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About DjMike

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  1. hmm...I think that he want to boot OS from USB.Some mainboards doesn't have option to boot from usb in bios.I looked on google about Satellite A65 s1067 and i found that some people have the same problem.You can boot from usb by flashing ur bios.Please explain ur problem a little bit better and maybe someone can help you.
  2. I would recommend Dreamweaver,cause the demo I had was really good and it seemed a whole lot better than GoLive.Also,I hear that Macromedia has a lot of resources on their website for people who use their programs legally.Overall though,as tough as it may be,I would recommend trying to learn CSS and XHTML by hand coding.Hand coding helps you learn more about what you are doing and fixing problems is easier,as even with the best editors,they will spit out crappy code from time to time .
  3. Procesor is component that use most of the power in the computer,about 100W for cpu usage 100%,depend on what kind is proc.When computer is booting up it can use 0-100% of proc but that is for a short period.So if ur cpu usage is 0-10% u won't have big bills. If u work with encoding videos and that stuff ur bill will be a little bigger but in all ways electricity is chep.
  4. Another good way to speed up your win is to disable unused services. For winxp (if in doubt do not disable a service,set it to manual or automatic) Any Microsoft services not listed above can be set to manual. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Listing application or run process is not part of quality or contributing post.
  5. The world without computers is the same as living without light.
  6. You can run Vista with 512mb of ram but it's recommended to disable unused services.
  7. You can go here https://security.symantec.com/nss/getnss.aspx?/defaultid=ie&venid=sym .On this site u can scan your entire system (requires java and activeX controls-just use internet explorer).If this don't solve ur problem the best way to do that is to boot from some security cd or something like that,dos,etc.Then u find that exe and delete it manualy.Sometimes u can't delete certain virus because win is still using it.There is several other ways to solve that.For me this is the best way.
  8. Backing up ur computer is wasteing time.If ur not a lucky man u will lose your data and that's truth,example:I back up my whole system on two dual layer dvd's,i lost one dvd and another one doesn't want to work.After that i buy an external usb hdd that,for some reason,suddenly fall from my hand and break to pieces.It was a very hard time for me ).I was forced to buy flash disk.From now on i copy all my music,documents and stuff like that,that are important to me,to flash.Usb flash disks are good choice,they are small,good protected(encrypted)...A good thing is that i can have all my things in my pocket (cool) .
  9. Just plug your cabel into dvd rom,try master and slave.If your bios can't find any dvd-roms your dvd-rom doesnt working and there is no problem with drivers...Just take your computer back to Best Buys and they had to fix it
  10. Just change a red banner RED_03 to blue one,anyway template is fine,good looking,
  11. I use yahoo and hotmail.The good thing with mail providers is that if your e-mail host doesn't offer spam filtering, storage, encrypted e-mail or it has a slick Web interface to check your messages and you consider a switch,luckily, transitioning from one host to another doesn't have to mean days of downtime, bouncing e-mails, losing messages, or losing sleep you can easy swich beetwens email providers.
  12. 1.Speeding up a dial-up connection is relative to the context in which it is used. 2.When I set my connection speed to 38.4kbs it sems to give a more even flow of data.I determined this by starting at the lowest posible setting and working up.If Windows says that I connected at the given speed then I switch to the next higher setting and repeat.I get to 56k and it says connected at 40k so I set it to 38.4k which seems to be a very reliable setting.I don't know if this is an exact science or not, but it is the way I did it .3.Caching items on your hard drive is sufficient for the average user who only knows how or wants to connect to check their email and perhaps look at Yahoo!4.GoZilla download manager has never given me a bad download.5.I have found external modems to be more reliable than internal.As for the technical reason for that, there probably is none,it's just luck,
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