looking

    Never had any viruses or spyware yet and it's been over 4 months. (long time for a windows user haha)

    Lots of great built in programs such iMovie which is a REALLY good Windows Movie Maker and Garage Band which is very handy for me who makes movies

    If your a graphic designer like me you need one anyways haha



    Pretty much no games for it

    Harder to find programs for it

    Hardware you have to get through Apple most of the time and can't just go to Target and pick up a CD drive.



    Most distributions are free (Open-source).

    Good for servers.

    Some distributions have good user support.

    Some distributions allow you to test before installing (LiveCD).


    Some distributions require some knowledge of how Linux works to get the most out of that distribution.

    Not many companies make programs for Linux.

    It's a pain in the *bottom* to try to get Linux to run on a system with another OS already installed.

    I do have to say though that Windows is great, but i like Mac better simply because Mac CAN run windows and it connects to Windows networks and runs windows keyboard and mouses and most of the stuff. I think that Windows should try to be more cross platform compatible also. It would make the world a better place haha. Unbuntu i have tried the live CD and i have tried over and over, but i can never seem to get to install it so i have a duel boot system. I have read so many tutorials then when i try to partition it wont let me. I loved the live CD though.

  2. I don't think a women nor a man is better in office. I think that they are equal... seriously. I think a man might be more aggressive while the women may be more for family issues. They are, i'm sure, better at some things while males are better at certain things. Unlike Bush who is horibble at everything except killing people, taking our money, and being just a complete idiot, i believe most people who get to office are very intelligent anyways.

  3. katwomanjulie your right, but the problem is that we as humans can not help who we fall for unfortunately. I mean yes, too much in common is most likely not the best thing, but i like her too much. I guess i can try to forget her, but i couldnt forget her over a two month period. I wonder if i could ever, probably not. Hmmm... jhsmurray i should find that out first. Your absolutely right.By the way she all of a sudden sent me and email saying i love you??? Any ideas about that?

  4. Well you site already looks great, but you could always make a new logo/banner. People i think like that sometimes. I mean i can't really see any physical improvements you could make on the site.I wouldn't put your site on a top site unless you dont care about your google ranking. If you dont care then i would do that. Maybe a few. That way you could get some more traffic for free. Your site looks well made and im sure could compete. You could always make you own top site for harry potter fans. That could work out nicely.just suggestions!

  5. isiaqa234 screw that haha. Thats such BS. If your really rich and it't the right girl (not all girls) you could way 500 lbs and be missing all your teeth and bald and she would be attracted to you. Im not saying thats what this girl is like i am just stating a point. OK back on subject.I had this problem also and you know what i wish i would have made more of a move. It's way too late now. You need to FIRST be her friend. You know ask to hang out maybe go to the movies sometime to catch up on old times and stuff. If you think she is becoming you friend then thats when you make a move. If you want REAL TRUE girl advice, and i am 100% serious he can get you ANY girl IM:nickcodyisgod or ifidiedagainsame person but he uses both. Tell him BooZker sent you. He is so good with girls. He is not a player either. He has been dating for a long time, but he went through lots of girls before. If i were you i would seriously at least talk to him. Do what he says and when and how and you will have your chance with this girl i promise. How about this. I will give you 14 credits (2 weeks) if you do what he says and he still can't get you the girl. I promise!Hope him or I can help.

  6. Well we are for sure not married haha. But are you saying i should try to date the girl i really love? She called again today when my GF was over and, I KNOW THIS IS HORRIBLE, but i waited an hour and told her it was time for her to leave because i had to finish up my college work. She was like oh ok. And then i had my girl thats a friend come over (my crush) , but it was so nice. I mean we just talked and hung out and had fun. My other girl friend just always wants to have sex, which is fun for like 2 months straight, but i can only have so much and i never thought i would say that haha. This whole thing is getting so out of hand.I think i am getting close to dumping her, real close. Should I?

  7. I have this problem. I think it about it over and over again. I know it will never work out, but here is the story and i would really like you guys to help me out with this because it's one of those things you stay up at night and can't sleep cause your thinking about that one thing.


    There is this one girl i went out with in 8th grade for about two weeks. Then in 10th grade we went out again. Then broke up again. Now this girl is different though. Tell me how many of you can say you have this much in common with your Girl friend or wife:

    both woke up 4 days in a row at the exact same time

    one day we didn't sleep for some reason at both got on myspace at 5 am

    both wanted to go to australia

    both of our moms are named christina

    both of our moms are twins

    both have blonde hair and blue eyes

    both have the same paint colors on the walls by the same exact brand

    both move in and out of houses ever few years

    both love computers

    that is just a FEW of the things. I mean some are really weird. Like the mom things and the house things. This is not even talking about that all of our hobbies are the same.


    The problem is... well... i dont know. I want to know what you guys think it is? After she broke up with me the 2nd time i promised myself i wouldn't go out with her EVER again. The only problem is when i started dated afterwards it was like... different. Whenever i say i love you, i dont mean it. I mean i like her, but dont love her. She really likes me and i really believe she loves me, but we have nothing in common at all. Everytime i am with her i can't stop thinking about her. I really and truly believe i fell in love with that girl. I just dont know what i could do.


    She randomly IMed me today and was like i am bored. I invited her over (i am not single by the way) because i have been wishing she would since august. She came over and we just hung out. We made some prank phone calls on skype and got dairy queen. It was so fun. I miss her and hanging out with her.


    Ok knowing all this including the thing about randomly IMing me and wanting to hang out would you (answer these questions knowing she has broken up with me already twice AND knowing that she will most likely do it again AND knowing how truly much i like her. I have never ever met a girl like that.)


    Make a move on her?

    If you knew she would say yes ask her out?

    Dump my current girl friend for her?

    At least write a note and tell her how much you like her?


    So if you could answer these questions it would be so much help. I really can not stop thinking her.


    Thanks in advance.

  8. Gees, this topic is going no where and I'm tired of hearing the same crap over and over. You cannot argue with religious people because they have an 'answer' for everything despite overwhelming evidence and knowledge to the contrary.I have enough trouble with bible/koran/torah/tablet/etc bashing from people around me, people on tv and people coming to my door.
    I'm not gonna bother with this thread any more because it is pointless. You will never win against self-righteousness and the ability to use god as an 'answer' and excuse for everything.
    Get some integrity and stop relying on an external force to make you behave. Humans are perfectly capable of being good without co-dependence on an absent 'omnipresent' being who is happy to sit on it's a** and let the world suffer, all the while making out that people cause their own suffering (yes if I don't completely cover my body, I deserve to be raped - it's not god sitting back and letting me be raped, it's just that I'm a dirty sinful person or the toddler that was tortured and dropped into boiling water repeatedly deserved what it got cause god sure as hell didn't do anything to save it) Whatever! This whole thing is ridiculous.
    Stop making excuses and relying on other things to live you life. Get some integrity and self-belief! Love and life! - Live love and love life.
    (oh and I wouldn't bother making any specific addresses to me because I won't be reading them and I know I sound harsh but I am sick of going round and round in circles with people who switch their brains off when it comes to beliefs and morals)

    This topic is going no where because people get WAY off topic. I have too, but i do it to try to get back ON topic. I mean i don't know how hard it is to stay on topic. The topic is simply this: " What would a world be like without a religion and no one ever believed in religion EVER" So can you guys answer that?

    Also Thorned Rose... you said just about everything i could have ever say. Thanks haha

    After almost 220 posts religion has finally taken the lead in the polls. Interesting. First time ever.

  9. i dont agree with God they can still stop it ok so dont creticis them but how come many of them can do that mastupation is not good it comes from the deviel is it not it we all belongs to god so nothing like masturpation supose to be herad over here do you agree with me????????????????

    I dont know if i agree with you just because i can not read a word you said... seriously. I tried, but can't.

  10. Truefusion -- I know exactly what you mean about the loading thing. That is why i tried firefox 1 for about a week then got tired of it then went to IE 6 and IE 7 mostly just because of the loading time, but then I don't know who, but someone said my site didn't work on Opera. I then downloaded it and got hooked. The one and ONLY downfall is that it has many problems with sites because people do not test for Opera browsers. Even my teachers were like you use Opera! The spell check never worked for me. I installed it, but yes, it had tabbed browsing, and the dictionary and spell check before along with loading time and safer browsing.By the way truefusion i use firefox 2 now because the loading time is nothing at all seriously.

  11. I never really liked Firefox just because i always thought it was just as good as my now 2nd favorite browser, Opera. It had all the same capabilities and actually Opera was the first to have tabbed browsing and is the safest of all of them. When I heard about the new Firefox i wanted to try it out considering i needed it anyways to test out my websites. I got the iFox Smooth skin also to test out the skins. I have to say i love it. The spell check it awesome. I would have downloaded Firefox just for the spell check. What are your favorite new features? Have you even downloaded it yet? Will you?

  12. Why do you think America is doing SO horrible in school. Worse then third world countries. The reason... they really just don't care about schooling. What they care about is $$$. I am not talking about George Bush either. I'm talking about the teachers. They could have the schools like in Europe. In Europe what they do is every school is open to each and every child. If it's 2 hrs away they can still go. This is a great idea because this makes schools that are doing bad shut down or get better teachers. If a teacher is doing bad they WANT to get rid of them so that kids don't leave. If kids leave they lose money. Instead in America teachers just want money without actually having to do anything. You should all look up the process of getting a teacher fired. It's nearly impossible. They actually have had child molesting teachers teach because of the process the teachers created. The entire American school system is a pile of **** and it's true. Everyone here knows it. You have to have money to get good schooling. What irony. In America, pursuit of happiness only comes with money. Oh well American schools will never change. If they do it wont be in my life time. I just feel sorry for the pore kids that will have to go through the public school system.One last thing... I went to a Catholic School for about 3 1/2 years. I HATED it. I can totally understand if you want God in your schooling. It's your belief, but just the actual school was horrible. They had a new principle every year and new teachers. Sometimes i would come home and cry because they would give me over 3-4 hrs of homework to do. I was like 9 at the time. My parents finally pulled me out because they thought the school was a joke. Now i also understand not all Catholic or private schools are like this, but this has been my experience."so i got banned and play this" i see your new, but try to type words out. It just makes you look lazy is all. I'm not trying to be mean, but Trap 17 tries to keep the forums neat and tidy.

  13. No, well you live in America correct? It's the same way as TiVo, or burning a CD for your car. You can make as many copies of something you own as long as you never give out the copies to anyone. You can sell the original copy of anything, but never a copied version of the original. Me and my dad bought this new for like 80 bucks i think and we paid 40 each for it, so legally speaking we own 50% of the DVD (s). So i can legaly burn the DVD for myself since i paid for 50% of it.Legal talk makes me tired.Also yah i read that, but i had problems downloading it. I think i will try again. I also tried another program from doom9 that took 3 HRS TO COPY TO THE DESKTOP! It converted it to DIVX which was such a waste of time because the quality was crappy and still over a GB of space.EDITED* I downloaded it and cannot get it to open my video TS folder always just says error. It can never find the files, but the files that are missing we not necessary so it the settings of my DVD ripper i got rid of them to save space. I guess i will try actual DVDs next.

  14. First off i want to say i own these movies, but me and my dad are both watching the Sopranos and i wanted to know how i could rip the DVD and put it on another DVD so that me or my dad can watch it without me having to borrow the same DVD he is on. WE OWN THESE DVDs! I looked up about 10+ topics here on Trap 17, but everyone was locked before they came to a conclusion. Here is some info that will probably help you:


    I own a Mac OSX and Windows XP.

    I own a DVD burner on both systems.

    I can rip the DVD on to my computer already using a free program from Apple.com called MacTheRipper.

    I just need a free program that will bring the size down on these videos. Some are over 5GBs. If there is a program that will convert them down and burn them that's great.


    I DO NOT WANT ANY TRIAL VERSIONS. I WANT 100% FREE PROGRAMS If you give me a program that is a trial or say "just try it, i bought it and it's awesome" i will ignore it and not even look it up.


    Please help me out on this. We have 5 seasons of the Sopranos on DVD and i would like to watch them. Please do not lock this topic either. This is all legal and the people that make it illegal by ripping DVDs that are not theirs should have to pay not the people who actually buy the DVDs and ask for help.


    Thanks, if you post any useful info.

  15. I go to Mt. Hood community college majoring graphic design. This was our first in class project in the photography section. It was just some BRIGHT pink flowers with some yellow in them. I wanted to get rid of some of the color and make one bright white flower with some red. I think i did an alright job being the first project so far in photography. (Each three weeks it changes in the integrated media course. Last week was radio and the week before was video.) I normally use Adobe Illustrator and this is the first thing i have done on photoshop sense i have started college.





    Posted Image




    P.S. I have 104.6% in the integrated media course haha

  16. I'm so glad i made this topic haha.


    OK first i would like to help out this confusion with Thorned Rose and Truefusion. Back some pages ago, i wouldn't try looking through the 20+ pages though, but he explained the same thing to me and now i understand and i never say I'm non religious. No one is. Here is how i can explain it. I will take it apart one piece at a time because i think this is a very important thing that people understand:



    Religion is a system of social coherence based on a common group of beliefs or attitudes concerning an object, person, unseen being, or system of thought considered to be supernatural, sacred, divine or highest truth, and the moral codes, practices, values, institutions, and rituals associated with such belief or system of thought.

    Thorned Rose, you don't think you are the only one with the same exact beliefs as you do you? No it doesn't say anywhere in there organized it just says group of people.


    Dictionary.com under group:

    A number of individuals or things considered together because of similarities

    Now this means there only has to be TWO people in the entire world that has the same beliefs as you. Chances are someone does. I'm not trying to be silly about this, but truefusion is right. I'm an Atheist, and i'm in a religion. Also read Sharns 2nd paragraph. That would be considered a religion also.


    Side note:

    Anyone that says they believe in Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and believes in war or is a soldier that volunteered is a joke.

  17. respect man.
    i would just like to add my opinion, that i consider myself a radical atheist, a man thet KNOWS, not belives, there is no such thing as god.

    I consider myself a radical atheist also, but remember that you do not KNOW there is no god or that there is a god. You can only use facts from around you, but they will never prove or disprove god. You can not disprove Zeus either, but how many people think this is a real god? Not many. I'm guessing less then 1% of the world. So in a sense, and please don't take this the wrong way which others sometimes tend to do, but just about every single person on this Earth is an atheist. As one man said "Some just take it one step further"

    I tend to think logical. Logically, yes there is more proof god is not existent, but i can not prove my point and neither can any Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, ect that god does exist.

  18. hanif, nice to see that your new here. Welcome.I would just like to say if you get SPAM on your EMAIL then it's SPAM. Never, ever give out your credit card number either. Sometimes they say they need this to verify it's actually you, but do not do it. Just do what i said in my first post and hopefully everything will work out fine. There are no catches except for the fact you have to sign up with all those sponsors. Good luck to everyone.

  19. Clessi welcome to trap 17!Anyways clessi I do not believe in god or a higher power and i still have hope so what do you mean?Truefusion, unfortunatly your right it will always end up being a debate and getting far off topic, but i wished it could have been a straight forward topic about would it be better or worse and why. I'm even guilty of doing this. Oh well.

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