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Posts posted by seez

  1. OK I don't know if I'm putting this post in the right section of the site, I don't know but I'm just gonna plunge ahead and hope I get help soon. About 3 days, I figured out I had no Internet when I couldn't connect to the iTunes store, and then I figured out one of the cords of my computer had to be plugged into the router. I did that and it worked. However, for 3 days I have had no connection to the iTunes store. I have restarted my computer several times and reopened itunes. It says "iTunes could not connect to the iTunes store. The network connection timed out. Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active, then try again." A bunch of new songs and albums have come out on iTunes and I NEED them. Please help me out!

  2. I need some help. Is it possible to get audio files off of sites? Like IMEEM and YouTube. I know the whole http://www.file2hd.com/ thing. It doesn't always work though. Are there other ways? Is there a way people hack audio files off of sites?

    I merely want to know so that I can protect my sites from it. Thanks.

  3. The Eirest Green, at http://www.eirestgreen.proboards102.com/ is a rather new, but excellent, site that I came across where you can roleplay any forest animal you would like. It is not very well-known, and has 6 active members, but I would like to review it. Here is my review out of 3 points.


    ORGANIZATION (1 point) - 1 out of 1: The organization on this site is fantastic. I am pretty surprised at how well everything is placed, and how parallel everything is to everything else. It is a very neat site, and everybody talks literate so it is very clean-looking.


    MEMBERS (1 point) - 1 out of 1: All of the members are kind, helpful, literate, good roleplayers and active. There are few of them, although the site is growing steadily. They are definitely good members to have on a site.


    DESIGN (1 point) - 1 out of 1: Although simple, the design is very beautiful. The font is all automatically white, the main color is a nice green, and there is a forest background, and a well-done, but simple, banner. The colors don't hurt your eyes either or make anything hard to see.



    So The Eirest Green gets 3 out of 3 points. Lol as you can see I really like this site, I think it is very good. If you want to look at it it can be found at http://www.eirestgreen.proboards102.com/. Thank you for reading.

  4. Hello everyone, I am currently looking for either a Peter Pan roleplaying site or a Peter Pan MMORPG or RPG. I've searched a lot of the Internet, and I've found several Peter Pan roleplaying boards/sites, but they are either inactive, Disney-oriented or just terrible in every aspect. As for an MMORPG or RPG: I haven't found one of those yet. :P As for the roleplaying site, I would like it to be active, well-organized, well-designed, and the roleplaying to be easy or medium. But that one doesn't matter as much. Or at least some, or most, of those listed.For the MMORPG or RPG - I'll take anything. :P I seriously doubt there is one - definitely not a nice, popular 3D one but maybe a 2D, semi-fun one that I may have overlooked is hiding there somewhere. If it is totally eye-poppingly horrible, of course I won't play it, but please put it here.Thank you for reading, and help is appreciated.

  5. My worst experience, or one of them, was I was going to a 6-year-old boy's house to tutor him. I walked him home from school and we stepped in the door. His dad was an achoholic, and the first thing that happened was a magazine caught the boy, Andy, on the side of the face. Then his dad shoved him into the wall and gave him a beating. He was bruised terribly. I will never forget that....

  6. Hm..... I'm split about this. I believe that those who don't worship/love/believe in/etc. God may be offended by the motto "In God We Trust" on coins. In a way it isn't fair to them, and religion and state should be kept separate. Heck, that's what the United States IS. A place for all religions, and to keep religions separate from other things. Also it's interesting that the Bible says money is the root of all evil, when the god that the Bible praises is ON money.....But at the same time I feel that God is leaving the United States, in courthouses, schools, and now money. I feel that we need to rededicate our lives to Jesus Christ. We have to keep him rooted firmly here as the one true God...But then what I just in the second paragraph. So I'm split.

  7. Okay, about three years ago, MAYBE four but I'm pretty sure three, I picked up a magazine. It was one of those like People, OK!, inTouch. One of those types of magazines. There was a cover story, and two smaller stories on the side. On the side was this pretty blonde girl who was on American Idol, I don't think she won but she liked it and said she was "looking forward to going back next year" or something in the article. She looked like AJ from those two blonde girl musicians Aly & AJ. Her hair was a dyed blonde also. Also, her face was very delicate.Anyway in the article it was her saying stuff about her childhood. She was apparently abused, her mom used to hit her in her mouth all the time and punched her in the face she said. Something like that. Her history went SOMETHING like she lived with her parents, she went to live with her mom while her dad went to jail? SOMETHING like that. Then she went to American Idol or did something for a coyple years, her mom disappeared or something and her dad got let out of jail and she is in contact with him and the mom is still gone, or something like that. I know the girl's name was something with a "C" or a "K", short, like "Carrie" or SOMETHING. I don't think she was Carrie Underwood or Kelly Clarkson though, maybe but I don't think so. The article was like this when you opened up the magazine: The page on the left was all writing, then the page on the right was a picture of her pretty face blown up. Then when you turned the right page was more writing. I am pretty sure that's what it was. Also in the article I THINK she had some siblings but I don't know, and there was a subtitle called "Violence at Home". It also had something about she said to her mom when she was living with her, something like: "I wish God would take me away from you", then something like she wished she could die or something. Then the mom was like "here, do it then" or SOMETHING, and put a knife in front of her. When she was a kid. And it did a lot of emotional scarring she said? Also there was a time when she was performing and she was wearing a red tank top with black pants, I think it was outdoors but I don't know. That picture was in the article, I think her hair was up. There was also a picture of her laughing on the stage of American Idol with a bunch of other finalists/auditioners or something.Well, that is everything I remember. Thank you for reading, if you know who I'm posting about PLEASE tell me. Thanks, take care.

  8. God is here. God is everywhere. God created this world. Definitely... There's no question about it. I am a believer for sure. I wrote some more things about this topic in the post "When Was the World Created?" I just don't feel like typing it all over again.

    I don't believe in God, but on the other hand, I don't believe he doesn't exist. I know its a possibility, but I can't see any real proof for it at all, so I find it hard to believe he is there. There's a word for it.. I just can't remember it.
    I know it is entirely possible that God exists, but I also know it is completely possible that he doesn't. There's no evidence either way, not even a little bit. I'm not one to trust something with no reason or proof that I should, so I guess I'm in the middle of religious and athiest. He could be there, He might not.. I guess I'll find out 60 or 70 years down the road..

    Well, everyone has their own opinion and I respect yours. But I'm going to pray that you become a believer in the Lord because one day I want to see you up There. You say there's no evidence... that may be, but in science there isn't a lot of evidence either. Scientists just make it so their theoires/hypothesises are facts because their lies sell and make big money. There is evidence of God. All these miraculous stories...
    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Merged Posts.
    Board Rules
    Please use the Edit feature to avoid double posting.

  9. Nice topic dude. but I for one, don't think history is a bunch of lies.... to pull off fooling a world of billions of people would be insanely hard. Next to impossible. Like RIGHT next to it. If the world was created only a couple hundred years ago or something then we'd still be cavemen and cavewomen and stuff, and we wouldn't know how to program people... and things like that. Nice idea though!


    I am a believer in God, but I've found a happy middle between religion and science. They do come together. I believe in the Big Bang but it's not a fact. Just like the science explanation of how the world began IS NOT a fact even though scientists have been making their probably-wrong theories facts!! Why? Because those stories sell. Yep. A lot of scientists serve money, not the truth.


    I was at a museum in Pittsburgh, and I saw a skeleton of a T-Rex. A full one. I was astonished and I gaped at the skeleton. It made my brains want to blow out of my ears. I couldn't grasp the fact that these creatures actually existed!! Then I read the plaque. Only TWO bones were real!! Out of the whole skeleton!!! And the stupid people just built the rest. So fake.... I can build a parrot out of two bones. At least 60% of the bones have to be real. At some museums the skulls are actually real. BUT they might be the skulls of animals we already know about, just with rock molded onto them to make it look like a dinosaur's skull. Who knows??? Not scientists, for sure! They think they have all this evidence. They don't. They want to make something out of nothing, because something-out-of-nothing stories make big money. What do they do with the money? The faithful ones use it to keep trying to solve the mysteries of the Earth's past. Others buy themselves a nice mansion on a beach in Maui and sit by their hot tub-temperature pools, sipping a lemonade and not caring less whether the ENTIRE human population believes their lies or not. They know they won't be stopped so why not make some nice cash and enjoy life? Scientists are making their hypothesises and sometimes theories facts, which they're not. So dinosaurs might exist and they might not. We don't know.


    But believe whatever you want. Just make sure you're careful with your evidence and with your plain faith.

  10. So you're saying that the concept of fortune-telling and future-seeing might have become a sense in the human system.... I agree to this a bit. I completely understand that humans can occasionally sense what will happen a few minutes before it happens; the chemicals and systems inside you allow allow this to happen. If humans can sometimes sense what will happen several minutes before it happens, this little skill can be named as a sixth sense. It is quite understandable...

  11. I myself am a daredevil in some ways.... I like to skateboard down long stairways and down huge slides at playgrounds. I also like to sled down jagged rocks when winter comes around, jump off the highest lifeguard stands at beaches, and do double backflips on trampolines. :XD: I also like to climb tall trees and hang off the branches, and jump off the highest stuff that I can. I also like to make homemade grenades and blow up hay and stuff. :) It's alot of fun. I was wondering if everyone does the same thing, or am I just stupid. Please post some daring things you do so I can see if I'm really stupid or normal. :D Thanks!

  12. What is WRONG with you people??? HOMEWORK is STUPID. "A dose of school away from school".... that's exactly what it is, and that's exactly what's so danged unfair about it! I work my tail off in school. Maybe you don't. I get 5-7 hours of homework each night. Maybe you don't. But 5-7 HOURS OF HOMEWORK??? That's ridiculous. You gotta admit... Sprnknwn is apparently the only one who sees through homework's nice, smiley mask. I wish you all did...

  13. Most of the kids in America go to school for about seven hours a day. We get out of school. Then we might have an after school program. After that we might have an errand to run. We go from pretty tired, to ready-to-frop, to completely and utterly exhausted. Then we need dinner, to shower, and ....


    Do that all-dreaded, hated, disgusting, thing that tortures us, makes our faces redden and beads of sweat to dribble down our scarlet, burning foreheads, makes us clench and unclench our fists and want to rip our hair out, makes us want to puke out our guts and burn and rot in Hell, that thing called...




    That thing is like, no, it is, the most unfair thing of the unfair things. We work our tails off in seven hours of school, a.k.a. the TORTURE CHAMBER, push ourselves to the limit in after school, and rush to do errands sometimes even. All the while dealing with social, academic and emotional problems. And we have to shower, eat, breathe and sleep. And then we have homework.


    Homework ican't be, no, it isn't, healthy. When we stumble into the doors of our houses and collapse on our couches and beds, totally and completely wiped out. And we have homework. It's frustrating, irritating and infuriating. And unfair. Sometimes it's so endless, so dreary, so perpetually-everlasting, so boring, it dulls our senses, makes us less alert, like our minds are slowly slipping away from us, our body and soul hanging on to eachother by one single, frayed thread. We must mend that thread together. But how can we if this useless, mortifying thing called homework is dumped on us more and more, choking us, suffocating us with its black cloak of misery?


    I am not exaggerating.


    How can we focus the next day of school after hours, endless hours, of straining to stay awake, trying our hardest to write the next sentence of our reports, fighting nausea and exhuastion as we deprive ourselves of that Heaven, that beautiful, effortless thing called sleep? Until finally we give up. We throw down our pencils, try to totter over to our beds, but can't make it, and crumple to the ground, sleeping. Just sleeping. Doing what we rightfully want, and should rightfully be able to do. And we do it.


    And the next day when we have classes, we get in trouble for not having our assignments? Ridiculous. Who can blame us for being unable to think, our minds being dizzy and our brains being racked, unable to see, our vision being clouded over, red and black flashing before us, unable to do anything, because we long so much for sleep? For sleep, what our body truly needs, instead of all of this learning and being pushed so hard? Who can blame us? No one can. But yes they do.


    It's the teachers.


    The unfairness of it all makes my temper rise and sets my nerves on fire. Homework is unneeded. We have the right to rebel, the right to stand up and speak up, let our voices be heard, we have the right to say "NO!" "NO!" "NO!"


    And that is what I say. And that is what I continue to say. And that is what I will say. I will mock homework, that stupid, uneeded thing by coldly bidding it good day. And I will say what is the right, truthful, answer to the questions of homework: "NO!"

  14. Really, the only people who are gonna be attracted to Xisto are those looking to get hosted

    What's that supposed to mean? I wasn't looking to get hosted and I got attracted to Xisto. Same for a lot of others here.

    So I doubt that appealing to animal lovers is really going to attract that many more visitors.

    You don't know that for sure. This forum is for all topics. And there are a lot of animal lovers out there who want a forum about it... if there's one here, all animal lovers looking to join an animal forum will flock here. And the animal lovers we have now will be thrilled that an animal forum now exists here at Xisto.
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