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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. I will not get Vista unless i find some free one left on the street somewhere or someone i know who gets it has it and wants to get rid of it. Reason? It will take up way to much CPU even for more 1GB RAM. I think i would rather have that used somewhere else, like running my huge programs. I am actually awaiting the new Mac OS more. What features are you actually looking forward to? If its the GUI you know you can reenact that very easily by changing the shells and some other things.

  2. I think the chance of it is VERY slim, yes, but this topic is not about the chance. What if this is how it was. I have come to my own conclusions. My biggest conclusion is that even if the world had no religion people would have something else. People need something to go to, a second family if you will. Me, i only have the belief that you should believe in whats logical, and if it's not logical, but to you makes sense follow it. However, don't conform with every little aspect of it. You should at least ask a question or two once in awhile.

  3. Can lucid dreaming be dangerous? What happens if I'm so used to lucid dreaming that I might mix reality with a dream? If that happens then there's going to be a lot of lucid dreamers jumping off high buildings!

    This is actually covered in that book right off the bat. It says that, that is a potential risk although they have never had it happen. I have been doing this lucid dreaming thing for some time, and it has not yet happened. I wrote about this during the beginning of the post. Oh well. Guess just keep on working towards that one goal!

  4. OK ever since i have bought this computer the CD/DVD ROM drive has made so much noise that i wanted to jump off a cliff haha. It only makes that much noise though when i am installing games or software. When i burn of just play music or copy music it doesnt make near that much noise. When i push on the drive it stops making so much noise. It's like it's loose, but since it is a brand new Sony VAIO laptop i didnt want to screw with anything. Can anyone help or has anyone else had this problem. I mean ONLY games and when i push on the drive it stops making the noise.

  5. wow! I didn't think people would like it that much! I am going to be getting the basic style of it and moving it to trap. I still need to customize the footer. It's still the default from blogger. For sure though I will keep the simplicity since that is what it looks like you guys like. Please tell me how it goes everyone!If there is a tweak you want email me at boozker@gmail.com or PM me.

  6. that's pretty nice. At first i was like it's all grainy then saw click for larger view. the i was like ohhh nice. Yah send me the PSD whenever. boozker@gmail.com is where i have everyone send stuff for that site. I will go through all of them at the end. I am thinking about a week or two. I really like the wavy background. I think i will most likely end up with something like that. I also like the small Windows logo on the bottom, but it's not to recognizable as a Windows logo.

  7. Well people kept asking me how they can mod their computers GUI and UI like mine. After awhile of doing one on one over AIM i got tired of it. I deiced i could make a blog, write the tutorial, put screen shots, and more quicker then a one on one session all the time. Because of that i made:




    I will add a new tutorial EVERY day until i completely run out. I need tutorial testers. I would be happy to add your myspace/website to mine if you test out or submit tutorials or software that tweaks your computer. My site DOES NOT HAVE PROGRAMS WITH SPYWARE, ADWARE, TROJANS, OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. So do not submit anything with that or pre-packaged programs along with it.


    I want to know what else it needs. I don't want it to be to hectic of a site considering they will need concentration for doing the tutorials and don't want the bothered by unnecessary graphics and designs. I want to add some things though. I just don't know what. I added a tracker and favorite sites list, but i mean something more interactive.



    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Changed title. Had two of the same Topics.

  8. I normally make my own banners and always have, but I want to see what the GFX crew here can do. If i use one that someone here made I will put a link on my site to yours if you have one, if not you can put your name or screen name on the banner its self. My site will have Windows Tweaks. My blog/website is VERY bare now because i made it today. People always ask how i do these things to my computer so i decided if i made a site i wouldnt have to do it for each person.


    The link to it is: http://boozkerstweaks.blogspot.de/


    I want a professional looking banner or maybe a tech feel for the banner. I would like the colors gray, black, blue, green, and white. Not all in one banner of course, but those are the colors i want. I'm not picky, but i just wanted to see if you guys here can make one really good. I'm in college for graphic design, but i'm to lazy to make some right now haha.


    Thanks in advance!


    Here is what i have so far


    Posted Image

  9. my advice is GO FOR IT...do what it takes...at least have a TRY...if it doesnt work out, then fine, go on with your life.....but if you don't have a try, most likely you'll think about "what might have happened" for the rest of your life and you'll just go mad....you should go out and find out "what might have happened" now, before it's too late, especially after that email....things like this dont often happen twice u know

    Oh i know they dont happen twice. That is what made me even post this topic in the first place. It was a one of a kind issue. So far i'm getting closer and closer to her every time we are together. I just hope we dont stop getting closer. I know this might sound REALLY dumb, but i think it is an all right way to tell. When we first started talking i wasn't on her friends list on myspace. Then after we hung out i was last. Then each time we hung out she moved me up one or two places. Right now i believe i'm number 5 out of 16. Considering i was last about 2-3 weeks about it's a big improvement. I even over took her "best guy friend"

  10. yes i did. All you have to do is delete a file.

    Delete the WinFileCache-7A9586CB.dat, MacFileCache-BFE7CE2E.dat, or FileCache.dat file from the Dreamweaver user configuration folder. The string of characters after "FileCache-" may differ on your machine. On Windows, the FileCache file is located here:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 8\Configuration

    Note that the "Application Data" folder is hidden by default, so verify that your Windows Explorer folder options are set to View Hidden Folders.

    On the Macintosh, the path to the FileCache file is:

    Mac HD/Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Macromedia/Dreamweaver 8/

    https://www.adobe.com/?id=tn_19105 In case that did not work.

    Hope this helps

  11. Hey everyone who lives in America and around the world it is time to stand up and support your armed service men and women. Every man and women who serves in the armed forces deserves to be reconized for what they do.

    I reconize them. They are the people "defending" our country from the "terrorists" what a joke. I hope each and every troop that was sent over there that thinks its BS gets here safely. The troops who think they need to stay i hope stay forever. I would rather not have people who kill people for a living next to me. Thanks. People like these:




    Isn't that hilarious! NOT. I hope those soldiers have died already.



    These men and women are laying down there lives while we sit at home at a computer and gripe about what this leader did and what the leader did. George W Bush is not a bad man nor is Tony Blair. They

    are true patriots. They serve they're country in office and have determined that force is nessecary to stop the evil men of Al Queda and Suduam Hussien and Osama Bin Laden. None of whom should have any power or control in the world but we wounderful people of the world do not realise this intill we are attack and someone close to us dies. Then we call for action. But what about all those who lost love ones during 9/11 in America. They want action and they are getting action. The men who commited this crime are going to pay the price and have paid the price.


    I want to make ONE thing clear. Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein are not the same people or even in the same country. Thank you very much. One is a leader and one is a gang, sorta like the mob. They are both *BLEEP*s, but not the same. We should have never attacked Iraq if we TRULY (which this is not why) wanted to get the terrorists. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. We were supposed to be over there for WMD's which our "Patriotic" leader George Bush said there was. He is a lying piece of *BLEEP*. It's lie after lie with him. It's not about little things either. It's about weapons of mass destruction and terrorists. Bill Clinton lied to you say? He lied about getting his *BLEEP* sucked, which had nothing to do with us. It was his personal issue. The things Bush has lied about make all of our lifes more miserable.



    The US grouped with many allies have retaliated to the first punch and are now being asked to stop by the same people who want this action in the beggining. This world is wacked up.

    Umm maybe because they have had enough of this:

    Posted Image


    Or look at this. He is tied up right? With a bag over his head right? No way to attack the soldier right? Well see the blood on the wall? They beat the *BLEEP* out of them for information.

    Posted Image


    What HEROES! When i was kid this is exactly what i thought heroes were. This is what they used to do in Vietnam. For the note, the war in Iraq has been going on longer then WWII.




    Leave politics to politicians and support your troops. They might not believe in it but most of them do. Do what you can to help them. They need it. They need a strong united front at home. When they come back find a way to through a celebration and a parade they deserve it. Every chance you get thank them. These men and women defend your country and your rights. Thank them for that. And GOD BLESS AMERICA and ALL ARMED SERVICE MEN and WOMEN.


    Go USA

    Leave the politics to the politicians?! Look what they have done to this country! Anyone who signed up for the army supports murder. I don't support that, so i do not support them. Maybe they were brainwashed and if they come back wanting forgiveness for them i will forgive them, but i do not support them at all. God Bless killing, God bless the murders, and all the *BLEEP*s who run this country.


    Wave your flag proudly. Why wouldn't you look what it stands for!


    *BLEEP* the USA!

  12. I know how to change the default shell on a Windows OS. In case you do not know what i an talking about look at the attached file. That is not a Vista system i have just changed the shell to look like a Vista shell. How do i do this with a Mac? Every time i look it up on Google i come across the Shell program/application. I don't want to make it look like Windows Vista, but i would like to know how and where to change it. If you want to know how to change your windows shell PM me, but that is not why i made this topic although people always ask me on other forums when i asked about this haha.

  13. If you read between the lines in her message, she's being very clear with her feelings. This is an important friendship to her, one she'll always value, but this is never going to be THE romantic relationship for her. I'm sure for YOU, right now, she seems like your soul mate, but there's a LOT of souls out there, man!
    So yeah, do yourself a HUGE favor and heed her wishes. Don't put your life on hold because of something that might be, but you're quite specifically being told won't be now or any time in the near future. LIVE LIFE!!! There's truth to the old saying "If you can't be with the one you love, then love the one you're with." Big truth!

    (I say all of this from personal experience. Were it not for the advice of some very good friends, I'd probably have grown old and gray waiting for my "soul mate"...who now just makes me very, very sad.)

    Humanisfilth not only do i love you name, but i really like the way you explained this. Good point. I'm trying to love the i'm with right now. I am also just being friends with her and not making any moves like that at all. MY feelings have been put to rest for now you could say.

    Humanisfilth... do you like punk music? You seem like you would haha. I love Punk music. My favorite.

  14. Wow so much has happened. I will not write everything, because i don't think anyone wants to read it or even will. The big events however were that i have really gotten over her.

    This is one day that has changed SO much. It all started when my best guy friend for 7 years came by to visit. When he came over my "love" as i refer to her on the internet and this forum asked if she could stop by. So of course i said yes. She comes by and we are all on our laptops and IMing each other. My friend and her started flirting. She well how do i put this... made out with him. They made out when i left the room because i knew it was going to happen, so i left the room and called my EX girlfriend and went to pick her up. I did this because i was a little depressed, but i knew it was bound to happen. So I was not surprised or anything. I left picked her up and then we came back and hung out. My "love" looked a little unnerved though. She left shortly afterward.

    This is what i later found out from my mom who she spoke to when i was gone picking up my EX. My mother and my "love" were talking about me. My mom told her i liked her, which she did not know, and my mom had no idea my best friend just made out with her. My "love" told her this,"I could see my self ending up with him in the end, but i am to immature" as in i would like to marry him. Later that night she emailed me saying "Tonight was *BLEEP*ed up. We need to talk". I said about what. This is what she wrote in an email, i want to know what you guys think about it:

    honestly oscar, i can see myself ending up with u at some point in life. but as of now, i love you to death and i love where we are now and i dont wanna get into a relationship with u cuz im really not mature enough right now. i have all these feelings and i dont know what to do with them and chances are ill do something stupid so until i think i can handle a true relationship i wanna be friends with u and with jake you guys are a blast to be around and i havent been very happy with life lately but u guys make that al dissapear.your amazing babe but for now i wanna be like best friends

    love u

    Know is this just BS and she just wants to let me know she doesn't ever want to date me, or is it all serious? Remember she is responding to my friend Jake and my mom telling her that i liked her. The only, and biggest problem with this, if it is true, is that i wont be here. She might think i will be waiting for her, but i have a life also. I move a lot and i honestly don't see us EVER dating if we dont date within a few months.

    So what do you guys think?
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