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Everything posted by finaldesign

  1. You can try to write skeletondance at google and you'll probably find it easily...
  2. Thanks for your reviews everone, when I hear what people think, I do stuff much better then, these comments are helping me alot. So anyway, I'll put some interesting content on my page (http://www.finaldesign.tk/), and it will be related to graphic / web design mainly. You can expect the content to be added next week... Thanks again for visitng my site.
  3. I managed to get on the 2 place on google when you search with term "finaldesign" , (without quotes) and on first place if you search with "finaldesign studio" ...and that all in 2-3 weeks. Now how is that possible, and I really do not have much traffic on website... exept I signed for Adsense program with google. So, what really worked for me, I dont know, I've read some tutorials, on SEO, I even posted one here on Xisto, I've got some advices from googlue, put them all together, and that's it. Now, remains that old question: (like googlue said:) who will search with term "finaldesign"?
  4. Corey here is DIRECT LINK to my banner. I would be very glad if you put it on your pages and link to my pages is http://www.finaldesign.tk/
  5. anyway I still got 7 invitations left - so if someone needs one, pm me.
  6. Well. What can I say? When your sites get back ONLINE I will review it very carefuly, until then...
  7. It's a very nice design, plain and simple, I like very much that metallic silver background tile.. Its nice. Navigation is simple too, and that's what it's all about to be simple to average users. Can't wait for content..
  8. finaldesign

    Free free

    Are you sure that incredimail is free for personal use?
  9. Becca that is not a happiest solution. If someone hack in your computer, or if you get a worm from somewhere, all your passwords will probably be captured and reported to someone, and That includes websites passwords, like: pwd from Xisto, paypal, cpanel...etc... The best and the safest solution will be to keep it all in your head. Anywas some other solution will be to get yourself PGP (pretty good privacy) it's not hard to find it just little gooogleing... and encrypt your data files (*.txt) or any other document where you write your passwords, with it. It's a secure, and safe, oh another thing, if someone still get his hands on that encrypted file you are still in good position because cracking an pgp encrypted file should take (on average P4 comp) about 2-3 years. So, you got enough time to change passwords annualy.
  10. I say its better to have CABLE line, DSL it's pretty good too, but these ISP sucker here in Croatia - they charge a download and that download it's limited to 512MB monthly and everything above that they charge extra. And the upload is limited to 16Kb There is no "flat-line" term here (Croatia). And Cable providers (there is currently only one) they give you "flat-line" but you are able to surf at reasonable speeds only if all people from the same building as you do not download at the same time, which means, its fast but only if there is not too much people on one line at the same time. But w.t.f.! I got my DSL connection at work. and it's pretty fast for me. So, Im happy with it.
  11. Probably it could. Anyone knows where is the best place on net, for buying wacom tablet? I would love one, for airbrushing in photoshop. And the picture, it's pretty awesome, but, I dont like the style, It's too old for me, I would prefer something newer, hightech maybe;) but anyway whoever done that picture - It's pretty damn good.
  12. Hello! or should I say "Bok" anyway I think it's pretty good for now. Its plan and simple. No boring ads, and stuff... All you now need is content. Yo may check out my webpage but if that link wont work, try this link anyway try to add as many as possible quality content, that will drive visitors in... good luck:) p.s. Im proud to be Croat.
  13. Ok, I personaly think that the best (really the best) firewall on the market (what money can buy) is a simple and cheap condom. How it does it's job) well, you put it on your phoneline/dsl-line/LAN jack and stick in your computer. and you are safe - 100% . ...im just kidding - no hard feelings, but anyway the best protection is to use one computer as an exitpoint to internet, and when you don't use internet disconnect that computer. and use software firewall on that comp, with strong antivirus protection. So, in that case, you got a nice desktop computer by side, an one lazy - just for surfing. And it filters all internet junk & stuff by the way... So your "work"-comp stays clean and undamaged.
  14. I use ASUS mother board's and I think they do the job very efficient and good. But every once a while there is one-two motherboards on market that have "NO-NAME" mark (I mean some lazy company what you never heard of) and they show-up on tests to be better than some "brand name" company motherboards... So you can't tell when some is bad if you don't try it...
  15. Hello!I just wanna ask if anyone of you heard about http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - they offer banner exchange 2:1, anyway I signed up and Im showing their banner on my pages, but they constantly put my banner on "pending for authorization" status... Anyone got similar experiences with them?
  16. Becca hello!What's about Button Rotation? Is it working? I can't open your page, it's probably down, or it's something else maybe? Anyway I would really like to join.
  17. Well it's pretty cool, but I also think that it's much easier to type. if I type something like "free" I dont wont to browse for next word, it's much easier to type it, and a lot faster too...
  18. Yes it's really best to the photoshop - I use it for making textures, it's really the best free program out there for creating unique textures for anything from just a tile background to textures for pro 3d rendering in 3d studio or something else...
  19. Ive uptaded the whole design now. I think it's now much more cleaner, just for now there are too many ads, I must get rid of them maybe...dunno... so anyway take a look now and comment my website now...
  20. Now they go! I uploaded page, so it's all ok now! check it out and drop me a line in guestbook if you like. thanks
  21. sorry I've uploaded just a few minutesago new design, im linking it right now... in 5-6 minuter you'll be able to download
  22. So... No one want's to comment this? ok.... maybe im doing something wrong...
  23. Probably some lag from dotTK domainserver, try finaldesign.trap17.comAnd thanks!
  24. You're right on that. It's not only your country, in mine it's same situation. Im at my university studying for last 3 years, and, I got still 1,5 year untill graduate. My oneyear bill for university equals to 1100$. And average paycheck in Croatia is 500$, and that's one of the higher paychecks. Anyway - Im working as student employee in some little design studio, so I can pay my colledge bills, and life expenses. But what a hell. Im healthy. That's good. Anyway, If some of you want's to help, <- snipped -> at my Webpage. Also be good, go to school, and study, so you can get high payed jobs. }}}}}}
  25. I think you can't run IRC bots here, because this is primary WEB hosting service, and when you get your hosting account, you don't get SHELL account, so it's basicly no way to get an IRC bot running.Anyway, try to ask some of administrators here...
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