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Status Replies posted by anwiii

  1. Happy Independence day to all (Indian Independence day )..We dream for a clean ....peaceful. growing country.. with no poverty and no terrorism :) :)

  2. ahhhhhhhhhh, There's no place like home!!!! Finally home sweet home :)

  3. no! i am not ok! so stop askin'!!!

  4. Happy Independence day to all (Indian Independence day )..We dream for a clean ....peaceful. growing country.. with no poverty and no terrorism :) :)

  5. Windows XP has crashed, lost over 80GB worth of files that are now unrecoverable.. Getting a Dell Inspiron 560 in a few days, but am still annoyed about my loss.. :(

  6. Happy Independence day to all (Indian Independence day )..We dream for a clean ....peaceful. growing country.. with no poverty and no terrorism :) :)

  7. i thought i would break down the town i live in, CHILHOWEE. "chil"- a place to chill and relax. "how"- how the heck did i ever wind up here?!? "ee"- eeeeeeeeeeeee!!! i am in the middle of nowhere!

  8. i am a flower in glass...with no roots or land to belong...i am a flower in a glass...lost my past...lost my bonds...even i look better for now...but i know i have no one to support when the wind blows...

  9. My Wisdom is showing up here :P:D

  10. I'm back, now I have to kick out the hobos who moved into my home while I was gone...

  11. If you really love something, lock it in a cage. It'll try to leave you.

  12. The forum is boring these days

  13. Loneliness is always looking for a friend..It found me once and it has been around since then..Loneliness is never waiting by the door..It sweeps right through and it will never be ignored..Why, why was I chosen? Why am I left without? The love of my life, the love that I need..The love that they say is in life for free..The love of dreams, the love that I want..Loneliness knows me by name...

  14. somewhere over the rainbow...blue birds fly...birds fly over the rainbow...why then oh why can't I...

  15. I forgot about vapor, 2 became 1.5 if you know what I mean.

  16. I am doubting myself and thinking that I was wrong and that it's all my fault...sorry anwiii :( you warned me but I don't know how to fight it :(:(:(

  17. I am doubting myself and thinking that I was wrong and that it's all my fault...sorry anwiii :( you warned me but I don't know how to fight it :(:(:(

  18. Ugh, for some reason my new topic won't show up -.-

  19. When life seems difficult, (P.U.S.H) Pray Until Something Happens!

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