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Posts posted by Galahad

  1. I'm connecting from home @ 33.6kbps (intentionaly limited, telephone company is crap here in Yu) and the forum works resonably fast considering my connection... phpBB forums though load much faster...However, sometimes, while browsing this forum, or posting, then submiting the post, I get "Cannot foind server" error... And it's starting to get worse... But I guess it's the bloodt Telecom that's messing with routers, it' wont be their first time...I'm hoping to get myself a wireless internet, probably @ 256k or even 384k

  2. There is a spyware called CWS or Cool Web Search.. it is very hard to remove, and they release new versions every few weeks, even twice a week! So, there's this utility, that is updated very frequently, and is used only for this specific hijacker/spyware, that even Ad-Aware misses some versions...


    There is all sort of information, on CWS, and spyware in general...

    Also, I use AVG 7 Free, AtGuard as firewall, and Ad-Aware SE

  3. I prefer Adidas, 'cause I like the design... Nike are just... to spakly, and fancy... And besides, here in Yu, Adidas is almost 35% cheaper than Nike, and 80% of better quality...Besides, I want my shoe to be elegant, and not the first thing people notice on me... But, it seems to me that there is less and less of shoes like that, everyone goes for that outhere futuristic look, wich I find rather tacky :rolleyes:

  4. Here's some info about Intel processors, starting with it's first, 8086...I generation (1970) - no cache, and no FPU unit- 8086, 8088, 80186, 801888086 - 16bit internall i externall communication8088 - 16bit internall , 8bit externall communication- 8087 FPU, available as an upgradeII generation (1982) - no cache and no FPU unit- 802865x quicker execution than 1st generation processorsAddressable memory expanded from 1 MB to 16 MB- 80287 optional FPU unit, added mathematical floating-point speedupIII generation (1985) - first processor with cache- 80386SX, 80386DXIntel's first 32bit CPU32bir data bus, 32bit memory bus80386DX originaly 80386) - 32bit internal and external communication80386SX - 32bit internal, 16bit external communication16, 20, 25, 33 MHzL1 cache 8 KB- optional 80387 FPU unit****** IV generation (1989)***- 486SX, 486DX, 486DX/2full 32bit processor, builtin FPU unit25 to 50 MhzL1 cache 8Kb- 486DX/2 (1992)clock runs 2x faster than memory busverions running on 20/50, 33/66 and 40/80 MHz- 486DX/4 (1994)clock is running 3x faster than memory busL1 cache 16 KBrunning at 25/75, 33/100, 40/120 MHzThis is just for now, coming up, Intel Pentium's... As soon as I translate it :rolleyes:

  5. I totaly agree with you, everyone should choose in wich language to programm...Personaly, I startet out on Commodore 64, and as it's OS was built around BASIC, I had to learn it. Then I started making small programs, then a bit larger. Then I moved to PC, but never fellt the need to move to some other programming language, Basic somehow always did the job, and as years and years passed, my Basic experience grew larger, as well as thinking-like-a-computer. Sometimes, I would actualy dream a solution for some problem that I couldn't solve easily! :rolleyes:I learned Pascal besides Basic, and I used it for a while, but left it. Now, I'm using PHP for most time, since I reorientated myself to website programming, but every once in a while, I start my VB IDE, and make something. It's never finished, and remains there for some future use, when I may need some code that I geniousely thought of then, and I can't at that time...Jesus, what did I write just now :) :)Just as long as we program, it doesn't matter in what language, we all think the same way, one's and zero's :D

  6. lines 5-10

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">[/br]<link href="../style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">[br]<title>SPONK INDUSTRIES - LOGIN</title>[/br]<style type="text/css">[br]<!--[/br].style1 {


    Is there any way to stop Dreamweaver MX 2004 putting in styles automatically, all the font sizes are pixels now :)


    Dreamweaver is actualy trying to maintain compatibility with W3C standards. In HTML 4.01, styles do most of the config, and some tags have lost their properties, like <TD> losing it's BGCOLOR property.


    So, every time you change a font, font size or color, Dreamveawer will create a new style... I don't think it is possible to disable DW to add styles; you'll probably have to delete them manualy.


    Oh, and... Great login code, helped me in making my own :rolleyes: Thanx FaLgoR

  7. Oh god... I would expect something like this to happen here in YU...I actualy once went for the cheap option, and after 6 months damn computer died on me... I wasn't that familiar with computers, but now that I look at that poor fried mb and cpu... Guess what... It was some hybrid of AMD K5 running on some Intel chipset (can't really remember what chipset it was, all letters are now erased beyond reading)Since that moment, I always paid extra just for quality. I agree about ASUS MB's, they're great, though some people tend to say that ASUS is crap. My P4PE-X works excellent for me... I flashed the BIOS a while ago, and it works even better :rolleyes:So, now when a friend comes to me, and asks me what to buy, I always tell them to give those 50 euros more, to get a quality computer, instead of paying 200 euros later, to fix/buy fried equipment.

  8. If you have much spare time, you could make your own file manager utility :rolleyes:And, yes no9t9, you can change permissions from cpanel file manager... Just click on the filename, and on the upper righ side you'll find options. I think it's called Permissions, or something like that. I agree cpanel file manager is'nt a visual master piece, and has some weird functionality, but it gets the job done...

  9. If you can't beat them ....join them. :D


    Yeah, become a woman, do a plastic surgery and all that... :rolleyes::)


    Just kiddin'... The moment you think you have them all figured out, they do a 360 spin. There is just NO way you can know what they want. I mean, I have entered that god damn firend zone with so many girl, someone would think I'd flip. And I can'h help myself being so damn nice to people, but it's just the way I was brought up. So my only option is to spend eternity trying to find a girl that want's a nice guy... (wich may not be so far away B))


    So, just keep your eyes wide open for any subtle signs girls give out. And believe me, they do give them out a lot! And guess what, at 23, I'm still as clueless as I was with 16... only know I can pretend I'm not :D:)

  10. Isnt windows firewall good enough which is included in sevice pack 2? It seems to block all programs trying to connect to the internet....  :rolleyes:


    I guess this is my que to laugh... :) Seriously, MS firewall isn't good for anything. Mainly, 'cause it let's MS software out, wich I don't like sending "annonymous" information... Besides, I've seen SP2 crash many systems... It's just crappy...


    I just want to be able to specify what goes out, what comes in... Without exception... I know I'm using a lot of MS software, but I just got used to it.. My only option is tu try and contain it as much as possible :)

  11. I would really like to know how to close open ports... any ideas anyone?


    Well, the best way is to use the router, but, not everyone can afford/use the router (me included :rolleyes:)


    So, the best way is to use a firewall, and create a rule to block all incoming and outgoing traffic. I personaly use AtGuard, and it does the job of protecting me, though if someone wanted to get in real badly, I guess they could, easily :)


    Anyway, I thing AtGuard is great, why else would Symantec buy it, and make Norton Firewall, right? :)


    Avoid using "intuitive firewalls", like ZoneAlarm, because they THINK they know what to let in, or let out.

  12. OK, I saw someone already wrote it in serbian, but I'll do it again, with our letters :rolleyes:


    Happy New Year -> Srećna Nova Godina

    Merry Christmas -> Srećan Bo?ić

    Happy Holidays -> Srećni praznici


    Srećna/Srećan/Srećni -> Happy Merry, and all other similar "happy" words :)

    Nova Godina is new year ( Nova - New, Godina - Year )

    Christmas is Bo?ić

    and holidays are praznici...


    Now, there is no easy way to tell you how to pronounce that, so... Let's just say that ć is something like T and J mixed together, and ? something like Z and H :)

    You'll just have to do with writing it only :D

  13. If I understood You correctly, You want to put HTML into PHP...


    Try using echo command


    echo "<P>This is a new paragraph</P>";

    This will output <P>This is a new paragraph</P> when you look at the source... Using this method, you can enter any code you want...


    Or, as an alternative, you can use following method:

    <?php if($variable == 1) { ?>[/br]<P>Variable <STRONG>$variable</STRONG> equals 1</P>[br]<?php } else { ?>[/br]<P>Variable <STRONG>$variable</STRONG> is not 1</P><?php } ?>

  14. I'll disagree on acount of PHP, it is now classified as full blown programming language. You can create console applications with it...As for VB, learn it, it's very very easy... Much easyer than C (at least it was to me)... If you plan on making commercial appz, use VB, since it's much more productive, and writing is quick. If you plan on writing something more intensive, than by all means use C/C++/C#... That is, if you're going to develop for Windows :PI'm a VB programmer myself, and won't give up on it, ever ;) I just reorientated myself to PHP, since it's easyer to get a job ;)

  15. I think im getting hacked,coz i keep getting messages in a window  thw windows title is 'messenger service'

    and it gives me messages that my computer has 10 computer programs installed and that i should go to a website and buy this thing ,they keep coming up all the time and with a random message and with a kind of picture made with text in the side,pictures made with text ...


    This is new kind of spyware, they use windows messenger service to send spam messages to range of IP's... What you should do, is turn of messenger service... or tell your firewall to block all incoming messages on that port... I can't remember what port number is, but turning that service off completely will stop those messages. This will also prevent all administrative messages as well, but if you are not on LAN, this is not a problem... PM me if you need further help


    This "attack" is not tied to Windows or MSN messenger, it is integral part of Windows! Uninstalling any of these programs will not prevent this security hole!

  16. But anyway its not that hard to stay safe, just becareful what you download.


    I agree, just be EXTREMELY carefull what you download, and what You open.


    Also, wach out for double extension files, something that looks like picture.jpg.exe, 'cause windows hides true extension, you'll see picture.jpg, double click it, and voila, you successfuly installed a virus. And a firewall, or a router, is a MUST! First month I was on the internet, I didn't have firewall. I thought I was gone go crazy. Every 15 or 20 minutes, someone would crash my computer, with rpm overflow attack. And so you watch the countdown utill restart. Not pretty.


    I installed WRQ's AtGuard, and am more than happy with it. It shows every connection made, even localhost to localhost, and gives you ability to terminate it. Also, you can create different rules for different programs, or ports, TCP or UDP, that can be active at different times of day. It also prompts you for action if some program tries to access internet, and you don't have a rule set up. Truly, a masterpiece. I guess I understand why Norton bought it ;)

  17. I will agree with one of the posters about Nokia phones being more hazardous than others. For example, hybrid in Nokia 3310 (i think that's the model) is 1W strong, while in other phones it's about 0.2 to 0.4W (these are numbers I'm digging up from memory).Anyway, the other point... Mobiles emit radio waves even when we're not talking... They will search for network, or communicate with providers control center. And, as everything that emitts something, I believe is potentialy harmfull.And you all must agree with me, even if mobiles could kill in a year, do you think we would know? Mobiles take great share in market, and let's face it, none of us could live without one, right? ;)So, as harmful as mobiles can be, they are... necessary ;)

  18. OK, I'm not going to write anything new here, that other people didn't write already. I would also choose ASP over CGI, but only due t a fact that I'm a VB programmer, so I'm familiar with language. I myself am not a MSFT fan, but hey, it just turned out that way ;)


    Anyway, ASP.NET introduced some pretty neat features, and can be safely classified as a programming language, as oposed to ASP that is only scripting language.


    And of course, depending on your needs, select CGI or ASP. There are hundreds of thousands of Perl scripts, or precompiled CGI applications on the web. But, as most of people, I would go for PHP, which is by far the greatest language ever ;)

  19. I have a 56K USR modem... But I had to limit ih to 33.6 because it just won't work with our phone switchboards... I mean, U A$$ Robotics was considered good, nd perhaps it is, on some other switchboards, but on our Alcatel & Siemens sb's, it just won't make 56K connection... So You see how frustrating it can be when I have to upload a site with about 3 or 4 megs, or download something; heck, even browsing is painful ;)

  20. If I get you correctly, You want to save programs configuration somewhere, but You don't know where it will end up?

    Try something like this:

    Dim cfgdir As String[/br]Dim cfgfile As String[br]cfgdir = App.Path[/br]If Right(cfgdir, 1) <> "\" Then cfgdir = cfgdir & "\"cfgfile = "my.cfg"

    This code will save 'my.cfg' file in your programs folder, where ever it is. Hope it helps.

  21. I must compliment Ad-Aware SE for it's function. It works flawlessly, at least for me... It checks running processes, files, and browser cache. It find everything, and I mean everything! I also run it manualy from time to time, and it always finds something, even if it's just some statistics cookies in browser cache. Also, a good thing to download is CWShredder, wich protects yopur comp agains CWS spyware program. Here's the site for CWShredder

    And yeah, best thing about Ad-Aware is... it's free! ;)

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