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Everything posted by PmH

  1. As long as one gets drunk and harms no one else, it's fine with me, his/her life they're throwing away. But when somebody gets drunk and lets say drives, or does something that negatively affects someone else, then that's where the trouble kicks in. This is why I see cigarette smoking as a worse habbit than many drugs, because drugs will kill the user, but cigarette smoke will kill second hand smokers, too.If you want to drink, go ahead, but if you want to ruin somebody's life because of your irresponsibility, you might wanna think it over.
  2. Indeed, always there when I have questions, and the service that Xisto provides is unmatchable. Seriously, well done, everyone. I'm really glad I found this place.
  3. Images, all the time, and of course any questions I have, on many accounts I've taken questions from assignments and just typed them out on google, you'd be surprised how good the answers are.Google is my hero, much better than yahoo, but yahoo is the runner up, everything else is just a wannabe.
  4. I play call of duty, not 2 though, it lags too much on my computer. My opinion on 2 is that activision wanted money, fast, so they threw something together, horrible maps, not much has changed, laggy graphics... the usual, kinda like AOE III.But... CoD I is a great game, perhaps one of the best ever made. Certainly the best FPS game I've played, not too much hyped about CS, it wasn't that great in my opinion.Anyway, I have a clan in Call of Duty one, we're knew though, based on a british regiment.Great Game!
  5. Well, I've gone one more step and specialized my forums even more, they're not radiohead forums, it's only been one day, but not much traffic, and no members. So I'm not quite sure what to tell you. Just try something really specialized, and know where to advertise, go somewhere the general population has the same interests in you.
  6. Well for someone like me, I am not a company nor do I have the money to spend on deals and what not, how else could I attract members?
  7. You've probably heard this request before, but I've tried several times over making websites, none of them can get any members, and it gets quite frustrating. I'm out of ideas, now, so I'm asking you, as a potential "website-joiner" what kind of website you would be interested in joining, or are already a part of. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Make your topic title the summary of your post.
  8. It really depends on whether or not homosexuality is a psychological symptom that develops because of one's environment, or genetically caused.If it is a pyschological then encouraing marriage will encourage more homosexuality, which may cause many heterosexuals to turn homosexual. However, if this is indeed caused by genetics then there is nothing we can do, so why not allow marriages. The only problem with marriages, that I see, is that it promotes homosexuality.The question here is do you want to promote homosexuality?
  9. I see, yeah, it's only been a few days but no members yet, and to be honest posting with people I already know isn't that exciting. But I'll do it if it means members in the long run. I just have to find the time to look around at those affiliate sites and what not.Wow, running a website requires so much time!------------------------------------EDIT:So I rennovated the forums completely, they are now specialised music forums with all the goodies on the side. It's been a day or two, yet not one member, except for my friend and I. We keep going at it together, but posting between us isn't as enchanting as one would think . Anyway, the site is specialised and even the main site took some editting, too. Thanks for all your guy's help, any other suggestions would be greatly accepted. Perhaps people with really successful forums would like to share their stories or secrets?
  10. I'll search for my talents and see how I can attract more members. Thanks so much everyone! I took the first step and did a TOTAL reformation of the site, different look and different approach, theNR's forums are now based on music and the forum name is rhapsody, which is still a subsidary of the whole theN R site. Hopefully, I will get members soon. I have already begun my ad campaign, anyone know of sites where I could go and advertise?
  11. Thanks! I'll round up my friends and get them posting, and I'll think of what to specialise to. Here we go!
  12. I can never get enough (any, hehe) members for my forums, I'm wondering why. My forums are usually well-rounded covering several topics, those topics may be unrelated, though, is that why people don't join? I figured if I have a little bit of everything than everyone will be interested in joining, but I have seen that specialised forums get way more members than I. Any suggestions on what topics I should use? Whether I should focus on one topic, or how I should change my forums? I really need help here.the link to my forum is in my signature. Notice from serverph: moved from Support and Feedback > Questions & Queries to HOSTED MEMBERS AREA.
  13. I always have the same problem, I'm not sure if this will help you, but I have found that most of the forums I make attract no members, because they cover every topic, however, lately I've found that specialized forums, like lets say a forum that is JUST about politics or a forum that is JUST about anime will attract way more visitors than a forum that covers everything including a section for anime and a section for politics. But that's only me, does anyone else feel the same?Which brings up the question I've been trying to tackle, what must I do to my forums to get members...
  14. I don't understand why you think that stem cell research is not popular in North America. I'm sure it's very popular, it's just not popular with the current government. The Bush administration, which is Republican, is against it. Generally, Republicans tend to be more religious. Religion, in many cases has inhibitted science, unfortunately. Our good friend Galileo was persecuted by the church. However, it seems to be the trend that today there are more athiests and agnostics, and even those that are registered under a religion, just don't plain care about it. They live life and every once in a while refer to God, maybe on Sunday maybe on Saturday, and most probably because they were either forced and/or brainwashed by their parents. Horrible cycle, right?Anyway, aside from that, stem cell research seems very valid to me, along with abortion. A zygote may be living, but if it cannot feel pain and does not have a subconscious like developed babies and humans then what is the worry? Aborting a zygote is no less than killing a cow for it's food. Sorry, if this seems harsh to you, but we're all animals anyway.What does abortion have to do with all this? Aborted zygotes could be used for stem cell research, right? So for those with ethic problems with both abortion and stem cell research, watch how those two "wrongs" make a right, when they cure illnesses and save lives. If you're against stem cell research and you get in a car crash lose a vital organ and there's no room on the donar list and some stem cell research technology saves you, I hope you will see that you were wrong. So why not use aborted zygotes, which will be dead anyway, and put them to good use? One woman's trash is another society's treasure, or it would seem to be.I don't see what's wrong, however, I'm not religious, nor Republican, but don't get me wrong, I'm far from Democrats, too.
  15. Well the reason you might think those teachers are "bubbleheads" is because there are so many more "bubblehead" students that lose sheets all the time. I'm not sure what your school is like, but back in college here, people were losing things left and right, even I, lost a sheet or two back in the day. And most teachers here don't have extras, so if you lose one, you're in the wrong.Count yourself lucky you have teachers willing enough to spend the limited money they make on you unforgiving, inconsiderate students. Keep that in mind, those teachers work loads harder than you, and you give them no credit, but they carry on. Why? Because it's what they like to do, and no they probably didn't chose that job for the money, trust me.
  16. Don't get lost in recent Hollywood science fiction. I'm sure whatever robot we create will be thoroughly tested so that if there is something wrong we can fix it.I can almost gaurantee that we will not create robots with a "soul" like in the movie IRobot... which I may add was a horrible movie.
  17. Ned Kelly is none of those. He's not a hero, nor a victim, nor a villain, he's a mix. Killing, not matter what is no good.Anyway as for the British and the Irish, there is still some things going on today, too. However, the IRA has diminished rather much, only a tad of trouble here and there... it's been going on for a while though, so I guess it's become commonplace in the world.
  18. Well, why kill such a horrible man when you can make him suffer for years to come, I guess.. if you want to look at it positively. I, too, cannot believe he got off the hook. After all that horrible testimony, too. It's amazing, somebody rigged that jury.Anyway, now we can all rest assure that somewhere in a high security jail cell our little friend will waste away all alone and miserable for the rest of his life, which, if he is fortunate, won't be long.Juries are just too leanient these days.
  19. I must agree with some of them, but on the other hand there are some points that seem to be blatantly generalising both females and males.....by the way I learned your dog's name the other day........kidding
  20. Recently a good friend of mine passed away. She was far too young to die, her life was taken by a car accident. I've always wondered what happens after death, if anything... It was so untimely, and so abrupt. A car accident of every way. I was thinking about my friend today, even though she cannot think of me anymore, ironic. At times I realise that perhaps a car crash was better than a long term illness, it was probably painless, but I still can't get over it. I just need to get my thoughts organised. I will miss her so much, and when I think of the death, it seems as though it never really happened. I cannot fathom the idea that I will never see her again. This is the first death of somebody close I've experienced. Ironically, the rest of her family died in the car crash and her father had died earlier... it is such a sad story. Hopefully the family is now reunited again, much like Romeo and Juliet, but who knows. As I speak to others who remember her, it sends chills up my spine, to know that we have such close members of a person that ceases to exist anymore, it all just seems so unreal. Sometimes I ponder life and death, why do we fear death? After all, it is nothing, no pain, right? But still we fear it, I looked towards science and formed my theory. Based on the evolutionary theory, those humans that feared death oh so long ago must have died out quickly without reproducing, so I guess that gene wasn't represented in the next generation. But can science really answer everything? I just don't know, my feelings are very mixed right now, and everything may seem unorganised, sorry about that, I really can't think straight, I just need to get a lot of things off my mind. My friend was a good person, too, I will not give out her name in respect, but I'd like to dedicate this to her she was a good friend, always there and always smiling. She defined optimism and cheered me up when I was down. I will miss you - Rest In Peace. Thanks, you need not reply if you do not wish, I just needed to get some things off my mind. PS my birthday was yesterday, May 2nd, a bit of happy I'm sure the last thing she would want was for us to greive like this, so I have tried to stay happy in rememberance, for her, it's hard.
  21. Well, I guess instead of drugs, they're blowing up dogs. But how gruesome and obscene. Why would anybody blow up a dog?And to think that the children that blow up dogs today will be the leaders of the world tomorrow. It's a shame really, and I'm frightened to think of the future. For the moment it doesn't seem too bright.I wonder who's dog they tried to blow up, and if the owner will press charges.As for the kids, they may be driven to blow up the dogs simply for attention. Attention, whether good or bad can lead people to do the most ridiculous things. If maybe somebody, preferrably their parents, would pay more attention to them and spend more time, then maybe we wouldn't be having these problems. However, time is not what it used to be. These days people are working longer and harder, so the time they spend with kids might be the time they spend away from the office, which means less time they spend with money in their hand. So that's one problem.And people talk about the media and blame video games, I just blame lack of attention. I know plenty of children that play violent video games and they turn out fine, it's how the parents raise the kid, which determines how much the video game rubs off on them.Anyway, thanks for the enlightenment, I am truly stunned... I can't think of anyone that would ever blow up a dog...
  22. Although people are wanting to exclude religion from this topic I think that's impossible. I'm not religious, but religion may guide one's values as my agnosticity (?) guides mine.And those dollar bills with "In God We Trust" or what have you were made so long ago, back when religion guided government and everyone's way of life, now it is much more different. If religion guided every aspect of your life, that would be one very difficult life to lead.As for gay rights.- I don't think gays should have the right to marriage.- Homosexuality is not natural, it is not supported by evolutionary psychology; if humans were all gay, we'd die out in one generation, trust me.- I think that homosexuality shouldn't be looked as something funny though and shouldn't be the subject of insults, I see it more as a psychological discrepency. Much like we don't use deppression in insults, we shouldn't use homosexuality.- I have no problem being friends with homosexuals, they are, after all people, whether they like the opposite gender or not- Religion should not guide the goverment in making decisions on gay rights- And I DO NOT agree with "gay parents will raise gay children" -- If straight parents can raise gay children, then why can't gay parents raise straight children?- I think people are discrimating, too much and making assumptions (like the one above) just as an excuse to denote gay rights- However, I DO AGREE with the fact that the more rights that gays get, notably marriage rights, then the more popular homosexuality will be, whether or not the person really is homosexual, and that is why I do not support things like gay marriage. Something wrong should not be encouraged-----I really don't want to offend any homosexuals, so if you do find some of this material offending then it is probably my ignorance and short coming that we can not all see alike.
  23. Alright, I have no problem with that, thanks!-----Edit: Just one more question. If once we get a hosting account with a subdomain, is it possible to later in the future change over to a top level domain once we have one purchased?
  24. I shot a glance at the Xisto hosting account form and I saw there were some personal questions, questions that I, and I'm sure others, do not feel comfortable answering. Things like where one lives and age, and I do not see how this information benefits Xisto or in anyway correlates to free hosting. However, I may be wrong, I was just wondering, do I have to disclose that specific of information? I do not appreciate being put into uncomfortable situations like this, so I am wondering if perhaps a high-ranked Xisto member could answer my questions, and perhaps make an exception.
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