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Status Updates posted by anwiii

  1. i just wanted to say that with all the crewups over there at xisto, velma isn't one of them. she has been the ONLY person who has responded to me about my issues and gave me an update which i highly appreciate

  2. i like snow....but not THIS much! i walked outside in it earlier...2 hours later, i looked out the window and couldn't even see my footprints, when it stops snowing i thnk my dog and i will go play in it though :)

    1. anwiii


      oh- and my dog is lucky that he has somewhat long legs because in some parts where he was at, you could only see his face. i tried to take a picture of him but my camera was dead. i think i should have gone shopping last week. i only have soup. now i have to wait til it's safe to drive 30 miles...the blizzard type whether is over now though. was amazing

    2. web_designer


      oh what a lose i wanted to see your dog swimming in snow...it could be a cool picture...

    3. Baniboy


      and if you lose your dog under the snow, you have the rare chance to try dog fishing! btw anwiii why isn't your email working?!

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  3. i love venting for a day, and then being able to delet it....muhahahaha!

    1. Indego_Media


      Cause he is a cranky old man and its his right to change his mind....


      or it could just be alzheimer's disease....


      Smile Anwiii you know you can :P

    2. anwiii


      yup! i get cranky sometimes haha

    3. Indego_Media


      yup we all do :) and we wouldn't have you any other way anwiii :)


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  4. i quit that position :)i didn't mind doing my job, but just a little too many politics to suit my nature

  5. i really love your most recent post!

  6. i seemed to have misplaced my bra....i am giving a reward to anyone who can find it. hey- where are you??? :)

  7. i think it scares me more than it does YOU haha

  8. i think you should stop trying to cheat the mycent system and post original content only. you're lucky i am not a mod here

  9. i thought i would break down the town i live in, CHILHOWEE. "chil"- a place to chill and relax. "how"- how the heck did i ever wind up here?!? "ee"- eeeeeeeeeeeee!!! i am in the middle of nowhere!

    1. chini13


      don't question my judgment KID :P im not wrong

    2. anwiii


      i like when people call you dr. chini! :)

    3. chini13
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  10. i told everyone i was being targeted......let it go though. this is my fight

  11. i will lick you to death, deadmad.....and then i will pee on you :D

  12. i'm telling you.....i am REALLY good at lurking in the shadows when i want to :)

  13. if at first you don't succeed.......never go skydiving!

    1. anwiii


      if you don't know what that means, don't EVER go skydiving! haha

    2. web_designer


      like i will do it, maybe only if someone push me...hahaa

    3. anwiii


      pushing you out of a plane a mile high off the ground gives new meaning to the word skydiving haha

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  14. is getting used to the new version and theme

    1. OpaQue


      With Great Powers, Come Greater Responsibility. LOL.

  15. is it just me or is the "recent gallary images" at the top really freaking ugly???

    1. web_designer


      yeah anwiii i see it too ...and don't know what is it or why????

    2. rob86


      i think it's majic mike's webpage

    3. anwiii


      well that is one ugly website then!

  16. it seems that it's your birthday today. you want me to jump out of a cake for you? i will do it! :) happy birthday!

  17. it's official! XISTO, the same company that hosts KNOWLEDGE SUTRA lies to their clients and customers! If you're looking for reliable hosting, you have come to the wrong place!

    1. kobra500


      How/Why what's come to your attention?

    2. Baniboy


      Why is it that every time you write an apocalyptic status update, you give no reason for it? you gotta stop talking mysteriously :D

    3. anwiii


      i am not talking mysterious. i wrote a post about it. you two are just too lazy to read on the forum anymore :)

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  18. it's the middle of the week now. the weekend was over 2 1/2 days ago :) btw- i really like your logo in your sig. your website still needs a lot of work though haha

  19. it's WD, not WB! and it's 3 periods, not two commas haha. i am here to help you. call on me anytime :D

  20. just spent 3 hours talking on the phone with my mom. she sure does talk alot! haha

    1. Misanthrope


      My sweet Mother passed away two years ago, but I can relate, nonetheless. Enjoy your precious Mum while she still walks the earth among us.

    2. web_designer


      yeah msanthrope...same thing pass in my mind...you are so right...

    3. anwiii


      i love my mom. i really don't know how people can get by after losing their moms's. i am sure i will find out one day. i am not looking forward to it! my heart goes out to both of you...

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  21. just wrote opaque to talk to me one on one. i hope he does this so we can work out the problems that i feel are being left unsaid and unheard.

    1. web_designer


      i hope you talk and settle things anwiii..i know you can do it friend...take one of your courage steps and make the move...

  22. KKKKKKknowledgeSutra rocks!

    1. web_designer


      oh yeah...it is indeed...

    2. deadmad7


      hmmmmm.... contains too many K's ... KKK is a racist clan just so you know... might want to edit that bit b4 they c it lol

    3. anwiii


      well if opaque can put two k's, i can put 7! i like 7 better anyway....

  23. knowledge sutra is a scam. don't trust them anymore to give you your mycents after working so hard to post

  24. ks is a lot faster now....although i still experience some lag from time to time....

    1. Baniboy


      The chat isn't working

    2. web_designer


      yeah i noticed that too...better than a month ago..but still needs more work on...

    3. deadmad7


      the chat DOES work

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